What's the Weather like where YOU are today?

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Fredericksburg VA

6-8 inches of snow and this place shuts down.

Drive home from Dulles last night took 3 hrs, should be 1 hr.

DC and N. VA driving is an experience, stayed home today.

Plowed my roads at 1:30 today.

Came home last night and went in the house.

What's that honking? Who fucking cares.

My son made a stop, came home, your van slid down the driveway into the road!

Opps sorry....

The weirdest thing just came through.

Thunder and lightning and snowflakes the size of quarters for about 10 minutes.

Now it's gone.


Pretty much the same down here, Joe. Aboot 14F and it's snowing. Not heavy snow, just a consistent, light snow that's been coming down for hours.

Getting low on sunscreen, need to pick up some more for today.
Dougie! Nice to see you're filling in for Don!

Gotta head down 174 and 80 in a little over an hour -- to 49 through the confluence and down Salmon Falls Road to Latrobe Road and more of 49 on my way to meet up with Uberkul for lunch in Jackson. Wish you could join us, Tom, but you moved to PA!

Gorgeous morning, not a cloud in the sky, looking for highs in the mid to upper 60s. Looks like about 4 hours of riding in the foothills today. Pretty minimal layering under the Motoport mesh seems about right. Washed the FJR yesterday and she's ready to run.

Still wishing we could get some of that snow you guys have too much of. Oh well, I think I'll get up to Sugar Bowl Thursday and Friday to go sliding on what we have. Sunscreen still holding out here if you need some, Doug.

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Snowed for about 15 minutes at lunch. For a while there I could see probably 20 - 30 flakes at one time!

Seriously, I feel for y'all in New England. While I enjoyed my brief residence in Charlestown, it snowed every three or four days, and I just got tired of it. This winter, youse guys are getting hammered.

Expecting below zero by midnight. Wind sustained at 15 mph with gusts to 30.

No school. This extra snow day will likely cancel me out of SW FOG. Stupid to cancel when it sucks out. That is the time to be at school where it is warm out.

Cancel school when it is nice out and we can go enjoy the day

Same philosophy as sick days. I go to school when I don't feel great, but if I feel great I know I can take a sick day to go play.

Illinois weather sucks

So far, in February, we have had one day that (slightly) exceeded the "normal" high temperature for a given date. Most days have been more than 10 °F lower than the normal. We have not had a single nighttime low that has not been well below "normal". Unusually high winds plus quite a bit of snow means the white shit continues to pile up. AS bad as it has been here, the eastern parts of New Brunswick and PEI have had it worse; at least in terms of snow volume if not temperature and wind. Truly a winter to remember. (I wish I was just remembering it rather than living it right now.)

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