Great books about motorcycles

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Sep 26, 2009
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San Diego

My new job give me plenty of free time, and I would love to use it getting inspired. Could you guys please suggest good motorcycle reading material, besides my manual, that will keep my focus and priorities straight during my free time. I just ordered jupiters travels from the library.


If you're a rock-n-roll fan (especially of RUSH) you might take a look at Rush drummer Neil Peart's books. He's actually a decent writer, IMHO.

Roadshow: Landscape With Drums: A Concert Tour by Motorcycle chronicles Neil's motorcycle travels while the band is on tour.

Ghost Rider: Travels on the Healing Road is a bit more somber and personal, as it deals with his riding as a grieving process after the death of his daughter and then his girlfriend shortly after.

The Masked Rider: Cycling in West Africa is one by him I haven't read yet.

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Hey I enjoyed "Lois on the Loose". Inspirational, funny, pragmatic; left me thinking, Why not Me?? :huh:

I just started Against the wind by Ron Ayres. I asked my local library if they would consider purchasing the book and behold, yesterday I get this automated message that my book on reserve is available for pick up. So, if you can't find it, request an order for you.

+1 Lois Pryce - Lois on the Loose & Red Tape and White Knuckles

Austin Vince - Modo Enduro

+1 If you are into Iron Butt Ron Ayers book

Two Wheels Through Terror: Diary of a South American Motorcycle Odyssey Glen Heggstad

My new job give me plenty of free time, and I would love to use it getting inspired. Could you guys please suggest good motorcycle reading material, besides my manual, that will keep my focus and priorities straight during my free time. I just ordered jupiters travels from the library.
Well, if your going to ride a bike, and you're going to keep your job, you may as well get started with this;Shop Class as Soulcraft: An Inquiry Into the Value of Work by Matthew B. Crawford.

Available at

"Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" by the late Robert Pirsig still holds up pretty well after 40 years. It's a motorcycle-centered philosophical treatise and a pretty good story.

The Perfect Vehicle (What it is about motorcycles) by Melissa Holbrook Pierson is a nice autobiography of a person's life after motorcycling becomes a primary activity. And a good history and overview of the motorcycling scene.
Tonyducks, everybody above has given you great referrals for motorcycle books. I just went to my moto library and the only ones that I do not have are by Lois Pryce, Glen Heggstad and the Boorman/McGregor books. I also do not have the book that Khunajawdge recommends, Jorge is The Deep Thinker of our FJR Forum: If George suggest it, I'm interested in it!

If you have any thoughts on riding Alaska, I would like to suggest "Alaska by Motorcycle" by Dr. Gregory Frazier. Revised Edition ISBN 0-935151-48-6 and you can get it for $19.95 from Order Number D-AKMC.

Have met him at lots of BMW Rallies throughout the West, fun/interesting individual. Has ridden around the world many times!

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"Untamed Spirit" by Doris Maron.

A Lady out of Edmonton, Alberta. Basically sold everything, took a Honda V45 Magna and rode around the World by herself.

Now She's busy riding the wheels off an ST1300.

I also do not have the book that Khunajawdge recommends, Jorge is The Deep Thinker of our FJR Forum: If George suggest it, I'm interested in it!
Gee thanks Don sweetheart! :wub:

But...I don't know about the deep thinker part? :unsure: There are lot's of D'oh's that follow me around including the time I fell into an open well.

Many of these books sound like a great Winter's read!

My favorite.


Ok it was my favorite when I was in fourth grade. I really liked The Long Way Round book in conjunction with the movie. I think you need to read both to get the full story.

If you're a rock-n-roll fan (especially of RUSH) you might take a look at Rush drummer Neil Peart's books. He's actually a decent writer, IMHO.
Roadshow: Landscape With Drums: A Concert Tour by Motorcycle chronicles Neil's motorcycle travels while the band is on tour.

Ghost Rider: Travels on the Healing Road is a bit more somber and personal, as it deals with his riding as a grieving process after the death of his daughter and then his girlfriend shortly after.

The Masked Rider: Cycling in West Africa is one by him I haven't read yet.
I highly recommend these books but note that "The Masked Rider" is about Neil's late-1980's bicycle journey thru Cameroon in West Africa. Just didn't want you to think it was motorcycle-related.

I really liked The Long Way Round book in conjunction with the movie. I think you need to read both to get the full story.
I wondered about that but have dragged my feet getting the book since I thought it might be repetitious. Guess I should check it out. Thanks.
