Twas the night before Xmas - FJR Forum style

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Well-known member
Aug 19, 2008
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[Add your own creative prose to complete the following]

Twas the night before Christmas, and in the garage

The FJR was squeezed in between a Bimmer and a Dodge.

A battery tender piglet was plugged into the wall,

and a box with Brodie's ignition harness sat in the hall.

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Twas the night before Christmas, and in the garage

The FJR was squeezed in between a Bimmer and a Dodge.

A battery tender piglet was plugged into the wall,

and a box with Brodie's ignition harness sat in the hall.

Helmets and gloves, And all your riding gear,

Hoping they all fit next year!

[Add your own creative prose to complete the following]
Twas the night before Christmas, and in the garage

The FJR was squeezed in between a Bimmer and a Dodge.

A battery tender piglet was plugged into the wall,

and a box with Brodie's ignition harness sat in the hall.
The only creature stirring was a cute little mouse

Chewing up the ignition harness and the rest of the house.

If you lived in the South things wouldn't be so rough.

The garage would be empty; no maintenance stuff.

You'd be in the seat twisting grip, spinning gear,

Out riding all day full of fine Christmas cheer!

-And cold weather is coming. Merry Christmas to all. Here in central Alaska we're about 0F, with -30 to 40F on the way from Siberia by the weekend. Paid a down payment today for my '09 FJR (my 3rd FJR), plus my '08 Stratoliner S in trade. By May maybe ready to ride.

That's as good as it gets, but no complaints, and enjoy the Holidays my friends.

Gary in Fairbanks

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If you lived in the South things wouldn't be so rough.The garage would be empty; no maintenance stuff.

You'd be in the seat twisting grip, spinning gear,

Out riding all day full of fine Christmas cheer!
I'm up early and reach into my stocking

anticipating what's good in there for biking

Kewl as first I grab something labeled Bikemaster

and then another that says, yeah boy, Magnum Blaster

Twas the night before Christmas and in the garage


the FJR tucked between Tundra and Dodge

No battery tender plugged in to her side

tomorrow I'm going for a long Christmas ride.

The mercury dipping to a mere thirty two

with Widder plugged in I will not be blue.

With air crisp and thick the molecules tight

a twist of the wrist and everything's right

For all 1298 is pumping out power

and the grin in my fullface lasts hour after hour.

Merry Christmas

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T'was the night after xmas

and I saw no damn elf,

no white bearded fat man

I'd fear for his health,

or pretty wrapped farkels

nor helmets on shelves,

I'd no need for nothing

as I bought them myself.

On sale too!

Twas the night before Christmas and in the garage

the FJR tucked between Tundra and Dodge

No battery tender plugged in to her side

tomorrow I'm going for a long Christmas ride.

The mercury dipping to a mere thirty two

with Widder plugged in I will not be blue.

With air crisp and thick the molecules tight

a twist of the wrist and everything's right

For all 1298 is pumping out power

and the grin in my fullface lasts hour after hour.

Merry Christmas
Very good Nate! That's a classic.

It was the night before Christmas and all throught the town nothing was stirring but 10" of snow on the ground, I stuck my nose out to see what this is about, I went back in the garage so I can pout...

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Twas the night before Christmas and in the garage

the FJR tucked between Tundra and Dodge

No battery tender plugged in to her side

tomorrow I'm going for a long Christmas ride.

The mercury dipping to a mere thirty two

with Widder plugged in I will not be blue.

With air crisp and thick the molecules tight

a twist of the wrist and everything's right

For all 1298 is pumping out power

and the grin in my fullface lasts hour after hour.

Merry Christmas
Very good Nate! That's a classic.

[Add your own creative prose to complete the following]
Twas the night before Christmas, and in the garage

The FJR was squeezed in between a Bimmer and a Dodge.

A battery tender piglet was plugged into the wall,

and a box with Brodie's ignition harness sat in the hall.
Twas the night before x-mas

and all through the land

it's snowing and bowing

not fit for beast or man

Damn I'm bored as I go up to bed

with visions of sunshine drenching my head

If it were only summer I think to myself

I'd be out rideing right now,all by myself

Next morning I awoke feeling much sadder

till I looked out the window

to see whats the matter

The snows all gone and the sun is shining

The FJR is outside,I hear her running


Helmets on tight

I turn and wave to all

As I ride clean out of sight

Screeming HAPPY NEW YEAR to all and to all a good night

Twas the week before Christmas, and next to the Sound,

Not a creature was stirring, for all were snowbound.

Greyhound busses quit running, no matter the fare,

And the mail men and garbage said they just couldn't get there!

The children were sliding Queen Anne Hill on their sleds.

While roofs were collapsing on old people's heads.

And mamma in her boots and I in my cap,

Were stuck in the snow and ice and such crap.

When at the Home Depot there arose such a clatter,

I trudged from my car to see what was the matter.

A group of sad souls were waving their cash,

They couldn't buy shovels, they'd sold in a flash.

Tires were spinning and just wouldn't go,

And chains lay broken in the dirty old snow.

Then, what to my surprise did my eyes look over and see?

Eight representatives of SDOT,

With a fat politician so lively and quick,

I knew in a moment it was Mayor "Salt Nick".

More rapid than gun bans, his excuses they came,

"To save our environment the roads stay the same!

On Broadway! On Boren! On Yesler and Denny!,

To clear off these roads would cost such a penny!

Sliding down Thomas and onto a wall!

The busses hung over I-5, ready to fall!

Still, he insisted it wasn't his fault,

As the world's greenest mayor he wouldn't use SALT!

That stuff's corrosive, could hurt the fish.

(But the Puget Sound's SALT WATER you ignorant kish!)

So snowy Seattle continued to stew,

But Mayor "Salt Nick" just hadn't a clue.

While I stood there astonished, on nearby TV sets,

I saw the airport was packed, no de-icer for jets.

Since others couldn't get down the roads to the ferry,

The city decided to close Denny and Cherry.

Police cars and firetrucks were highly impaired,

Citizens got no impression that Mayor Salt Nick cared.

A house that caught fire, or a rape in progress,

Was less important than "going green" in Seattle - I guess!

An accident closed the I-90 bridge,

And people couldn't drive down Finney Ridge.

Shovels, and salt had just flown off the shelf,

And I laughed when I heard him in spite of myself.

A wink of his eye and a twist of his head,

He tried to convey we had nothing to dread;

He spoke many words, but did little work,

Yet Seattle knew they should never have elected this jerk.

Then thumbing his nose at his citizens' plight,

He turned to the crowd and exclaimed "We've done right!",

And then to his limo refusing to yield,

He left to get solar panels installed on Qwest Field.

But I heard him exclaim, as he skidded past me

"Happy Christmas to all, heck, I give myself a 'B' ".

T'was dah nite foe Christmas

and um resting on my knees,

tomorrow will be a big day

cause um driving to tha Keys.

Maybee in the 09 Soltist or the FJR,

Listing to XM Radio, coming in from afar.

But anyway you cut it, eye will feel very sad,

cause my FJR buddies are up north,

freezing off their ass!

ahchiu - thats was awesome. You captured mayor quimby to the "T" :yahoo: :clapping:
