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Damn! Some days are so nice you're luck to be alive; some days you're lucky just to be alive. This wouldn't have been pretty in a cage either.

I can't offer any better advice than you've already received ('cepting Highlander). Just remember you've got lots of friends pulling for you and keep us posted.

Hey, Jill, do we need to collect brochures onthe new 1200 GT and send them to you? They might make great wallpaper in the, er, uhm, "healing room". Jist tryin' tuh hep. :blink:

Hey, Jill, do we need to collect brochures onthe new 1200 GT and send them to you? They might make great wallpaper in the, er, uhm, "healing room". Jist tryin' tuh hep. :blink:

Very sorry to hear of the accident. First of all try to be thankful for all that remained intact. Realize that time will heal the body, but the mind needs exercise too. As soon as he's ready, the laptop. He is welcome to share his 'gory details' with the group and then start looking forward. Then laughter. great medicine.

Take care of yourself as well SP.

Wow, sorry to learn about your hubby accident. He will need lots of TLC, nurturing and love. However, the time will come when he will want to try to put on his socks, or to _____________ (fill out the blank) without help, let him try it and celebrate his success. Recovery will be fast, but will seem to take for ever, he needs to keep his mind occupied. (BTDT)

My best wishes for a speedy recovery.

Sorry to hear about your husbands accident. Same heartfelt feelings as the other posts and hope the recovery time is quick. This sounds like it could have been much worse but he is much blessed to have his own personal nurse at his side and you guys are in my and my wife's prayers for sure. Painman. <>< :)


jeeeez !!

I'm only away for a week and all this happens :(

Really sorry to hear of DH's accident and your witnessing of it. Deb & I will be keeping good thoughts for the both of you.

All the replies to the thread have already said what I would have wanted to.

Deb & I know from our own experience that the mental wounds take longer to heal than the physical ones - but they will heal.

Get DH logged onto this forum, I promise it will help.

Hang in there,

Rog & Deb


I was concerned because Jill hasn't posted, so I contacted her by email seeking an update and information. She asked me to post her reply and information. Here's the news......

"Andy has a broken femur with a rod and pin. Both elbows were shattered and needed extensive reconstruction. So far he has 29 screws, four plates and a cable. His right wrist is scheduled for repair Monday. The leg has some staples and an 'Ace' wrap but is too painful to move. Both arms have full-length casts. He also has an unstable fracture of the thoracic spine. It's not surgical but will need a brace when he starts to move.

He is unable to use the call light, remote, etc., and has to be spoon fed and bathed. Understanably, he is terrified so I am living in his room. I work on the floor below, at the same hospital, so that's convenient. Not a lot of zzzz's though.

No talk of going home yet. If the insurance will wear it, he might get a rehab place or skilled nursing facility for a while.

Thanks for caring. I'll be back.


She sent me a link for pictures of the bike, his riding gear and hospital information. If you are interested look here, under "A Prayer for Andy". There's an address for cards, etc.

Since she is "living" at the hospital, she is not permitted on line through the work portal, but she misses "The Forum".

Oh yeah, his new object du' lust : K1200S, bumble bee colour scheme. They've hung a poster in his room!

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Ooo, that bike 'aint a pretty sight!! :(

Jill, I hope DH is feeling better soon, the update from MM2 sounds like DH is not having a fun time of it right now .

We will keep you both in our prayers.

I do know one thing - DH is blessed to have you by his side and he knows it! YOU being you is what he needs right now. God Bless you both!

Jill and Andy,

My thoughts and prayers are with you during this time. Andy, get well quick and Jill, don't forget to take care of yourself.

Jill isn't checking the board as her work will not allow her "on-line", and she's "living" at the hospital (Her work shift, then in D.H.'s room) An email or card sent to the hospital would be received and read....... ;)

Thanks MM2, I was looking for updates. The update is tougher to take than the origional damage report. Geeze, I hope he can sleep some soon. DH needs something to focus on. I am sure at this stage even laughing is too painful. IMHO from a personal standpoint music would be helpful. TJ

I don't know how many of you actually go check the links, so here's an update:

He has a rod in his left leg.

Rt Elbow is rebuilt using a plate and 15 screws.

Lt Elbow is now rebuilt using 3 plates, 14 screws and 1 cable.

The surgeries are finished and its time to begin the Physical Therapy so they have moved him to that section of the hospital. He is finally able to get into a wheelchair (with help from the nursing staff) and actually go outside!

Jill reports that they are trying to get him to the place he can use her "wireless" controls for the laptop.

Jill (Silver Penguin) is still not "on-line" so any responses here will be read by her later. Cards can be sent to him (or both of them) at:

Andy Hill

c/o Long Beach Memorial Hospital

2801 Atlantic Avenue

Long Beach, CA 90806

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I don't know how many of you actually go check the links, so here's an update:
He has a rod in his left leg.

Rt Elbow is rebuilt using a plate and 15 screws.

Lt Elbow is now rebuilt using 3 plates, 14 screws and 1 cable.

The surgeries are finished and its time to begin the Physical Therapy so they have moved him to that section of the hospital. He is finally able to get into a wheelchair (with help from the nursing staff) and actually go outside!

Jill reports that they are trying to get him to the place he can use her "wireless" controls for the laptop.

Jill (Silver Penguin) is still not "on-line" so any responses here will be read by her later. Cards can be sent to him (or both of them) at:

Andy Hill

c/o Long Beach Memorial Hospital

2801 Atlantic Avenue

Long Beach, CA 90806
How many wheels on that wheelchair?

How about wheelie practice?


Emailed Jill this AM and recieved the following response. She asked me to share it with you folks.

Hi Mike. Great to hear from you. Please share with the rest of the


Andy has been moved to acute rehab and will stay here for as long as

the insurance pays the $1000/day. It's still at the hospital where I

work, so very convenient. I'm living in his room, just taking 12hrs out

to go to work now and again.

He is able to get out of bed with the assistance of a physical

therapist and a back brace, into a wheelchair. No attempts at walking yet

since he cannot bear any weight at all on his right leg. Occupational

therapy are working on his arms, and creating all kind of weird and

wonderful devices to assist in feeding, personal care etc.

We've hired a personal injury attorney and it's a relief to turn over

all the stuff to him. He will be paid handsomely at the end of this, so

he's doing the work.

To complicate matters, some moron rammed his car into Andy's truck last

week. Our son is using the F150 and had it parked in the usual place

at home. A neighbor fell asleep driving home and managed to t-bone the

truck on a straight street (?????) The report said NINE points of

impact but that includes where the truck was pushed onto the sidewalk. The

damage is in the ballpark $7-8K so you know what that means for a six

year old truck. The guy has wrecked two cars in previous sleeping

events. His license was suspended for the last one.

Today's a kinda sad day, since right now, this minute, we should have

been out on the track learning precision cornering at the Streetmasters'

workshop, with RogDeb and other friends.

I'm going home today, for the first night in my own bed since the

accident and then I'm going to fire up the bike tomorrow. There's a gentle,

local breakfast putter that should be good for rebuilding my very shaky


