My manual/ mechanic

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Well-known member
Oct 20, 2008
Reaction score
East Central Illinois
If I take my fjr to shop for some work, (say valve check) would it be proper to offer them my shop manual to follow? I know they don't have manuals for all the bikes they work on. I'm sure they can get any help they need online from Yamaha, but do they take the time to do it ?

just wondering,


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I'd use is the other way as a quiz. If a mechanic doesn't have the manual....I'd keep going down the road until I found a mechanic that did.

If it's a Yamaha dealer and they don't have the manual (or access to one -- on-line?) (I can't imagine how that would be...?) don't let them work on your bike.

If it's an independent m/c shop? -- yes, by all means, let them use your manual.

It's not a 'sign of weakness' to do it 'by the book' -- the best mechanics refer to the manual all the time. Sometimes, if a mechanic specializes in, or sees a lot of, a certain popular model -- he'll know a lot about it. But, there are many models (even within one brand) -- it's hard to know all the little/important details pertaining to a certain model.

A competent mechanic with lots of experience doesn't absolutely need a book to repair many things -- but, if he's really professional/diligent, he won't mind having one either.... :)
