What's the Weather like where YOU are today?

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Yesterday was high in the 50's. Last week was in the 70's. First year in NC and riding in December, priceless.
'Cept it's gettin' real cold real fast. I had frost in my yard this morning!! Can you believe it? Frikkin FROST!! Guess I'm going to have to turn on the gas heat now. Dammit.

Snowing again here on the high desert. The snow pack is getting closer to normal. Ski resorts are open that haven't opened in the last two years. I guess it's a good thing.

Snowing again here on the high desert. The snow pack is getting closer to normal. Ski resorts are open that haven't opened in the last two years. I guess it's a good thing.
Ray, Mount Baker Ski Area has the most snow of any ski area in the continental US.
I remember when they had to close Baker to dig DOWN to the chair lifts. That year they had the most snow on the planet.

Just came back from town and where I shoveled to the garage there is two fresh inches and I was gone less than an hour. Tractor time.

What would we do without our tractors? Although I am certain mine will never have to plow snow. I will be hauling firewood up to the house with it soon but with overnight lows in the 50s and 60s all the rest of this week, it does not look like I will be using the fireplace for a few days.

Plowed another 6-7 inches of snow again yesterday, the seventh time this year. I make it at about 35 inches so far. My driveway is getting progressively narrower. Wife backed into the landscape rocks last week, more dings for her Corolla. My pal with a real plow has offered to come over and move my piles and berms. Might have to take him up on that. I believe we may have more snow now than I've seen at this time of year in 24 years of residency at "The Richest Hill On Earth."

Today's is forecast.... 4.37 inches of rain.
I believe it as we had at least 2 inches overnight.
I believe you're back! Looks like 3-4 feet on the crest of the Sierra by tomorrow afternoon. That should make the Christmas holiday jolly for Epic Pass holders.

We'll have to take a rain check on that January ride on the passes this year.

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Cold -- mid 50s? -- but I clenched my teeth and rode to work anyway.

A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do.

Just got off the tractor. I started at daylight. Our new snow plow guy hasn't figured how to get the berm out of the driveways so I got to clean out 31 driveways this time
. Probably going to look for a new plow company but where we are the county owns the road but does not maintain it. Plow drivers have to be licensed and bonded to plow county roads so it's a very shot list.

Just got off the tractor. I started at daylight. Our new snow plow guy hasn't figured how to get the berm out of the driveways so I got to clean out 31 driveways this time
. Probably going to look for a new plow company but where we are the county owns the road but does not maintain it. Plow drivers have to be licensed and bonded to plow county roads so it's a very shot list.
It's been snowing here since 8 this am. We're up to 4 to 5 inches on the ground new. Just got the driveway clear of snow and ice. Damned city plow waits until we get it all cleaned up and then shoves a 2 foot high burm in in front of the nice clean drive. Don't know why I bother, we've all got 4wd.

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