what is the highest mph speeding ticket you have had on a motorcycle?

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Wow, I thought I was participating in a fun, nostalgic thread.

"Pig" is a hateful term that paints one group of people with one brush just like some other hateful terms. "Asshole" would have been a better term. Covers any individual and casts no aspersions on an entire group.

Classless is being kind.

Odd but I just remembered When i was around 17 i got a ticket on my 78 kz 650. I noticed flashing lights in my mirrors and pulled over, he did not get a speed on me but i got a ticket. states it took him awhile to catch up as he had noticed me speeding a while back.

All I can say is probably 99% of my tickets was me giving the cop a reason to look at me. I have had good, bad, professional and funny cops pull me over and have gotten out of more tickets than I was written. That was back in the day when everything one did was not a felony like in today's time.

Correct me if I am wrong, but no LEO can issue tickets based on a citizens cell phone report.

Don't they have to personally witness the infraction?

I got out of 110 mph ticket on I-75 near Venice (Audi TT convertible) when the FLA Highway Patrolman stated in court he paced me to gauge speed. Pleaded not guilty, and told the judge I'd plead Guilty to 90, because that's where my cruise control had been set for 45 minutes: "Your Honor, it's an Audi with less than 3,000 miles on it. That cruise control is accurate."

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Correct me if I am wrong, but no LEO can issue tickets based on a citizens cell phone report.
Dont they have to personally witness the infraction?

I got out of 110 mph ticket on I-75 near Venice (Audi TT convertible) when the FLA Highway Patrolman stated in court he paced me to gauge speed. Pled not guilty, and told the judge Id plead Guilty to 90, because thats where my cruise control had been set for 45 minutes: Your Honor, its an Audi with less than 3,000 miles on it. That cruise control is accurate.
You are correct on hat one, either he would have had to witness it, or I would have had to admit to something, which he was trying his hardest to get me to do. I would have loved to take that one to court.

Hell, for all he knew, it could have been my crazy ex girlfriend calling, just to get me arrested.

Seattle, on my way to work, coming off Ballard bridge southbound there's this green coffee hut or something and there he was standing. I've seen them there before, just didn't pay enough attention to the speedo that morning. Reminded myself the moment I saw a car standing there, got enough time to get off the throttle, maybe hit a bit of brakes. He got me at 59 in 35, wrote down 54/35. Cost me $200 to fight it to some non moving thing.

The second one was actually a good lesson. Another day on I-405 S on my way back home, the express lines just started and I get stuck behind that Impala. He had some extra circle/lock on the trunk but no visible antennas or exempt plates. I pace close for about 1/2 mile, he floors it (you can tell by the fumes from the pipes) up to about 75 (?), I follow, he slows back to 65 gently and than floors again to 80. I follow thinking how awesome I am and what would it be if I actually reduced. He slows down, get to the right through the double white, when I pass him I'm thinking "what a weirdo", he gets behind be right away, I'm like "idiot ???", he gets his light on and I know I'm the idiot here... I got out with a warning for having all the paperwork, good gear and not trying to sell crap to him. I will also remember the lesson "You cannot pace a police car".

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Dont't let it auto-complete words that contain a quote mark (such as "don't"), it will put in a slanting quote mark that won't show.

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A few years back I was starting a 7 day ride with 3 others from Seattle to Hell's Canyon and beyond. This was before intercoms. We were on 410 between Greenwater and Crystal Mountain road where the road has long straight passing lanes. I was riding sweep and the boys ahead of me were feeling their oats. We passed a couple cars way too fast and i was late getting back in my lane due to a car coming the other way. Turns out the car coming was a Sheriff. He spun around and came back to get me, so i slowed and let the others get away. The Sheriff was mad at first but i got him talking about riding and whatnot. A rider himself, we talked about the ride I was on and that we just started out that morning.

He said we need to turn our thinking around before something stupid happens and ruins our nice ride. He said he wouldn't give me a ticket on one condition. I was to tell the others that i got a $380 ticket for reckless driving. He also suggested, with a laugh, that I ask the others to split the cost since i saved them from getting this on their licenses. He said that should get them thinking about what they are doing. We were both laughing by the time he bid me farewell.

I caught up with the others at the top of the pass and told them the story with a straight face and suggested they think about helping me out by paying this ticket. I also said we need to be smarter and safer about this ride. They agreed that I helped them dodge a bullet and that was the least they could do. I brought it up at least once a day for 5 days.

On the 5th day i let them know i never got a ticket because i agreed to tell them this tale and how it was all to get us thinking more about our riding behavior. They were amused, 1) that i never did get a ticket, 2) that i continued to play this for so long. But we all agreed it made us pay more attention to our riding and no one got any tickets.

Thanks to all the wise and benevolent LEOs out there.

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Haven't had one yet....
Me either, but I am VERY nervous about spelling that out loud.
Me neither although I have been given a stern "talking-to" upon a few occasions.
What about that stop just outside Newport, Maine ? Or was that a stern talking-to (and I was the one who was speeding
We were BOTH speeding IIRC!! That was just a "stern talking-to" - didn't think I was going to get away with that one (73 in a 55 zone). On the way back from NERDs in 2011.

