Tank collapse

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Apr 3, 2014
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Wondering if Yamaha intends for the tank to collapse in an inverted v when slammed by precious parts (pelvis)? Seems a perfect ...pouch for the parts even if only there for a millisecond. Came to abrupt stop, well, my 06 did, stayed there stuck in the side of a well kept sedan. I continued on, doing a nice double, I'm told, after head contact above the drivers door. Anxious to get around the car, found my most dedicated servant still running.

The hurt wasn't bad, wouldn't know till I could get a good exam. Just did a rebuild after a total about a year ago, but this was not to be.

Parts @ couple grand more than "value". Insurance has no heart.

Don't know if I can love some one else's dis owned AE, or another at all at 68. Electric? About the only way I could justify disloyalty to my FJ, another game all together.

Twice totaled, twice walked, my AE deserved more respect, shouldn't have let him go. Yes, I'm blue, more at what I feel than what I can look down and see.

Glad you're alive to post.

I think Brodie crushed a tank with his balls too and walked away.

You both have my respect...

BTW, I know a guy thinking of selling his 06 AE. JS...

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Sorry to hear of your accident. Keep us in the loop of how you're doing after your exam. Glad you're up an around. When did this happen?

I have to hypothesize that you had an almost empty tank. If you had a full tank the fuel would not compress as well as air would. Now lets see if the engineering types wake up and can confirm this.

On the other hand you could have a steel set of balls. This would negate my hypothesis.

It's amazing you are here to post about it. Someone is watching over you and has plans that you have not completed yet.

Good luck on getting back on a bike again.


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Thanks for the regards guys. Balls are good, just good for nothin'.! Black to blue, felt like I was sittin' on one for a few weeks.

Might get to you on the 06 Rushes. Decisions don't come fast these days. Also may have some misc. to post for sale. Always stocked tires etc.(13th set) and the ins. didn't get my bags &liners.

Happened day or 2 before end of 15. Young man was shootin' across the street, think his sweetie saw me, came to a stop in my lane. He had a tic 10 days prior for not stopping at a stop sign! No insurance of course. Will quit bitchin bout that uninsured motorist cost.

Dave, Seriously, the indent was a perfect fold giving way for a huge set, well, almost perfect. The inner thighs and pelvic bone are another story but not bad.

Had pads & good thread. No, zero, scratches, scrapes, cuts. Did break the windshield some how.

Incidentally, bout 60 miles east Lewisburg.

I have to hypothesize that you had an almost empty tank. If you had a full tank the fuel would not compress as well as air would. Now lets see if the engineering types wake up and can confirm this.On the other hand you could have a steel set of balls. This would negate my hypothesis.

It's amazing you are here to post about it. Someone is watching over you and has plans that you have not completed yet.

Good luck on getting back on a bike again.

The collapse does allow inner thighs to absorb most of the impact, and likely gives way for the pelvis also. If they planned it, hell, they had to. They built a piece of genius.

I have to hypothesize that you had an almost empty tank. If you had a full tank the fuel would not compress as well as air would. Now lets see if the engineering types wake up and can confirm this.On the other hand you could have a steel set of balls. This would negate my hypothesis.

It's amazing you are here to post about it. Someone is watching over you and has plans that you have not completed yet.

Good luck on getting back on a bike again.

The collapse does allow inner thighs to absorb most of the impact, and likely gives way for the pelvis also. If they planned it, hell, they had to. They built a piece of genius.
Has anybody ever filled the tank completely? I never had the patience for that last 1/2 gal.or so. Had bout half.

I'd have loved if my old Virago's tank collapsed that way. Instead, it collapsed along the veritcal plane and formed a wedge that popped the sides of my pelvis off like the wings of a butterfly. Needless to say, I wasn't walking at all after I stopped bouncing down the road. Gave me 3 months to decide what my next bike was and ended up with the '13 FJR. Glad to have the new bike, sad that I had to let the old one go. Happy to hear you've only got the bike decision to worry about.

Glad to hear you're still walking and talking. Insurance is a racket invented by and for the powers that be imho, but we still gotta have it. Best of luck to you and your next set of wheels.

I have to hypothesize that you had an almost empty tank. If you had a full tank the fuel would not compress as well as air would. Now lets see if the engineering types wake up and can confirm this.
Wouldn't the fact that the tank has a vent negate any of this?
Glad you are ok after the accident. I'm sorry to see another AE headed for the crusher.

Reminds me of the hospital joke, Nurse are my Testicles Black? After she examines him carefully he explains that he said, Are My Test Results Back?

That sucks, glad you are upright and still suckin air. And I but I bet you could find a gently used AE for a deal if you so desired....


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