Rear Tire Feathering

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And to address your actual question re: numbness, most likely you will need risers to raise the handlebars up and slightly back. Fixed it for me and many others.


Don, The buzz in the bars is small compared to other bikes (my 2002 Connie) but you may be holding on TOO TIGHT. Try a loose grip or add grip puppies or take breaks and shake it out. Many LD riders love this bike for 1000's of miles at a time. You can too if you just allow yourself to get more comfy. Time in the saddle helps a lot.

Re: NEPRT... no worries. That just means a lot of us have a similar question. Search first... ask second. YMMV

Like most, I suspect you want to get rid of the FNG moniker. That happens with enough posts and happens fairly quickly if you're posting in forum areas other than NEPRT (this one we're in). FYI, Posts in NEPRT don't add to your post count.

I bought and installed a helibar.

That brought on shoulder pain. So I took it back off.

I am sure the numbness is caused by holding the bars too tightly. Or putting weight on them.

At first I thought it was more of the Carpal Tunnel i get typing here. But that comes on slow and takes time to dissipate, but the FJR numbness goes away within a minute of removing the hand off the grip. The Cruise Control is wonderful.

I have Grip Puppies. I have humongous 100 buck bar ends. I have printed my own Crampbuster, all do a bit to help, but doesn't stop it from coming. I am tempted to put the helibar back on and then deal with the shoulder pain.

I think the shoulder pain is from somehow holding the weight of my arms up. Like suspending a brick at arms length. Don't know why the pain is there, I don't lift intentionally. I am not sure how much the helibars fixed the numbness. I think I should try them again.

Any readers of this thread get shoulder pain from helibars?

It may help to mention that these pains, and my crotchety-ness do have a common root cause. I am old. Chronologically, but not in mind. 63 is still young, eh? My friends are impressed I fold my legs back onto the footpegs. A friend who rides a vstar came to visit one day (he lives on the other side of the bay or we would ride more often) and got on "Big Blue" as he called her, and complained he couldn't touch the ground, nor get his legs up and back. I guess folks expect a guy like me to be on a "cruiser" (brand name withheld by author).

It would be nice to stretch the ol' legs out once in a while. I bought some hiway pegs, but they are really hard to use and don't help with the other pains I have with the FJR, a sore left knee and butt cheek

Interestingly enough, my change of riding style has had another small benefit. The pain I get deep in the left butt cheek is not near as bad if I shift my weight back and forth as I corner (ala Swollen Raccoon).

The left knee was injured during a PICK gone wrong in High School basketball (1971?), knee badly hurt and continues to be easily hurt even now. Stopping the bike for a few minutes to let it stretch out resets the clock though. I don't have to get off, just stretch it out.

Enough for now....


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Sounds like you could benefit from handlebar pull back without the rise. Heli made a device like that for the Gen2 but AFAIK nothing like it has been available since.

There are other risers besides Helibars. MV Motorad ciomes to mind, as well as simpler risers like Genmar/Blackpath. For me, the simple risers solved my numbing issues and I don't get any new issues, but I'm also 6'3", so I'm not raising my arms up to the bars. I'm in a much more neutral position. The MV plate allows you to adjust the bar angles as well, so that might be what you need. There is a solution, including body position and grip, but it may take a few more iterations before you find what works for you It took me almost 5 months to get mine setup for me. That is one of the nice things about the FJR, it can accommodate almost anyone...eventually ;)


Well well... look who feels foolish now.
I guess I did take offense at the title FNG, to me, in my former working life, the F stood for a swear word. It seems unneeded to use that name.

Call me "Training Wheels" or whatever, but I take offense to the F part. It is like the admins have an attitude. Why not be friendly?

Yeah I am being too sensitive.... i'll stop, but I wanted to comment.

I have so much I want to discuss, but don't know how to do it, and I guess having my post moved to "Pointless" makes me think twice about trying.

