I Cant Believe It......

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Yea I know it's in caps, and yes I am hollering...... but not at any one in particular.

For two years I have planned a trip to Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, Utah, Ariz and New Mexico then home across Texas and back to Louisiana. About 5k miles. My wife has surgery June 14 th 2005, so we put it off another month. We service the bike, trailer, and have EVERYTHING LOADED, (we are camping some nights) leaving the next morning. About 1:30 on Sunday morning I hear moaning and movement on her side of the bed. "I'm hurting like crazy" makes its way to my ears. A couple hours later in the Emergency Room, xrays, Ultra sound and guess what? Gall Stones. She had the surgery yesterday. Aint that the crapper.

My window of opportunity is now closed for this year again. Im mad now, so excuse me while I go spend some money, mabe buy another bike. LOL.

Oh well, anyone need a good iteniary for a trip. I got one just for you.

Violin music please

This is not meant in an offensive way, but the wording of your message leaves me wondering, are you more concerned about your wife or your trip? :huh:

Thats too bad especially with all the planning and anticipation . Maybe you can go on a much smaller trip this year and do the big one next year. I'm sure the wife will be OK , it's nothing life threatening.

I feel your pain paupton. . .

A few days ago I got back from a shortened "vacation" with the wife and 2 y.o. kid. We got about 800 miles from home when my wife got food poisoning. We had to abandon the campsite, spend most of the night in the emergency room and put almost $300 for 2 nights hotel, just to get back in the car and drive right back home. ( Ahh, I see. So this is what family vacations are all about <_< ) No more big family vacations for me until the kids are old enough to pack their own stuff around. It's just way too big a PITA if one of the parents goes down. So now it's Solo bike trips only for the next 6 years or so. Aw darn the luck. Is next summer here yet? :D

Oh yes.... JPDave, I most definitely blame my wife for her inconsiderate timing of planning to have a gall bladder attack and subsequent surgery just to mess up "MY" trip. I do remember both of us planning on going on this adventure. I think I'm just mad at the motorcycle gods for this interruption. Not really, Im just venting guys. She feels too bad about it for me to say ANYTHING to her. This is the second invasive surgery in 5 weeks, and she is up and around this afternoon. Able to go to Logans for a salad. So ..... there is a silver lining here.....


As one who believes there is a purpose for the timing of these events, more than once, a little "interruption" has saved me a lot of grief, however difficult to accept at the time.

Thank God this didn't happen while you were on your trip. That would've been a major bummer! Sorry she has had to endure the surgeries, but glad to hear she's up and around.

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Bummer on the trip...in three weeks, go on a shorter trip to 2 states...about 1800 miles, and plan a winter trip to Mexico :)

I hope your wife's health gets and stays better! I know how you feel...my plans have been dashed so many times I wonder if I am persistent, or a masochist when I try to plan trips!

good luck moving on



Glad to hear your wife is up and around, that is good news. I know everyone needs a place to vent and this is a good one for a busted trip. I realize you don't blame your wife, but that doesn't ease the frustration of a missed opportunity. Focus on your wife and get into some short trips or other distractions until next season. There will be another summer, really! ;)
