Loving California

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Active member
Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
Pan handle Flo Rida
So im out in SoCal for about six months for work. I thought it might be a good idea to drag my bike along behind the truck. I knew there was good riding out here, but I am just suprised every time I go out. Beautiful area, providing you avoid the high traffic areas. I recently just took a ride up Mt. Whitney. What a great ride. It was a bit snowy up there, so that did hamper the speed aspect of things, but beautiful none the less. If anyone has any good rides to suggest I would greatly appreciate it. I uploaded the video riding up the mtn to youtube...lets see if i can get it attached and working to this post.

Nice video!


i like the lack of traffic up there, but that white stuff on the road scares me a bit. looks like u had a blast. stay safe. thanks for the video; well done.

Thanks for the vid. I haven't been up to Whitney in 40 years - it's just as beautiful as I remember it.

Have fun!
