An apology to all of the Subie owners/enthusiasts out there.

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Assholes come in all car and motorcycle brands.However, if I find I have to pass a train of cars...quite often a Prius driver with his head in his ass is driving that train.Do they just have a governor on the speed of those things or are they just natural idiots? Skooter...sorry, I can't say I'm surprised that you say that you drive one of those things.;)Prius, when you really need to piss off the world.
Passed a Prius yesterday. He was running about +10 in the slow lane. I smiled because I knew his mpg is lower than many performance cars that might try to pace him.
2003 WRX - top attempted (actual) speed 132mph (limited by conditions)

2008 STi - top attempted speed 147mph (conditions)

Neither was topped out.

Last edited by a moderator:'s going exactly 55. Is it a 35 zone? Check speedo and GPS again, yep we're going exactly 35. Left turn at a busy intersection? Don't go up in there so you can get through when lights change, sit back safely, wait for red light, sit some more, ah, just 2 minutes later we get a protected green arrow. ...
Just remember, they've had so many tickets, any infraction and they lose their licence.

There are two distinct kinds of Subie owners/drivers around here: those with WRX's (or Forester XT's who drive like they've a powerful WRX), and the rest. The difference in driving behaviors between those two groups is quite noticeable--I've often wondered how Subaru attracts both types of buyer as they're so different!

If the car bottlenecking a long line of cars isn't a Prius or a rare Honda Insight, chances are the it's a Legacy, Impreza, Forester (non-XT), or Crosstrek.

Next up: those jacked up diesel pickup owners!!

We're an interesting animal, us humans, eh?

Spud posted:
Subaru's are very plentiful around here. I detest Subaru drivers.

Most I see are androgynous in appearance, late middle age, typically DOE employees or contractors at INL or psuedo-granolas--enviros from Jackson WY or Sun Valley, likely holding multiple PhD's. The live in a black and white world, as evidenced in their driving.

Is that a stop sign in the middle of nowhere without a car coming for miles? Come to a full and complete stop, hands intensely at 10 and 2. Look both ways at least 2x. Cautiously proceed through intersection.

Wonder about my speedo accuracy? Follow a Subaru. Is this a deserted highway 55mph road? Pace a Subaru, it's going exactly 55. Is it a 35 zone? Check speedo and GPS again, yep we're going exactly 35. Left turn at a busy intersection? Don't go up in there so you can get through when lights change, sit back safely, wait for red light, sit some more, ah, just 2 minutes later we get a protected green arrow.

At least I can say they are the least likely to take me out when I'm riding.

OK, rant over, I feel better finally getting this off my chest...

Once upon a time, the US Navy stationed me in Idaho Falls to be trained at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory. Can't tell you why, but you can Google A1W any time you want, because, hey, it's a free country.

So ..... I was a DOD employee at INEL, I am a current Subaru driver, and I am currently middle aged. (Is 60 middle-aged?)

For the record,

- I am not androgynous, nor do I hold a single PhD, nor do I live in a B&W world, despite owning a badass black FJR and white ventilated moto-boots.

- I do not live in Jackson or Sun Valley, or know anyone who does. (Would be a perennial winter visitor if I knew anyone who lived in those magical ski towns.)

- I do not like granola, but will eat it to make women happy. (Unfortunately, I will do most anything to make women happy.)

- I come to a complete stop only if police officers are in view, and consider speed limits as advisory, since I usually drive 7-10 over and don't get ticketed at that speed. (Recent CHP experience was for ... more than 10 over.)

- I believe in my consitutional right to turn left on green, and without an arrow. (And believe RED left-turn arrows deprive me of that constitutional right.)

.... and I love Fridays.
(PS: It was a good rant, brother.)

Last edited by a moderator:'s going exactly 55. Is it a 35 zone? Check speedo and GPS again, yep we're going exactly 35. Left turn at a busy intersection? Don't go up in there so you can get through when lights change, sit back safely, wait for red light, sit some more, ah, just 2 minutes later we get a protected green arrow. ...
Just remember, they've had so many tickets, any infraction and they lose their licence.
Or they've got a beer in the cup holder...

:)'s going exactly 55. Is it a 35 zone? Check speedo and GPS again, yep we're going exactly 35. Left turn at a busy intersection? Don't go up in there so you can get through when lights change, sit back safely, wait for red light, sit some more, ah, just 2 minutes later we get a protected green arrow. ...
Just remember, they've had so many tickets, any infraction and they lose their licence.
Or they've got a beer in the cup holder...

Don't be stupid, they've removed the cup holder to save weight.

Do they just have a governor on the speed of those things or are they just natural idiots? Skooter...sorry, I can't say I'm surprised that you say that you drive one of those things.

Prius, when you really need to piss off the world.
A slow Prius is being driven slow. It won't scratch the tires when pulling out to pass on 2-lane roads but it can pass with authority.

Dear N4HHE,
That red car is NOT a Prius. Just thought you should know ....

And the white car is a Subie!

Uncle Hud
The Outback was purchased first week of January and has 1650 miles. The FJR was purchased April 1 and has 1700 for-no-good-reason miles. And that red thing replaced a Prius after 7 years.
