No need for glasses while riding/driving

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Say Petey, do the new eye lens correct vision or just clear things up? I have the beginning of cataracts but not bad enough for surgery. Maybe in three years when I am your age I will be eligible. I can't see well enough to read anything with out glasses.
My age?
if you're lucky
you'll get there too.
....Definetely corrected my vison, I was wearing tri focals I only need low power readers for small print.
Petey, I am one of your many admirers and I will never be your age, because of the 2years and 9 months difference. I truly thank your for the information that if I have cataract surgery I will be able to get rid of my bifocals.

Thank you very much for this valuable information.

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Just wait until you see Don with your new eyes. You're gonna wish for you cataracts back!!

Congratulations. Technology is bad ass!!

Petey,Just wait until you see Don with your new eyes. You're gonna wish for you cataracts back!!

Congratulations. Technology is bad ass!!
Looked in the mirror lately AJ?? :) :)

I had the right one done 20+ years ago with an implanted lens. Still doing fine.

Just think how much faster Petey will be if he can see the road.

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Like a lot of you guys out there I was wearing glasses (full time) and looking for ways to minimize/eliminate the foging up of the face shield and eye glasses. Well, I never did find anything that realy worked. Yes I purchased the pinlock shield and that did keep the face shield clear, but it was money down the drain because my glasses where still the problem.
It's a lot more difficult to keep the glasses from foging up.However at the end it did pay off to have purchased the pinlock system....NO MORE NEED FOR GLASSES while riding/driving..I had catacact surgery and coudn't be happier with the outcome.
So, my grin from ear to ear while riding will only increase from here on out.
Say Petey, do the new eye lens correct vision or just clear things up? I have the beginning of cataracts but not bad enough for surgery. Maybe in three years when I am your age I will be eligible. I can't see well enough to read anything with out glasses.
There are several options available depending on what you want to pay for and the capabilities of your doctor. The cheapest fix only removes the cataract and allows all the light to come in. I opted for the premium lense implants which corrected my cataracts, tri-focal nearsightedness, and astigmatism. After a year I only need grocery store readers for computer work and small print. Life is good!

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After having eyeglasses required for several decades both for flying and driving/riding, I had the requirement removed a couple of years ago from both my third class medical and my driver's license. The cause? I don't need them to meet the vision requirements for either. In fact it was my Aviation Medical Examiner who first brought it up that my vision was good enough that they were not required. No surgery, bribery, or other trickery. I'm not entirely sure what happened but my vision has changed overall in recent years, with the caveat that I can't hold stuff right at my nose and read it any more, but my distance vision has improved.

I do still wear my glasses at certain times, as they juice my distance vision nicely. I can more easily spot other aircraft at considerably distance and pick out bambis at night.

After having eyeglasses required for several decades both for flying and driving/riding, I had the requirement removed a couple of years ago from both my third class medical and my driver's license. The cause? I don't need them to meet the vision requirements for either. In fact it was my Aviation Medical Examiner who first brought it up that my vision was good enough that they were not required. No surgery, bribery, or other trickery. I'm not entirely sure what happened but my vision has changed overall in recent years, with the caveat that I can't hold stuff right at my nose and read it any more, but my distance vision has improved.
I do still wear my glasses at certain times, as they juice my distance vision nicely. I can more easily spot other aircraft at considerably distance and pick out bambis at night.
The same thing happened to me at age 53. I went from being nearsighted with about 20/60 vision but being able to read without glasses to having 20/20 vision in both eyes but requiring reading glasses....which I thought was a really good trade off. My doctor said it was unusual but not unheard of. The left eye eventually went to 20/100 (and was pretty useless because there was so little light getting in) before the cataract replacement, the right eye is still close to 20/20 with only a very mild cataract.

Now when I wake up in the morning I am going to expect that 20/20 has revisited me. Mine went south while in Army Basic a number of years ago. Great one week, couldn't see anything more than about 50 feet away clear to put a bullet in it. Extremely irritated that I had trouble qualifying considering that I had about 10 years of small-bore competition shooting experience.

I, too, had cataract surgery... I was very pleased (and still am to some degree) initially. On the first surgery my vision was crystal clear, once the world "righted" itself. However I noticed my vision "shifted" between perfect to slightly fuzzy. My second surgery went well, but that eye was not as crystal clear as the first... Alas, I found out the lenses were floating around a bit in their new home. Eventually, as scar tissue secures the lenses in place, vision stabilizes... Mine ended up 20/40, good enough to pass the driver's eye test at DMV without glasses. Long term, the cloudiness that was developing is gone and shouldn't be a problem in future.. It is all good, but I still need glasses to correct to 20/20.
