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Damn Bounce... that's scary... her not just trying to cut him off once, but trying time after time to kill him. Why the FUCK is this not considered attempted murder? Oh... she has issues. Screw that, I have issues with someone trying to kill me. Unbelievable. :angry03:

Might explain the guy that chased me at a hunnert plus a few weeks ago. This is why I don't pack, if I did I'd never get outta prison.

You don't have to kill them Rad, just fook up their ride. Tough to chase you down when they're running on 4 flats ! :D

Glad she's going away for a year. That's the LEAST she should get. I would think permanently REVOKE the license, too.

Nuts out there ARE trying to kill us!

People's cars should be marked if they have these kinds of problems, so the rest of us can be alert when we are around them.

sounds like atempted vehicular homicide !!! assault with a deadly cell phone ,,

just be glad for once the LEO's were there to see it ,,

and it sounds more like $5000 ,, you might be suffering from post traumatic stress,, that could only be cured by say .... a new '06 YZF-R1

just glad your ok!!

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That my friends is a perfect example of why I strongly support capital punishment and the use of excessive force. Just wish that she had resisted more...

Scary shit is afoot and road rage in LA is a daily thing. Ride safe and the best defense is a good offense!

Just another reason why women shouldn't be allowed to drive.

(I keed I keed)

Insane. I would have been arrested for assault, even though I would consider it self defense.

Insanity runs rampant.

Wow. Why is it that our legal system doesn't consider motorcyclists to have the same rights as the drivers of autos? If some cager creams a biker out of neglegence, it's "Oh well, he/she was on a bike." But, let the same cager cream a family of 4 and all Hell breaks loose. I don't understand why we bikers can't get the same consideration. I just don't want to die to get it. I've never had someone chase me before, but if I am threatened with "bodily harm" and I don't need both hands to drive, it will be unhealthy for the offender. :help:

Last weekend my son and daughter in-law came up from Ft. Meyers to celebrate my birthday with me. He loves my FJR, And being that I kept my 1800 Wing, we always spend Saturday riding. Me on the Wing, the wife on her Magna, and Jesse and Monica on my FJR.

After a full day of riding, as we were headed home, some fool in a Lincoln Towncar comes roaring up behind my son, tailgates him big time. When this idiot sees no on coming traffic he whips out, passes my son and whips back in inbetween my son and the wife on the Magna. Now she's being tailgated. Again, as soon as he see's a little daylight, he's out and passing and pulls back in behind me. Now I'm getting the treatment. Finally he passes me and continues to weave his way down the road (two lane road at night mind you). As he passes the car in front of me, there goes the FJ after him. Oh Shit, here we go. The son is a former cop with a bad temper. I go after the FJ. We finally get to a traffic light, I pull up alongside and tell Lincoln man to pull over. He slams on the brakes and I shoot past him. My son pulls up behind him. He jumps out of his car and confronts my son with arms flailing and profanity. The son is pretty pissed and is loaded for bear. By the time I get off of the Wing and get over to where the action is, they are squared off. I walk up and start my rant. He squares off with me and starts yelling profanities at me. Then he starts with " Well, you got me pulled, over what are you gonna do now asshole". That's when I put one on the side of his head. He fell back against his car and was fumbling to get his glasses back on. Took some of the steam out of him. After more hollering at each other I Told him he'd better get back in his car and go before he got the shit kicked out of him, which he did with much screaming and yelling. This is a two lane road and he stopped right in the middle of it so we now have about a half dozen cars held up that can't get by. The daughter inlaw is very upset and is crying. She's a dispatcher for a Police department in south Florida. She is telling us that she handles calls like this all the time and that she knows how long it takes for the cops to get to a scene like this. As I walk back to my bike, a guy in a Dodge pickup is on the cell phone. It's time to go! As we're heading down the road towards the house, there goes the cop, hammer down, lights flashing in the opposite direction. When we got home, the wife was already there waiting for us. Told her the story, she wasn't happy. Should have beaten his ass unconscious.



I feel for ya. There are people out there that are sure that every other person on the road, and particularly bikes, are just things in the way. What that guy did should have constituted attempted homocide. Of course if the officer had gotten there, our legal system would have found you and your son guilty of assault. OR at least tried too. Why isn't there some way to bring these people to justice, real justice. I (we) have the same right to the road as lincoln boy. No more and damn sure no less.


Please be careful out there.

Wish there was a way to post where and maybe license plate of these people for all to see. Maybe 50 or so bikes simply parked in the street in front of his house would make him think twice.

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Seems to me that if you react to some bonehead on the road, then the legal system sees you as the road rager, never the person that started the whole thing - they become the victim. Best thing to do is to let 'em go, don't even flip 'em off, and be thankful that noone was hurt by the jerk. I know it's hard.

There is a reason that I don't carry a weapon when I ride; I would be serving a 10-life sentence in the greybar hotel. Hell, I get worked up just reading this stuff. :angry01:

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