Radar detector's against laser

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Well-known member
Dec 22, 2007
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Kansas City, MO
I asked this on one of the radar/laser forums, but wanted to get this Forum's take as well. Any opinions on how effective, or not effective the current generation of radar detectors are vs. laser enforcement? Anybody had any 'saves' using only a radar detector etc. I'm reluctant to buy both a detector and jammer moneywise, as it's getting into some serious bucks.



Laser detectors detect laser quickly.... but its not quick enough to help as a rule.

The problem with laser is that the beam is quite narrow compared to radar, and the reflections don't fill a reasonable amount of space.

With radar you can pick up reflections off of the other vehicles and get an advance warning even if they're pulsing. With laser you usually don't get any signal until they've hit your vehicle, and since they get their reading back virtually instantaneously, you're screwed.

One thing about laser is that they have to be stationary to use it, so watch ahead for stopped vehicles, and don't spend a lot of time in the left lane except when necessary for passing. They have to single your vehicle out to hit you, and they're watching the passing lanes as a rule.

Yes, they detect laser VERY well. When laser's pointed at you and your flying along......you know INSTANTLY that you're about to be pulled over. Even before the lights from the cop!

Saves are theoretically possible, but I've never heard of one actually happening....that I believe anyway.

I was lasered once 5-10 over the posted and instead of rolling off I went by at the same speed with a determined look and even waved....hoping that they'd think I didn't feel guilty and think I believed I was going the limit. Either he bought my act or I didn't cross his threshold. ...not that you should believe me though. ;)

I have laser detection in the car, and in 3 years (2 rural and 1 urban) I've only had 2 laser hits. I've had LOTS of radar hits.

Take this as only one count, but I wouldn't spend extra money on the laser detection. If they get you with laser, you're got.

Now........If they would come out with one that could bounce it back to the laser and burn out its memory...and render the officer unconscious for about 5 min......I,d get one,because they are not legal in Va........

Jammers are highly illegal, so if you're not planning some "serious" speed violations with more than reasonable monetary rewards for that violation...uhm...I'd pass.

I want an FJR with a Freakin "Laser" attached to it's Freakin head!


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I have been hit by laser twice while exceeding the speed limeit suuicciently to be pulled over, and not been pulled over.

The first time there a state trooper standing alongside his cruiser and apparently learning how to use the device. He lasered me for a brief second, I slowed immediately, and by the time he got aimed back at me I was within legal territory. I don't know if he actually got me with the first blast, but he didn't even look at me as I went past him.

The second time was another trooper on the same road. He was just over the crest of a hill and I was late for an FJR gathering so I was going pretty fast. Well, this guy was using both Ka and Laser. Not sure if the Ka was pointed the other direction adn I was getting a reflection or what the deal was. Just before I saw the trooper's car I got a Ka warning followed immediately by hard braking and then I was hit with the laser. All happened in less that a second. No lights and sirens that time either. :dntknw:

OTOH, I have seen many laser traps set up with the laser on an overpass and chase cars below. When they are set up like that you are screwed, detector or not.

Lasers are not used everywhere, where they are they are very effective, as everyone else said if the detector goes off you more than likely will be ticketed. I looked into jammers a few years ago, Radar jammers are illeagal everywhere, the FCC has regulations against the jamming of radar signals one can get into big time trouble. Laser jammers do work and are only illeagal

in states that have passed laws against there use. A few years ago that was 8 states. Check on the net for more current information.

I use a escort 8500 and it is a great tool for detecting and evading police radar, the laser detector has only gone off twice so I do not think it is very important. The times the laser portion went off I had already seen the officer and slowed down. Any good radar detector will have laser detection built in to it. One will just not use it very often and when you do you have been had. :clapping:

I turned the laser function of my Escort off as it is good at detecting laser but useless as protection- laser is instant on and produces no scatter. Sometimes sunlight thru the shield activates the Escort which comes on at full volume for laser and I don't need that.. Laser is not used much here in NY because I guess it's too much work for the man. It can't be used thru glass so it has to be outside the car,and doesn't work well in rain or fog. That might change..

I know I'm about to jinx myself but here goes.

Radar detectors are illegal in Ontario so I have no experience with them, instead, we have to rely on wits and cunning. I was told by another rider (police officer) that radar/speed traps are usually only setup within 10-15km (6 - 10 miles) of a town that has its own cop shop. The reason being the officers are paid to patrol the city limits. They tend to alternate on on the entrances to the town and thus, the radar 'boundry'. Now, this is only general rule, but over the years I've noticed that when I've spotted a radar trap, its nearly EXCLUSIVELY within those guidelines.

