I Got Rear Ended At A Yield Sign

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Aug 16, 2006
Reaction score
Jefferson, MD
Well, after many years of riding and several bikes it happened. It was a vividly bright Friday afternoon three weeks ago just a mile from my house. I was riding home from work. As always I was wearing full gear and a full face helmet. My gear is a highly visible silver almost white color and my helmet is white. I was at full stop at a yield sign yielding to a delivery truck and a pick up truck when I heard the sound of locked brakes and skidding tires from behind me. In about a second the white compact rear ended me. I was thrown forward. My left knee and shin hit the left fairing and then the bike fell over on it's right side and slid several feet.

After the bike stopped sliding I took a moment to decide if I was OK and then I crawled out from under the bike and stood up. The guy that hit me was already out of his car walking towards me. I asked him, "Didn't you see me!" He replied in a very matter of fact tone of voice, "Yea, I saw you. I was slowing down. I guess that's why they call it an accident." He was begging me to work it out between the two of us as I was dialing 911 for the police and an ambulance. He was charged. He will be fined and get one point on his license. The female officer that responded and one of the emergency techs both ride. They were pissed. Even though it was a low speed accident (about 10 mph) the officer pointed out that I was lucky I wasn't pushed out in front of the passing trucks and run over by both of them. I hadn't thought about that. That scared me. You can be seriously injured even in a low speed accident.

I got checked out. Sore back, swollen shin, and swollen knee. The worst injury was to my knee. When I extend my left knee its makes a crunching grinding sound. I can imagine what shape my knee would be in if the armor in my gear hadn't softened the blow. I can walk and have even continued my Tae Kwon Do training. In fact, I went to a Tae Kwon Do class just an hour after the accident. Needless to say my wife was not happy when she showed up at the Dojo fuming mad that I had gone to class. I was a bit in shock after the accident and all I could think about was I didn't want it to interfere with my plans to go to class and see my kids afterwards. I was just so upset that after so many years I had been in an accident.

It's weird. I was completely not at fault. There was nothing I could do but I was still embarrased and ashamed at the scene that I was in an accident on my motorcycle. All I wanted to do was pick my bike up off the pavement and push it safely off the road. I made the guy that hit me help me pick up the bike and push it off the road into a driveway.

I have taken all the safety courses. There was no escape. As I gradually and smoothly slowed to a stop at the yield sign I flashed my rear brakes and glanced in my mirror and saw the white compact behind me. A bright day, highly visible gear, gradually slowing, flashing my brake lights, aware of who is behind me and I still get hit.

I'm getting an MRI for my knee next Monday. The doctor thinks hitting the fairing made a small tear in my patella tibia tendon (the tendon that connects the bottom of your knee cap to the tibia/shin bone). I hope he is right. Tendons heal in about 100 days. Cartilage damage or ligament damage inside the knee doesn't heal.

This accident has taught me no matter what we do it is still possible to get hit.

My bike sustained $3600 in damage. Twigg Cycles already has the insurance check. They are ordering the parts on Monday. They think the parts will take a week to receive and then they will do the rebuild. I hate to be missing so much good riding weather.

Sadly, because I am buying a new home in two weeks I recently sold my CBR1000RR and V-ROD to contribute to a downpayment so I have been left with nothing to ride.

However, all said I am very thankful to be alive with minimal injuries. Can't wait to get back on the bike. Take care out there everyone.

He replied in a very matter of fact tone of voice, "Yea, I saw you. I was slowing down. I guess that's why they call it an accident."
Wow. Great restraint. My response to that cockiness would not have been called an accident, but I could probably have been given some leniency for "temporary insanity".

Good to hear you're relatively OK and looking to get back on. Watch your six. Don't let the sound of skidding tires be your indication of a problem area developing.

The attitude of the driver would justify some level of violence or karma payback - Glad to hear your injuries were moderate - thanks for sharing - hope you get back on the road soon

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Glad you're OK. The guy that hit you would have needed an ambulance himself if I'd been there. Next time, ask these morons to sit in their car and open the hood so you can check for damage, then hit the airbag sensor with a hammer while they're in the seat.

The icehole that rear ended me blamed it on me because I "stopped too soon". The real danger in my accident was that it happened at such a slow speed that his car climbed up the rear wheel and was sitting ON TOP of the wheel when it was all over. The bike never fell over, but it had a car on top of it. It taught me a little about traction and physics. Yeah, it broke the fender and subframe..... but not the wheel and there was no damage to the tire. Odd.

You showd a hellava lot more maturity that I would have... Glad you got up & walked away. Too bad the smackhead got just one point, should've been 3 or more !

Glad you can still ride when you get your bike back. I always try to have an escape route when I am out dueling with the cages. Just the other day I was behind this lady at a stop light when I heard tires squalling from being locked up, I didn't even look just quickly pulled up on her right side. It was a car going the other way at my 7 o'clock and she gave me a funny look. Watching your 6 is good advice and the main reason I have FZ1 mirrors.

