Florida Ride To Meet

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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By saying my bike looked like sh-t, Skooter has pissed my bike off and I was the recipient of some pretty cruel payback.

My rear tire spit its sticky string out, therefore making me stop for ANOTHER rolling flat. I plugged it and rolled home 1 and 1/2 hours late.

The bike has got a wicked wobble now, and I will be going without my ride for some time now.

*Now my other beauty is pissed that I was late and I will be going without a "Ride" there too for an undisclosed amount of time.

Thanks Skooter!!!

I love it when a plan comes together!
Hey Skooter, ever see the insurance commercial where Mayhem takes the motor cycle for a test ride? He crashes it and takes off running as his laughter fades away??

Well I am headed back up to Orlando now... Just might test ride the '14, hope you are not the leading rep. on the test run!

Thanks to everyone who showed up!

Hope to see you all again in Tampa next month.

And dog gone Vic... you know its bad when 2 riders living in the same town/with the same mechanic, Have to ride 150 miles to meet!

Thanks to everyone who showed up!Hope to see you all again in Tampa next month.

And dog gone Vic... you know its bad when 2 riders living in the same town/with the same mechanic, Have to ride 150 miles to meet!
Yeah! I know, Right?! But, only one of those two has the cojones to ride up there at 4am. That's you Bro!!!! :))

OK Wheatie, I will give it a whirl.
I do not want to give out any info on anyone that has not already been released. I am on my iPhone, so you will have to refer to the photo above.

Brandon (Fiancé) of -Kathleen (Daughter of Gary)
Pathfinder - Gary (garyahouse)- Joe (Jgreen)-
FLFJRS- Jim (fljab) (?) information withheld
Jim (brother of Screwball RIP)- Vic (majicmaker)

I hope I got that right
I think Mark took this photo

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OK Wheatie, I will give it a whirl.I do not want to give out any info on anyone that has not already been released. I am on my iPhone, so you will have to refer to the photo above.


Brandon (Fiancé) of -Kathleen (Daughter of Gary)

Pathfinder - Gary (garyahouse)- Joe (Jgreen)-

FLFJRS- Jim (fljab) (?) information withheld

Jim (brother of Screwball RIP)- Vic (majicmaker)

I hope I got that right

I think Mark took this photo
Thanks. I appreciate the effort.

Not wanting personal information...just trying to place photos with Forum names. All kidding aside, looks like you all had a good group meet.

I don't see any snow however, so I am thinking this photo may be photochopped.

Forum names to go with photos?
Picky, Picky! Now you want names??? What is this?
I know, I know...from reading this thread it's amazing you all found each other.

A good time was had. Sorry I'm going to miss the next get together, but none of this can compare to 4 grandsons. Sorry, just no comparison. Let's try for something in December. I'll be thinking about it and see if an idea or 2 pops into the space inside my helmet.

Enjoy next month's RTE.


OK Wheatie, I will give it a whirl.I do not want to give out any info on anyone that has not already been released. I am on my iPhone, so you will have to refer to the photo above.


Brandon (Fiancé) of -Kathleen (Daughter of Gary)

Pathfinder - Gary (garyahouse)- Joe (Jgreen)-

FLFJRS- Jim (fljab) (?) information withheld

Jim (brother of Screwball RIP)- Vic (majicmaker)

I hope I got that right

I think Mark took this photo
Good job with the names. Also: that was Sharon, Jim's wife, in the pink. And indeed, it was Mark who took the photo. He's an old bud of mine that rides a BMW K1200LT. He'll be hosting the meet up the Sat before Thanksgiving. Pics of the Honda, which Kathleen didn't know she was supposed to bring, from another time and place, below:


Below, Kathleen and her little sister Kelly


Kathleen at the Tail of the Dragon





There ya go.


darksider #44
