Love my dog, but.....

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Well-known member
Jun 5, 2011
Reaction score
Northridge, CA
It was raining on and off Sunday, so Nomi (my Vizula/Pointer/ with a little pit mix) was in most of the day. When the weather finally broke, I took her out to play. She was running full speed around the backyard and was heading right for me, so i moved to my left. Wrong move, she changed directions also (to miss my previous location). She hit me full speed and knocked me down. When I got up, I was dripping blood. Long and short of it, I got 7 stitches over my left eye, dislocated left knee, and sprained right wrist! No pain meds either as the urgent care witch said no narcotics for a head injury! Tylenol only which doesn't do shit! My wife was in San Fran and my son went to Vegas, leaving me to hobble to urgent care in my truck! No F-ing way I could have taken the Vette!

So I love my dog, and she is staying by my side now walking as slow as I am and won't leave my side, but she is a force of nature and not to be taken too lightly.

I ride sportbikes, dirtbikes, drive a fast car, and got taken out by a dog. Oh well, I will heal up soon.



Here is my puppy:


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Vizula'a are *very* athletic doggies, as you well know...

LOL, taken out by the pup..

You have to come up with a better story.... :p :lol:

That's too bad, it's like you comming up on a car and plan to pass then all of a sudden the cars says I'm going to get out of his way and move onto your path..dogs are smart,they don't just run into fixed objects for fun. Have a great Thanksgiving.

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Lew - Sorry to hear of your mishap. Heal quickly.

The dog, well.... Maybe don't own anything with a brain... Just sayin'. :blink:

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Look what happens when you try to out think a dog.

Dog probably saying why the hell did you block me.

Just funnin with ya. Get well soon.

PS when my dog was a pup I taught him to run through my legs.

Every once in awhile he does it without being asked.

This trick may catch up with me one day.

Ouch man...That knee looks like it hurt. If its been more that 24hrs since the head smack, switch to Ibuprofen of some kind.

U gonna need surgery on that knee? I've had two ACL replacements and my knee never looked like that.


FWIW, since I saw that pic of your knee, my left knee has been having sympathy pain. And my right knee is my bad knee.

Hope ya heal up soon...


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