It's gotta be a pretty special car...

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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I have a friend who drives around a half million mile BMW 5 series. Although, it doesn't look or is in a shape anything like that thing of beauty in your video! :)

Until I bought the FJR, my newest vehicle was a 2003 Tundra. I still catch myself referring to it as my "new truck" from time to time. The Toyota dealer called a few weeks ago asking if I'd like to come trade it in, and I replied "But ... this one's not used up yet." He had no answer

I get it.

My newest vehicle is year 2006, KrZy8.

Other years are 1960, 1961, 1979, 1984...

Old dogs in Old trucks with Old drivers.

That's my motto!~

Makes me wanna get a car that is so great to drive that when I pass away.

My kid would want to put another 800,000 miles on it.

Something about man and machine and the connections we build with them.

What a beautiful and amazing story....... thanks for sharing Fred

In this age of disposable cars, it's nice to see a story such as this. Kudos to him, for having a car that he has that much affection for!

that's cool my old 98 dodge is over 300K miles, and still looks, runs and drives great. i'm meticulous about maintenance, and should see 500K easy... seems i bought the only good non diesel dodge ever made. :)

that's cool my old 98 dodge is over 300K miles, and still looks, runs and drives great. i'm meticulous about maintenance, and should see 500K easy... seems i bought the only good non diesel dodge ever made.
My '92 Dakota gave me good service for 200,000. I thought, from what I'd read, that I was pretty lucky myself.

that's cool my old 98 dodge is over 300K miles, and still looks, runs and drives great. i'm meticulous about maintenance, and should see 500K easy... seems i bought the only good non diesel dodge ever made.
My '92 Dakota gave me good service for 200,000. I thought, from what I'd read, that I was pretty lucky myself.
I had a Dakota that lasted near 36,000 then poof! nothing. It didn't help that a young feller in a Mustang crossed the double yellow where I was at the time. Knocked all his teeth out on the steering wheel and smashed his girlfriend's face into the windshield when he tried to go under the front end of my truck at 50 mph. Ended up with a Nissan after that....
