Trying to get Bounce's email address

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Well-known member
Aug 14, 2007
Reaction score
Cheshire, Connecticut
I was doing some mod work on my STI & needed some wiring info. Googled the interwebby & there was an excellent article by giving me everything I needed (and more). Tried tracking him down to shoot him a 'thank you' email & stumbled on his site:

Its also a great site for my fjr but no 'contact the webmaster' link

Anybody point me to his email?


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He's Bounce on this forum and one of you gracious hosts. Send him a PM if he hasn't already seen your apt description and praise.

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Thanks Ignacio! I shot him a PM.

btw did we meet in WA a couple of years ago? I was riding up the west coast & stopped at a 'tech party' at a rider's house outside of Seattle. Did a quick oil change & met 10-12 NW riders then booked east on some of the roads they suggested.

btw did we meet in WA a couple of years ago? I was riding up the west coast & stopped at a 'tech party' at a rider's house outside of Seattle.
Don't think so. Haven't done a tech party in Seattle before.

got the PM. again, for the OP, glad it was able to help. that's why i do the pages for the FJR and STi.
Thanks again Bounce - I was really surprised when I followed the breadcrumbs from your STI page to the FJR page. lol I didn't know there were that many common owners :)

The only issue I have with my Homelink mirror install is it not a firm mount to the glass adapter. There is some up/down movement. Nothing when the car is moving but I can grasp it & it is loose. It sure isn't going to fall off but it doesn't seem right. I may stick a dab of silicone rubber in there just to keep it solid.

Mine does the same thing. At those prices...

I mentioned it at the dealership and the service manager layed it at the feet of the assembler after it got state side. That it's common and from over tightening the mount screw. I just bit my lip because I added mine myself and know better.

I got the rigid arm mount like you describe (undocumented on my site) and get a rattle from my V1. I can touch it with my finger tip and it quiets it. I was thinking some kind of shim in the slider part of the V1 mount, but maybe it's the play in the mirror mount. Keep me posted on what you learn.