Glad you are O.K. I also hope you will be riding again very soon. Some of us ride without full gear at times, short rides, hot weather, etc. Bad idea. I think I will make a point of wearing full gear at ALL times from now on. I also have a CBR1000rr and a V-Rod and I am trying to sell both of them and keep the FJR.

I hate it for you! I hate hearing about any bike accidents. Glad you are ok and will be riding again soon. Hopefully it will make me more aware of people coming up behind me. It just goes to show you, you can do everything by the book and we're still vulnerable. I wonder if stopping on the corner if turning right, or on the extreme right or left of the car in front of you would help knuckleheads like that hitting us. There is only so much you can do. Hoping for a speedy and full recovery for you.......

Thanks for the sympathy and encouragement everyone.

I would like some more input on the watch your six advice some have mentioned. Is there something else I could have done? I always watch my six. In fact, sometimes I think I watch what's behind me too much. Most accidents happen from the front not the back.

As always I glanced behind me as I came to a stop. The guy was about one and a half car lengths behind me and he appeared to be slowing. I knew he was there.

The yield sign is at the end of an exit ramp off an interstate highway coming into the small town of Jefferson, MD. There is no merge lane to escape forward to. There is no shoulder to the right to escape to just a curb. If I had continued through the yield sign I would have been run over by two trucks. I try to always look for an escape. Sometimes there just isn't one.

Is there something else I could have done? If there is I want to know so I can avoid this if there is a next time.

Glad you walked away from that. I try to flash my brakes till they notice I am in front of them at a stop. I guess if they decide to hit me anyways, what can you do...

Heal fast.

Is there something else I could have done? If there is I want to know so I can avoid this if there is a next time.
Some will argue yes. You could have been watching and seen him lock it up, then pulled foward. That also could be a fatal mistake. For instance, if you pulled forward enough to avoid the rear end, maybe you would have pulled directly out into oncoming traffic and got creamed at 40mph instead of rear ended at 10. Some will even argue that you should have known exactly how much distance you should have pulled out, and the angle and if there was any oncoming traffic. To them I sadly reply, just wait til some shit like this happens to you.

I don't think you could have done anything differently. Sometimes, we are just plain screwed. I'd be glad you made it with minimal injuries, and that your bike will be repaired at no cost to you. I'd also probably be in jail for knocking that guy out. Reminds me of the time when someone made a left turn from the right lane and almost killed me. I pull up next to her and say "What the hell is wrong with you?" She replies, "Well you don't have to get so mad!" I reply, "Oh yeah, you could have killed me, thats no big deal, right?"

Heal up soon!

Sometimes there is just nothing you can do to avoid a crash. The real shame is that there is no such thing as legal "Justifiable Bitch-Slapping." That dude needed a dose or two of that.

Glad you were not hurt any worse.

The yield sign is at the end of an exit ramp off an interstate highway coming into the small town of Jefferson, MD.
I know that that ramp! Been through it a couple of times myself. I usually cruise through Point of Rocks, Buckeystown, Burkittsvile (Blair Witch Project),Brunswick yada yada yada. Let me know when you're up and running again.

If you didn't have any room to go over to the right or left to let him go around you and trucks were approaching the intersection and you couldn't "beat" them across, I guess you were just screwed. Non-preventable accidents DO happen. It is rare, but a fact of life. Trying to beat a truck through an intersection when faced with a yield sign is NOT a very good solution. Maybe a missile system to attack those vehicles about to collide with our bikes. Hope the bike gets fixed soon and your knee is as good as new.


Perhaps engaging our emergency flashers when at a stop and traffic coming up from behind would help. Course if the guy is drunk or just a really bad judge of distance, or just a bad driver, then we've done all we can do ........

Perhaps engaging our emergency flashers when at a stop and traffic coming up from behind would help. Course if the guy is drunk or just a really bad judge of distance, or just a bad driver, then we've done all we can do ........

Sorry to hear it, does not sound like there was much you could do. I got rear-ended last year by a young girl on a cell phone. She was at fault, but at least very sorry, unlike the peckerhead that hit you.

I do not know what advice to give you. My new FJR has a 'WigWam" tail light modulator that creates a flashing pattern each time you hit the brakes. I have been told by many that it is highly noticeable and really hard to miss. Several friends are getting them installed after seeing mine in action (inexpensive and you can install them in short time).


Not saying at all that it would have made a difference in this "accident" (fucking moron driver - I'll bet he was yapping on the horn), but that is why try to stack the odds in my favor and put a set of hyperlites on the back of my bike, with (illegal) infinite flashing during brake application. Next is a set of 6k HIDs for that little daytime tinkle to catch people's attention.

