What To Do On A Red Light...

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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pick my nose . and then spit a couple of times ... maybe scratch my nuts sometimes
Don't forget to pick your butt and fart at the same time, then you will be an all around guy :haha:

Rad, wasn't it you who related a story of kicking in a miscreants body panels when (she?) came into your lane whilst chatting on the phone?
Actually, did that while in motion. Escalade, at about 25mph. Several things made that an appropriate response-I had been scared shitless, it was almost an automatic response as I had no more room to move over, and there was no way he was gonna catch me in traffic. ;)

I'm usually trying to get snowmonkeys attention so he'll quit bogarting....monkeys...ya gotta watch 'em all the time...

RE: Kids riding gear.

My kids ride 4-wheelers. They wear their ATV stuff.

Both kids have:

1) AFX Full face motorcross helmet

2) Thor Static trail pants (no hard armor, but the pants do have extra padding in the knees, hips, and butt

3) Thor Evolution Boots

3) Thor Phase gloves

4) Shift protector

5) Jersey when it is 90+F (this sucks since there is no elbow armor, only shoulder and chest offered with the Shift protector)

6) When it is cooler, they have leather jackets (90+F and they wear their jerseys or just don't ride)

**The upper body protection was the biggest problem. There is simply no armored jackets to fit kids smaller than 70 lbs. Once they are bigger than 70 lbs, the Cortex womens XS jacket and pants which are armored fit great.

I do this when I wear my alien helmet with the tinted visor.


I slowly turn my head and stare at the cager. All they see is their own distorted face, so they look away. B)

This is especially rewarding when I'm riding the V-Max with ultra-loud Supertrapps.

The combination of the noisy pipes and alien face makes them cringe and give me the widest berth.

When I wear a normal helmet, instead, they must find my dumb mug non-threatening because some even try to race me when the light turns green.


I'm usually trying to get snowmonkeys attention so he'll quit bogarting....monkeys...ya gotta watch 'em all the time...
Hey come on BobbyBlue, it was just a little roach at that traffic light. You have to attend the safety meeting if you want to get in on the Larry log from the start.

These days (it's been very hot here lately in the NY metro area :dribble: ) at the red lights... I turn my nutz over so the other side gets roasted as well. :focus:

Good thing I was already "corrected" before I got my FJR. (Family Jewels Roaster) :fire:
