Changing Throttle Bodies

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Sep 9, 2014
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With all the used 2008 and later genII throttle bodies out there.

Has anybody tried switching out one of the later ones for the questionable 2006-2007?

Seems like a reasonable fix for all the bandaid fixes out there.

Is there something I am missing, that makes the switch not possible.

If this has been discussed before, I couldn't find it.

What's wrong with the 2006-2007 throttle bodies? I had no idea they were "questionable," since they are the same throttle bodies on every other FJR. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...

The didn't smoke dope? I dunno

So all the posts about unwinding the throttle spring or running a G2 throttle sleeve to correct the 06-07 throttle body issue don't exist?

I guess the different part# on 2008 and later didn't mean it had been revised?

Um....That's the throttle cam, NOT the throttle bodies. That would be two different things. Then again, I have never had those issues either, and people are still bitching about their throttles. Just get a G2 and call it good.

Holy shit! My '07 is a disaster waiting to happen and I didn't even know about it!

Some people have complained that the throttle is too stiff and tires the wrist. I guess my springs are weaker or my wrist isn't as limp - never been an issue. (In fairness to anyone with arthritis or similar affliction, unwinding the throttle spring one turn could provide some relief.) A different throttle cam might be an improvement for some but I'm pretty much OK with it. Some have addressed the (slightly) touchy throttle issue by richening up the mix at low throttle openings using a Power Commander or similar device. Easy to do, fairly inexpensive, effective (if you personally think it needs it) and will cost you with poorer fuel mileage.

Yeah, there are lots of threads out there but problems are more imagined than real. As HRZ says, there's absolutely nothing wrong with the throttle bodies. A different cam at one end or the other might allow you to be a bit smoother on power delivery. People keep trying to fix things that aren't broke.

As it's been shared many, Many, MANY times.....It's the defective side stand that's the cause of all of this. Sheesh.

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OK Baggerbreeze, all ball-busting aside, you're trying to correct the "stiff throttle" issue from the wrong end. Apparently in 2006 and 2007, Yamaha changed the throttle cam profile, which some believed made it come on too fast. There were also claims that the throttle spring was too stiff and needed a spring u wind to make it better. Seems some bikes were affected and some were not. These issues were supposed to be addressed frim 2008 and beyond.

So, the reason no one has changed the throttle bodies is because that doesn't address the issue, whether real or perceived. Changing to a G2 throttle cam seems to help, but not as much as a power commander, for those that have the biggest issues.

No idea why no one has simply replaced any of the affected throttle cams with a 2008 or newer, but I'd bet it has to do with cost. I have an '07 and don't have a stiff or snatchy throttle. My throttle cables are properly adjusted which, I BELEIVE, makes a huge difference. I could be wrong though.

I largely learned to "ride around" what issues I felt my '07 had. I always felt the return spring on my particular bike was overly stiff but until I rode one with the unwind done on it didn't realize just how bad it was. After riding that particular bike I went home and pulled my fuel tank and performed the mod on mine that weekend.

On short trips and riding to work it wasn't too bad. Once we started doing long distance rallies though I definitely felt my hand and wrist ache afterwards.


Throttle cam not available as a separate item, only way to purchase it from Yamaha is to buy the complete assembly.

I'm one of the limp wristed that didn't like my '06 profile, I worked my throttle tube profile as a poor (tight?) man's G2. Found my '10 to be much easier in the on/off throttle department. I unwound the spring on both the '06 and my '10, also added cruise control to help my limpness on the '10.

Finally got my '14 which has superior control and spring rate than either of my previous ones. And the built-in cruise control.

Wrists still getting limper, though :( .

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