It’s just not fair…

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Any day with a ride on the FJR, or any cycle for that matter, is a good day. Especially if you take the long way home to let a little frustration of the work day out with a twist of the right wrist.

Have only been able to put on 400 miles since the end of May. Anyone up here in the Northeast knows the weather has been absolutely terrible this summer. July has been the 2nd wettest in history!
Same up here. Suck it up princess, learn to embrace the rain. Its those damn 15 minute torrential downpours that suck.

That being said, I ride pretty near everyday to work. Ya, its only 8km each way, but its better than nothing. Now, today is different, its beautiful out, after about 10 days of rain, and I'm sitting here twiddling my thumbs. Grrrr

99% of the time I work from home too, so no commuting.

This past week, my daughter's been away so I've been riding 3-4 hours each night. 3 full tanks since Saturday and I'm at 1/4 tank after last night! (I'm concerned this is becoming a bonafide addiction)

And yeah, very lucky to have a job to pay cash for my bike and the $1900 in farkles (so far), this past week or so.

Glad that I have a job to go to (at least for the moment).
Roughly an hour each way, I can vary the route a lot. 99% country roads -- farms, forests, lakes, hills and valleys. I regularly see mink, weasels, turkeys, fisher(cat), beaver, porcupines, hawks, owls, eagles, for better or worse deer, herons and many other critters. In the summer I watch the sun come up and watch the sun set. All other times it is dark when I leave for work and dark when I leave to go home.

Then recently there are the 12+ hour days, 5 days a week, often with bonus 5-8 hrs on Saturdays. All straight salary, no OT.

Hell, I see weasels, turkeys, beaver, hawks and many other critters without having to leave the office. Every day!. But not complaining. I'm glad I'm working-

I usually get to see sunrise and sunset from the bike as well. Not to tough to take from the seat of a FJR.

So trust me it could be worse.
So, you live in Moscow, you have an FJR, and you can't ride due to health issues? Wow, that's messed up.

Yep I have lived in Moscow for right around the past 30 years, yes I own a 2008 FJR, and yes I am not allowed to ride right now.

Due to the gall stones, I had over 10 still when they took out my gall bladdar, and the 3 cysts in my pancreas I couldn't ride until I had my surgery. From May 5th - July 6th.

Problem is they have me on lifting restrictions (under 20 pounds) since the surgery for another week or two so I don't get a hernia.

And as we all know the FJR is a little more than 20 pounds :rolleyes:

Plus I teach motorcycle safety for the state of Idaho, and I haven't been able to do that since I got sick either.

So I have had no motorcycle fun in the past 3 months :dribble:

I hope everyone has a great time that is coming to Moscow this weekend, I may swing down there, it will just suck to see all those FJR's and know I can't ride with everyone.

Any day with a ride on the FJR, or any cycle for that matter, is a good day. Especially if you take the long way home to let a little frustration of the work day out with a twist of the right wrist.

I too have a 1 mile commute to work. But is is funny that coming home sometimes takes 20 to 30 miles. Just to clear the head.

The things people complain about...sheesh!

You have a job, I'm unemployed since Christmas and on the government dole, 1st Federal extension...I got nuthin' else to do but ride, (and of course look for work)

Happily I read all of the NEPRT's and I put PR2's on at the last tire change interval which for me has always been 5K max. Now I have over 4K on the PR2's and looking to go at least 7K or 8K.

I have just over 17K on the year, including numerous trips to the High Sierra Passes, one 1400 mile tour of NorCal and another 1000 miles since last Friday in the Sierras including Sonora, Ebbetts twice, Carson twice, around Tahoe, Emerald Bay, and a bunch of goat roads (Jesus Maria, Sheep Ranch, FR-71/Packsaddle Pass, Silver Fork, North South Rd.)

I just got a lightly used OEM rear shock for $20 from jocko87 (he da man!).

I am moving to a rent free pad for the rest of the summer, it's offa SR-88 30 miles east of Jackson and right at the door to the Sierras...I can be at 8,000 feet in less than an hour...

The bike needs maintenance but I have access to a shop stocked with tools, I can mail order parts, no dealer what am I complaining about?