The FJR has been around a while, I am sure a lot of the folks here have been here a long time too, so I am sure every question I have has been addressed somewhere here already.

I did have questions about the YES warranty, but I found answers here without having to ask.

I get numbness in the hands after x minutes, and have spent hundreds, and lots of hours trying to fix it. I don't see any hits for my problem, but I am sure someone must have commented about the vibration.

Do I just post my question? and see if I get some answers? or moved to "pointless"?

Swollen Raccoon, with a few lines, has changed my riding a great deal. I came in asking about feathering, and learned that it is MY fault, and I am riding incorrectly.

I could not fathom why me on my awesome FJR couldn't keep up with the majority of the riders I encounter. Then Swollens comment, and I realize I was doing it wrong too. I don't ride with anyone (yet!!
) who can point out mistakes. I thought I was doing real well boogieing through corners and having fun. Now I can see that it must be me doing the feathering wear, and the last two days out, I have been switching my style, and I can see the difference, I will be faster, smoother, and use up less tire.

I feel like a FNG
But I have ridden for 40 years. (last 10 forced hiatus). I don't know where this style of mine came from other than what has already been said, She is a big girl and needs a firm hand. I have been forcing her to work poorly.

I want to continue to get better, and obviously there is good info here. I just need to ask for it in a way that doesn't get my post labeled "pointless" (yes that bothers me too, there are NO pointless posts, just uninformed folks. (for the most part..)

I will start with a post about vibration, carpal tunnel, and numbness. Will it get moved? Should I just post in the pointless area to save time
? I do see at least 1 post that speaks about my issue, but ist is short, doesn't cover my questions, and is 6 months old. I will post it in the wide open and see what happens. Knowing me it will be long and hopefully at least somewhat entertaining.

Thanks everyone!

Don, Pose your questions and eliminate the wining about not being appreciated. We are adults and can take some heat and hand it out as well. That's my 2 cent on this matter.


Sorry to whine, I dislike whiners myself. Just trying to figure out my way here.

Interestingly though, even though I went about it the wrong way, I have learned so much here.

Not only has Swollen Raccoons tip helped me corner much better,

but now roger dodgers tip about Master Yoda Position was very helpful too!

I knew I was putting too much weight on the bars. But my attempts to fix it caused other problems.

Adopting the principles of MYP yesterday let me go 65 minutes with ONLY ONE need to remove the hand completely from the bar.

The same ride the day before would have been 5-8 times or more lifting.

We will see over time if that shifts any pain to the lower back or thighs, but not the first day!!

San Ramon, eh? We are just a Crow Canyon away from each other.

Maybe sometime......


Lets talk about the hand numbness. Where exactly on your hand or wrist does it get numb first? While numbness is a sign of excess pressure, that pressure is not necessarily even across your hand and/or wrist.

I previously owned an 05 FJR, and ride that one nearly 100k miles over 8 years of ownership. I had the 1st Gen HeliBars risers on it and my hands were never numb

I bought my current FJR new in 2014. From the beginning it caused numbness in the outside of my hands, due to increased pressure on the heels of my hands. I have a Heli bridge on the bike now, which helps, but doesnt address the problem, which is that the bar ends do not drop down the same as the 1st gens do. It is an entirely different angle, and it cant be adjust by rotating the bars forward or back. Maybe your problem is related

As with most riding aches and pains I find that they always lessen with increased riding. Sometimes if you tough it out for long enough, and do a lot of riding, things dont hurt so much any more. You have to do a lot of riding to get into good riding shape.

Fred makes some very good suggestions. I had a lot of wrist pain when I started riding my first FJR (2007). I attended a rider improvement class taught by a chiropractor. He instructed us to ride with the back straight and let the shoulders drop and reach out to the grips with the elbows bent. Grip on the handle bar should be very light with fingers over the bars. This has worked very well for me. Having cruise control makes a world of difference not having to grasp the grip for hold the throttle. Bottom line, I think most of the pain issues are position caused.

