Madjackdog injury update

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So sorry to hear of such a catastrophic wreck. I travel I-5 on business and know how things can change in the blink of an eye. The company that owned that old ambulance had better have good liability limits on their business auto policy, they are going to need it!

Can you recall random thoughts while flying through the air? When I did a massive endo going off a jump on my Yamaha IT490 in Bako back in 1996, I recall being upside down and thinking this just isn't going to end well at all. Luckily only a junked up left shoulder that I learned how to live with was what came out of the calamity. I wish you well in your recovery, and hope that you can enjoy all that life has to offer even if it no longer includes an FJR in the garage (I suggest a C6 Z06 Corvette would fill the gap nicely,,,).

Best wishes,


Tremendous hair raising, thought provoking reading here.

I know your family has been through a tough time, and it

will haunt them for a very long time, so it's good you are

following their wishes; taking the time to heal and get your mind

back to where you were pre-accident. To do everything right

and get hit that way is just tough for any rider to read about.

My prayers to you and your courageous family for continuing to fight

together on your long journey. Looking foward to seeing pics of the

