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Well-known member
Jun 3, 2008
Reaction score
Rocklin, CA
New England Friends,

My wife said it eloquently Sunday: "Your motorcycle buddies are awesome."

I received your package upon my return Sunday evening to my great surprise, and wow... moved, overwhelmed and blown away. Loved the whole print, the caricature, and most of all, your sentiment and kind notes. So terrific, and incredibly generous of you!

We miss much about New England, and especially great friends, though I'm so sorry to know what's going on there with storm damage, and that some of our favorite covered bridges are now gone. A complete shame. I'm sure some of our favorite roads are now going to need serious repair, too. I hope none of you has been personally too badly affected.

Nevertheless, here are some pics of your tremendously thoughtful gift, which will be cherished in my office (The caricature is the better-looking version of the goof on the right! But, wow! Pretty darned accurate!):



I'm grateful to all of you for the well wishes, and really hope you'll get out west to join me on a ride or two! I'm learning from great locals here that there are hundreds and hundreds of amazing miles of riding out here... many just 15 minutes from our new town!

Very warmest thanks again to all of you, especially to you, John & Gail (The Bluejags),


Barry, you have some great East Coast friends!!!

You should find you will also have some great west coast friends as well!!

Its just the caliber of people that ride the FJR and participate on the Forum..

Great motorcycle rides are to be had on the north end of the state!!


and Welcome to California..

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I'm grateful to all of you for the well wishes, and really hope you'll get out west to join me on a ride or two! I'm learning from great locals here that there are hundreds and hundreds of amazing miles of riding out here... many just 15 minutes from our new town!
See you next year, Barry ;)

Yup, the bluejags ROCK :yahoo:

I hope you and your family are settled in and enjoying this new chapter in your life

Mary E

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Great post, Barry.

Beautiful gesture by that east coast group. (And I'd always heard that they were a bunch of

freaky, hot-tubbbin', single malt-swillin', maple syrup-slurpin' malcontents who'd just as soon kill

ya as look at ya.

.......Guess I was wrong.)


We need to go for a ride one of these days, amigo. Perhaps a Saturday early morning in the next couple of months, as the weather cools a bit?

We'll round up a few of the local criminals.

Autumn in the mountains is awfully nice.

(Gotta get the nasty business of SW-FOG behind me first.)

We miss you already, Barry!

[rubbing it in] You know you missed a really great time at NERDS this year. [/rubbing it in]

Do make some plans to come back and visit us sometime. Soon...

Big kudos to John and Gail (the "bluejags") for coming up with the idea and having the picture drawn-up.

They are always coming up with meaningful things like this.

Now, don' t take this the wrong way, zip, but... That "caricature" really does look an awful lot like you. :p

Nice post.

When I bought my FJR, I had no idea that by going online I would meet so many great people who also happen to own them as well.

I've got great buddies coast to coast.

Many thank's to go around! This truly was a GROUP effort That would not have been possible without the help of Fred,Alan,Ed as this was originaly planned for Chowda 11 The NERDS group was gracious to give the project the nod

to be a small part of the weekend fun! :yahoo: The big thank's goes to them and all the great people that came to make NERDS a great sucess! It truly is a great bunch of people this FJR community no matter where Y'all are from.

P.S Anyone for a NERDS roadtrip out west perhaps??? Thank's to all JAG

Many thank's to go around! This truly was a GROUP effort That would not have been possible without the help of Fred,Alan,Ed as this was originaly planned for Chowda 11 The NERDS group was gracious to give the project the nod

to be a small part of the weekend fun! :yahoo: The big thank's goes to them and all the great people that came to make NERDS a great sucess! It truly is a great bunch of people this FJR community no matter where Y'all are from.

P.S Anyone for a NERDS roadtrip out west perhaps??? Thank's to all JAG

Maybe NAFO 2012 in BC??? :yahoo:
