Windshield height

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jim oneill

Dec 25, 2007
Reaction score
Northern NJ
Just took delivery on my new 08 after having sold my 05 to my brother. When I bought the 05 I ended up going thru 4 different screens before happily settling on the Cal Sciences shield. I now must also buy an aftermarket shield for the 08 as well. My question is;;; Why does Yamaha not deliver the bike from the factory with a shield that is high and wide enough to provide adequate wind protection for the majority of riders? These oem shields are just not designed for most riders. Just about everyone I know with an FJR has had to replace the oem shield. Whats up with that? Too bad, because the shield that came with my 08 is great looking, very stealthy looking and supposedly is made of a super duper scratch resistance coating. With all the quality control and refinining the Yamaha provides why do you think they don,t look at this obvious problem? any opinions? thanks JIM

I concur the aesthetics thing is a factor.

But I don't agree that everybody dislikes and changes their windshield. Even those that change often put their stock back on for summer and some have even cut down their shield to make them shorter.

They also have made them 2" taller than they originally did. The '03 was 2" shorter than subsequent years.

...or you could start your own motorcycle company and make it however you want.

The golden ratio could play a role but... Could be several reasos for this one them being manufacturing cost. See how much you can trim off or clip from the shield. Every inch/ounce of acrylic adds to the production cost. The question is, how much can we cut and still put out a decent product? You got the answer with the screen you bought with the bike. Another thing is, money is in the aftermarket. Look at the price Yamaha wants for their larger screen. Think it really cost that much? Yeah ya gotta factor in R&D but come on! Also, the screens and bikes are built for Joe Average. I am 5'10" and the bike fits me perfect right out of the box. I am not "wide" so the screen fits me there too. I do have to raise it all they way up to escape the buffeting but that is just the way it is.

You cannot make a product that fits all people in every situation which is another reason the aftermarket exists.

Look at this as a chance to FARKLE. How can ya beat that?

I must be in the minority...I like the stock screen. I also have a Cal Sci Medium, which I've used twice, once to see if I like it and a second time to confirm I don't like it.

Was it PT Barnum that said, "You can please some of the people some of the time...blah blah blah..."

Just to add my 2 cents, I live in Florida and still use the stock windshield on my 05 even in winter. I rarely even raise it up, maybe for the occasional rain in the winter.

I think the OEM screen makes the bike look good which is why its there. The FJR is very sporty looking (What I really like about it) and a useful i.e. windscreen is one that is (for me at 5-11) 4" wider and 4" inches taller. With the taller & wider (Cee Baileys w/flip) I get smooth clean air with it all the way down and very little noise. This is how I ride with it 99% of the time. If I raise it the slightest it is dead quiet and I"m still looking over it. Its a great touring & cold weather screen but I imagine it will be hotter in the summer months.

For me the stocker was just too damn noisey though it did look good. I know that it would get quieter/smoother if it would go lower directing the air onto your chest like a sportbike and not right at your head.

CeeBaileys used to have 2 different shaped smaller screens for the FJR one of which was 9" smaller than stock. I had planned to get one of those for summer months but recent visits to their website find them missing????

So my plan is to use the not as good looking but still o.k. +4 +4 w/flip for cold weather & touring and try to get one of those smaller CeeBaileys for summer months, shorter rides and just for looking sporty.


Even those that change often put their stock back on for summer and some have even cut down their shield to make them shorter.
Hijack Alert!

Iggy: You rode through some pretty toasty climes during the IBR. Did you keep your Cee Bailey screen on during the ride (and I'm assuming it's the reverse contour flip, correct?), or did you swap to something else..? 2nd question: I read somewhere that you're 6'3"ish (+/- an inch or so). What size Cee Bailey screen do you prefer, or are currently using (+ height & + width).

Reasons for the questions: I've never ridden my FJR in what would be considered "hot" weather (we don't really have that affliction on the west side of the Cascades). I have a few easterly rides planned in June, July and August (NAFO among them), and it will get toasty where I'm heading. Because I'm not exactly short (6'2"), I'm wondering whether to put on a tall, non-flip screen (ala Yamaha touring screen) or stick with the Cee Bailey +4 x +4 that I'v e got on now which works nicely in these milder temps.

Hijack complete...

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I must be in the minority...I like the stock screen.
I concur.

Something else to consider is that the FJR is a super-sport touring bike. If you look at sport bikes, they all have small windshields. I believe the windshield size of the FJR is part of the SPORT style side of this great bike.

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Why does Yamaha not deliver the bike from the factory with a shield that is high and wide enough to provide adequate wind protection for the majority of riders? These oem shields are just not designed for most riders. Whats up with that?

Not too many people in Japan are over 6' tall :unsure: ..................hey I'm tryin' to be PC! :glare:


Yeah...........I should read ALL of the posts so I am not repeating anyone...............sorry

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