Fred made a very important point. Physical condition is key to LD riding without pain. I run 10 miles a week and hit the gym three times weekly. Work on balance exercises and eat healthy. One caveat, I love good craft brewed beer.

^^^^^^^^^ I might be bold enough to add that with that light touch on the hand grips, if you were to take your hands off it should not affect the way the bike tracks at all. Some way to hold the throttle steady helps greatly. The more you grip the more the buzz works on the hands.

Also, you may not realise it, but, by holding on to the grips you very likely are actively steering your bike down the road. With no hands on the grips, it forces you to steer with your hips. When you are actively steering with your hands you will feel it in your back and shoulder blades after a few hours. Work on the light touch with a good neutral posture and hip steering.

Hope this helps.



Thanks Brodie, art, and Fred,

The numbness starts in the right fingertips. I can feel it spread to the entire fingers if I let it. When fully engulfed I have no feel of the brake and it is scary. I do not let that happen.

The left hand not nearly so much, but I already have been trying to lighten on the bars, I think holding the throttle makes me grip it too much.

I had been riding in touring mode, as I really don't need the aggressive power, but Sport mode means you twist the throttle less, and that helps too, Too bad I'll have to ride in Sport mode :)

I know just what you mean by riding with your hips. I found it easy to do on a previous bike, but the fjr is more headstrong. But I can do it. Maybe not very fast though.

Reinstalling the helibar, and adopting a more YMP-like position, I can get the offset of numbness to take much longer..

As I ride I can relax on the grips to the point of just barely touching them and I can tell the numbness isn't coming. I can't bring myself to ride hands free. By combining everything I have learned so far, plus the wonderful Cruise Control, I think I may have it under control.

art mentions a topic that may be a factor too, I have had a few too many beers (and other cravings) and have too many pounds. I am working them off, but the extra lbs can add pressure up front too.

No one to blame but me there. But another fine reason to shed some. As if living longer wasn't enough.I agree more riding will help :)

Thanks again,


Besides the other great suggestions, I've found that foam grip covers help too. They isolate your hands from the bar vibration. Not everyone likes the thicker grip, but I used to put Johar foam grips on my motorcycles back in the 80's and like the thicker profile.

The one I run are called Grip Puppies (as opposed to Grip Buddies which are different but may provide the same relief). The Grip Puppies are no longer made, but it looks like the Grab On brand is the same thing:

I'm not sure if the ones in this auction are the correct diameter, so you'll want to measure before buying. They are made in various sizes.

Besides the other great suggestions, I've found that foam grip covers help too. They isolate your hands from the bar vibration. Not everyone likes the thicker grip, but I used to put Johar foam grips on my motorcycles back in the 80's and like the thicker profile.
The one I run are called Grip Puppies (as opposed to Grip Buddies which are different but may provide the same relief). The Grip Puppies are no longer made, but it looks like the Grab On brand is the same thing:

I'm not sure if the ones in this auction are the correct diameter, so you'll want to measure before buying. They are made in various sizes.
Grip Puppies are still being made:

Just bought a pair a couple of months ago.



Grip Puppies are still being made:

Just bought a pair a couple of months ago.


Great to hear! It was announced that they were not going to be made anymore, so I stocked up on a few pair and still have a spare set available, so I haven't gone looking for them. I ride at least 12,000 miles a year and they seem to only go 1.5 years before they start splitting on the end. They're cheap enough and I love them enough that I can't complain.

BTW, they go on real easy using an air compressor. Just get it started, stick and air nozzle in the open end and squeeze the puppy around the air nozzle, hit the air and quickly shove it on. Fine adjustment is possible with the air nozzle stuffed between the puppy and factory grip and while applying air, float it where you want it.

Don, You may want to look at Vibranator Bar Ends. I have them on my current FJR and had them on my prior bike. Go to their web site and see if it may help your situation.


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