other kind of two wheel fun, non-motorized

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I love living in the Ozarks..
Seriously. I really do...

Happy Thursday!


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I've got a 1980's Fuji unsuspended mountain bike with Deore LX components, that served me well as a bike messenger for 18 months, back in the 90's.

Oh I know they'll catch a lot of criminals out there on the trails. It's money well spent...


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Oh I know they'll catch a lot of criminals out there on the trails. It's money well spent...
You wouldn't believe the amount of Heroin and the number of felony warrants my guys get. We're currently looking for an arsonist that has lit 9 or 10 fires in our "Bosque" area. The Bosque is basically the open space and trails along the river.
We picked these up December 22nd:


That's really the only picture I've taken of mine so far. Admin work and my KTM have kept me pretty busy. About 15 minutes after I took that pic, I crashed HARD. Endo'd over some steps that I hit too fast.

That was my first long ride on that bike, around 20 miles. The geometry is very different from my Jamis. Since this Intense is so raked, and it wasn't set up correctly yet, getting the front wheel off the ground was a bitch. I hit the first step, but distance and timing put the second 10" step right at my front wheel. I went over the bars. Thank God I was wearing a hlemet, cuz I hit that on the 3rd step, crushing the foam. First time ever hurting a bike helmet. Jeeze.

Spent the next day changing the bars, adjusting the seat and getting it more in line with what I need. It's way better, but is still going to take getting used to. It is great for downhill stuff, but climbing multiple obstacles is harder...oh, well...Practice!!

Photos not from today, but I've been getting kiddo out on the trails. Doing back to back laps of easy loops so he can remember stuff and do better.

Thanks to rain about every two weeks, it seems like the trails haven't had a chance to dry up enough for them to open before they get dumped on. Finally, today half the trails in Dallas were open, and it was in the 70's so we headed out. So was everyone else. Parking lot was PACKED. Still had a good time though.

He hasn't ridden off pavement since early fall and was rusty. Second lap around was his best ever. Proud dad here.