So when I'm travelling, I turn the wick down as I approach and depart towns. Once clear of the danger zone, I turn the wick back up. Nothing insane (hehehe), but up to the upper edge of what could be considered the upper threshold.

Now in Ontario, we have both municipal police, and Provincial police. They, the provincial police, use radar and timing by plane. Even their tatics can be avoided though. They'll usually setup on long straight aways, or, immediately after passing lanes. The planes can usually be spotted well ahead of time and your good to go if the weather is overcast.

Of course, all this is moot when your in the middle of nowhere surrounded by nothing but trees and your had. But those are the really rare occurances.

Serious speeding in Ontario is only done by the terminally stupid nowadays. 50km (35 mph) over = immediate license suspension, impounded vehicle and a $10,000 dollar fine. They've given new meaning too "Speed cost money, how fast do you want to go".

Oh, and god help you if they so much as smell a radar detector. They'll just confiscate it and execute you on the side of the road.

I've had the V1 save me at least 3 different times from being nabbed by laser. Each time was in traffic and each time they were taking pot shots of the traffic ahead of me. It pays to have a rabbit no matter what form of speed detection tax collection is deployed against you.

I'll add a comment but first I must point out that I did not have my detector (a Valentine V1) with me at the time so I cannot provide any additional backup to prove it was a laser or other.

On two occasions, I have been lasered while riding on the FJR and on both occasions there was a strange look on the officer's face and resulting in being lasered various times. Let me elaborate: in both occasions I was the only vehicle going straight towards the officer and I saw him raise his laser and point it directly to me. I was riding alert and had spotted the officer /car on the side of the road from well beyond 1/2 mile, as I close on him (I had already made sure that my speed was within legal limits), he raised and aimed at me. On both, I then saw him look at the rear of the unit, and proceed to point back to me again (on the second occasion the officer kept pointing at me repeatedly until I was less than 100 feet away!) and still look perplexed as he looked at his unit.

The only I can add is that I was riding with my high beams on, on both times. I have played with a friend rangefinder (a laser version built into binoculars) and have noticed that it cannot report accurately distance to my bike when I have the high beams on and unblocked -- during the test we measured distance both by covering the lights with a piece of cardboard and removing it, distance reported (it did report a distance) was different by 8 feet from 110 feet away with the lights covered /uncovered.

Perhaps a poor device or perhaps the officer was trying to measure off something shiny (other than the light) on the front of the bike that reflected the laser light away from him (our front ends are very sculpted) instead of towards him? Or all the Infrared energy coming off the high beams was confusing the laser??? Who knows..

Your Mileage Will Vary!!!

Thanks for the feedback. I think I'll just go with a Passport 8500 and be careful in potential laser spots.


One of the radar detector/laser forum folks confirms that bright headlight(s) can make it difficult for the laser operator to get a reading. I'm going to take that as a degree of protection. Any other experiences with bright headlights flumixing a laser?

One of the radar detector/laser forum folks confirms that bright headlight(s) can make it difficult for the laser operator to get a reading. I'm going to take that as a degree of protection. Any other experiences with bright headlights flumixing a laser?
High beams should not have any effect on LASER, but the reflectors themselves might. Some vehicles are hard to hit correctly. LASERs have built in error reduction, so if there is too much movement of the unit or it loses a signal part way through, for any reason, it will not record a speed. Many times I have pointed a laser at a car or MC and due to something not being exactly right (usually distance) I cannot get speed. When that happens, if the vehicle has a LASER detector, the detector will go off even though the speed was not read. As already mentioned, for the most part, LASER detectors will only let you know when you have been hit, but sometimes it's better to be lucky than good.

High beams should not have any effect on LASER, but the reflectors themselves might.
My first post after the introduction was to ask about this. I really think the FJR presents a much more generous profile head on compared to a lot of other bikes, and I think the big honkin' headlight reflectors are part of the reason.

My post was sent to NEPRT immediately. I guess this question found its way there eventually too.

Well with the sharp angular edging on the FJR it is nearly impossible to pickup this fine mochine on a laser. You know, like the secret military type setups. Well, almost......and my Escort has picked up some lasering to the poor souls out in front of me once or twice who chose to be in the jackrabbit position as Bounce mentioned. Best thing IMO is to keep the speed within range of the posted limit near town. Then crank it up Sammy......I can't drive 55........PM. <>< :D


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