Natural Response

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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2005
Reaction score
Melbourne, FL
Here is an example of the natural male response.... just scroll down ...

... S L O W L Y ...

... I said ... S L O W L Y ... :p


Just about right, eh? :blink:

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I was thinking more along the lines of a brown paper bag... or maybe 2 in case the first came off....

[SIZE=21pt]WOW[/SIZE] :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

OH, UH............UM..............OH.............AAAAAA.............OK :eh:

Aw..c'mon guys.

Who has never woken up next to a coyote-ugly, please raise your hand! :bleh: :bleh:

To quote from a book I don't remember the title of:

"Your johnson (euphemism) takes you places I would not enter without a gun and a flashlight"


LOL! I seem to recall a country western song that says "The girls all look better at closing time...", and yes I can recall waking up and chewing off my arm to escape. :dribble:

Reminds me of the country song title "I went to bed at 2 with a 10, and woke up at 10 with a 2". :shock:

Who has never woken up next to a coyote-ugly, please raise your hand!

A cold and snowy Saturday night in February, 1977. Bethel Inn, Bethel, Vermont. Nickle draft night (Genesee Cream Ale, 16 oz. cups). Place was empty save for me, my two mates and the bar keep. I'm down 10 bucks on the pool table when in walk three 'chicks'. These broads musta pulled their daddies plows out in the fields all of their lives... I spent 50 cents on beer that night - 10 - 16 oz. cups of skunk piss. I was shit faced before my mates started tokin'-up. Dang, the brunette was looking PDG.

Rolled over the next morning on the bed in my dorm room... AAAAAACCCCCKKKKK!!!!!!! Slip out the door, into the showers with a bar of lye soap and scrubbed... EEEEEEEWWWWWWW! Didn't go back to the room until after midnight. I had the 'best' looking of the three. My buddies heads were hung lower than mine... We never spoke of this episode since...

Stef? Eff you for reminding me of this nightmare. Bastard!

Hey, anyone of the gal's on the list, you got any similar stories. I think they might actually be quite a bit funnier. (Not that any of us FJR Guys would, um, recognize ourselves in any of those stories, or anything) <_< :haha:

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Holy :bad: Howardrg! You should know better than to post something like that right around lunch time...

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Wow... the lithe creature in the red reminds me of some of Dangerfield's quotes...

She asked me to get on top... I had to get a ladder.

When you go to the zoo... do the elephants throw YOU peanuts?

Do you look at the menu and say, OK?

When you go jogging... do you leave potholes?

(Hey, anyone of the gal's on the list, you got any similar stories.)

I never drank until ugly looked good!

I follow a really simple rule that even works if I'm really drunk.

I know that if I'm drunk and they wanna go home with me, they have to be ugly. After all, who wants to sleep with a drunk? UGLY PEOPLE!

I follow a really simple rule that even works if I'm really drunk.
I know that if I'm drunk and they wanna go home with me, they have to be ugly. After all, who wants to sleep with a drunk? UGLY PEOPLE!
Now wait a minute. I distinctly remember trying to get really pretty girls drunk in college. But that was a long time ago, I could be misremembering.

I'd be really embarassed if I had it all wrong, and I was actually finding ugly women, getting _them_ drunk, and then taking them home. That would have sucked.