... Uhhh...what was the question? B)

The things people complain about...sheesh!
You have a job, I'm unemployed since Christmas and on the government dole, 1st Federal extension...I got nuthin' else to do but ride, (and of course look for work)

Happily I read all of the NEPRT's and I put PR2's on at the last tire change interval which for me has always been 5K max. Now I have over 4K on the PR2's and looking to go at least 7K or 8K.

I have just over 17K on the year, including numerous trips to the High Sierra Passes, one 1400 mile tour of NorCal and another 1000 miles since last Friday in the Sierras including Sonora, Ebbetts twice, Carson twice, around Tahoe, Emerald Bay, and a bunch of goat roads (Jesus Maria, Sheep Ranch, FR-71/Packsaddle Pass, Silver Fork, North South Rd.)

I just got a lightly used OEM rear shock for $20 from jocko87 (he da man!).

I am moving to a rent free pad for the rest of the summer, it's offa SR-88 30 miles east of Jackson and right at the door to the Sierras...I can be at 8,000 feet in less than an hour...

The bike needs maintenance but I have access to a shop stocked with tools, I can mail order parts, no dealer what am I complaining about?

... Uhhh...what was the question? B)
Sheez... and I thought I had it rough. :exhappysmiley:

Ah Hell... When I get bored I tell the plant super he's an idiot or insult the owners.. If that don't work, I piss off my charges B) Yeah, I'm good like that :lol:

Never a dull moment ;)


So trust me it could be worse.
So, you live in Moscow, you have an FJR, and you can't ride due to health issues? Wow, that's messed up.

Yep I have lived in Moscow for right around the past 30 years, yes I own a 2008 FJR, and yes I am not allowed to ride right now.

Due to the gall stones, I had over 10 still when they took out my gall bladdar, and the 3 cysts in my pancreas I couldn't ride until I had my surgery. From May 5th - July 6th.

Problem is they have me on lifting restrictions (under 20 pounds) since the surgery for another week or two so I don't get a hernia.

And as we all know the FJR is a little more than 20 pounds :rolleyes:

Plus I teach motorcycle safety for the state of Idaho, and I haven't been able to do that since I got sick either.

So I have had no motorcycle fun in the past 3 months :dribble:

I hope everyone has a great time that is coming to Moscow this weekend, I may swing down there, it will just suck to see all those FJR's and know I can't ride with everyone.
For God's (and your) sake, take it easy! LISTEN TO THE DOCTOR!

I've had to undergo 6 major abdominal operations since 2001 to fix post-surgical hernias. No fun. :angry:

Don't lift anything bigger than your d**k. And consider having your SO even do THAT for you. :lol2:

Don't lift anything bigger than your d**k. Mine's in here somewhere..

Ah ya poor fuker :( Well ya got guts for admitting it anyway. :lol2:


cummon, stop ya groaning...just find a courier position that you use your own vehicle...that's the ticket...

Huum, maybe I can even deliver flowers or pizza if I set the trunk up right??? Huum....................

I have to drive a POS Ford Econline van with bad A/C in Arizona 8-10 hours a day. I don't want to hear any whinning about a few minutes ride on the FJR to work......nut up dammit.

I have to drive a POS Ford Econline van with bad A/C in Arizona 8-10 hours a day. I don't want to hear any whinning about a few minutes ride on the FJR to work......nut up dammit.
You feel bad? Think about how those prisoners you're transporting feel. :rofl:

I have to drive a POS Ford Econline van with bad A/C in Arizona 8-10 hours a day. I don't want to hear any whinning about a few minutes ride on the FJR to work......nut up dammit.
You feel bad? Think about how those prisoners you're transporting feel. :rofl:

Naw, they are not prisoners, they are my fares....from the border to Phx, no questions asked....

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I have to drive a POS Ford Econline van with bad A/C in Arizona 8-10 hours a day. I don't want to hear any whinning about a few minutes ride on the FJR to work......nut up dammit.
You feel bad? Think about how those prisoners you're transporting feel. :rofl:

Naw, they are not prisoners, they are my fares....from the border to Phx, no questions asked....
So, from now on we call you.............Coyote? :lol2:

I know that travesty well. I have two great bikes in my garage that I currently can't ride at all. With two severely herniated lumbar discs I can't go more than a few minutes before both legs are so numb that I can't tell if my feet are still on the pegs. I will be getting things fixed in early September, so this winter will be healing and modding the bikes for next Spring.
