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OMG!!! Waaaa!

OUCH !!!!!! I totally deserved that……………..

It has been two beautiful days here in the ATL and I have spent most of them on the FJR. I paid attention to everything constructive people had to offer and after two days, I am glad to report that I have no pain in the thighs and groin.

I think it comes down to three issues;

1. Inflexibility- I was the kid at Boy Scouts that could never sit “Indian Style” and that inflexibility still exists. So for me, I have to stretch, stretch and then stretch some more before I ride. A good idea to do before any physical activity. I find I can now flat foot the bike and my legs and thighs are used to the seat width.

2. Tenseness- I am coming from a Burgman and even though I have ridden since my teens, I took quite a long time off to raise kids and the Burgman was my introduction back to two wheels. I was so apprehensive with the extra weight, high COG, slow speed cornering and the fact that even though I practiced in parking lots I still had to get out among the crazy Atlanta drivers to get anywhere. Now that I feel so much more confident, my riding style is more physically relaxed, but mentally alert.

3. Commando- had to buy some tighty-whities (I know, TMI !) If the “boys” aren’t happy, then you are never going to be comfortable.

Thank you so much for all your kind words and your occasional humor at my expense. Completely understandable.

I didn’t post this to whine, but because I was very concerned I had made a bad decision and hopefully from reading my quandary, someone else will learn from it. I am taking the Lee Parks “Total Control” course on April 12th in Valdosta, Ga, actually taught by Lee Parks himself, so I think that will add even more to my confidence level. I truly LOVE this bike and again, thanks for all your helpful suggestions.

Well, still too much estrogen (and info) :clapping: in your post, but hey you have an FJR & your learning! Welcome man!

Any exercises you can recommend? Did this happen to you? Am I just a pussy?
No you are NOT a pussy!

Aye say you just need to ride it Man! :clapping:

After you know it like the twist of your wrist, your veins will "ice up" to any doubt. :glare:

When you aren't thinking about riding the when you and the machine begin to really ride WITH each other! :dribble:

I "saw" a Triumph MC T-shirt once, in the same style as the Triumph logo that said "Trust Me". :cowboy: I think I now "trust" the safety of my bike more now, than when I am not on it!

See YA down the highway? :yahoo:


Forget the "tighty-whities". The cotton material is more of a pain in the azz (really!) then what its worth. If you want real comfort while riding then you need to go look for some different riding under garments. . What I ended up with is some all day comfort no matter what the outside temp is.
I think my passenger agrees with you! :rolleyes:

Forget the "tighty-whities". The cotton material is more of a pain in the azz (really!) then what its worth. If you want real comfort while riding then you need to go look for some different riding under garments. . What I ended up with is some all day comfort no matter what the outside temp is.
I think my passenger agrees with you! :rolleyes:
EVS BMX briefs from easily my most valuable farkle.


Am I just a pussy?I’m sure my stop and go city driving doesn’t help, and the fact that I’m just learning this machine and I’m still a bit tense,Suggestions greatly appreciated; Advil required………….
Yes and relax... You control the machine.Screw you guys!
It's Friday!!!!  :yahoo: :jester:
hotbike dave said:
Am I just a pussy?I’m sure my stop and go city driving doesn’t help, and the fact that I’m just learning this machine and I’m still a bit tense,Suggestions greatly appreciated; Advil required………….
Yes and relax... You control the machine.Screw you guys!
It's Friday!!!!  :yahoo: i love busta! / cooler than foonzie ! :jester:
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Am I just a pussy?I’m sure my stop and go city driving doesn’t help, and the fact that I’m just learning this machine and I’m still a bit tense,Suggestions greatly appreciated; Advil required………….
Yes and relax... You control the machine.Screw you guys!
It's Friday!!!!  :yahoo: :jester:
Am I just a pussy?I’m sure my stop and go city driving doesn’t help, and the fact that I’m just learning this machine and I’m still a bit tense,Suggestions greatly appreciated; Advil required………….
Yes and relax... You control the machine.Screw you guys!
It's Friday!!!!  :yahoo: i love busta! / cooler than foonzie ! :jester:

WTF did that add to this thread............

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Am I just a pussy?I’m sure my stop and go city driving doesn’t help, and the fact that I’m just learning this machine and I’m still a bit tense,Suggestions greatly appreciated; Advil required………….
Yes and relax... You control the machine.Screw you guys!
It's Friday!!!!  :yahoo: :jester:
Am I just a pussy?I’m sure my stop and go city driving doesn’t help, and the fact that I’m just learning this machine and I’m still a bit tense,Suggestions greatly appreciated; Advil required………….
Yes and relax... You control the machine.Screw you guys!
It's Friday!!!!  :yahoo: i love busta! / cooler than foonzie ! :jester:

WTF !!!!!
just ride the damn motorcycle!

You all told me about the “grin” I would have after getting my FJR; you failed to tell me about the FJR ”grimace”.
I have had my “06 AE for exactly 5 days. I have about 100 miles now, mostly errands, and lots of parking lot practice and I commuted to work today for the first time. Also a few beautiful runs through Atlanta’s tree lined side streets.

But my thighs and groin are killing me! This seat seems so freaking wide...and what is there about 20 gallons in this huge tank between my legs?!? I feel like I’ve gone to a Dude Ranch and I got the fat horse. I am in pretty good shape; I walk four miles on a treadmill 3 times a week, my job isn’t sedentary, I stretch like crazy before I ride, but I’m dying here. I hurt so bad; it is affecting my ability to handle the bike. It’s so painful to put my leg down at a Stop sign that I try to do anything to avoid putting my foot down.

How long before my thighs get used to this seat and any suggestions of riding style that might help? Are other aftermarket seats narrower? Any exercises you can recommend? Did this happen to you? Am I just a pussy?

I’m sure my stop and go city driving doesn’t help, and the fact that I’m just learning this machine and I’m still a bit tense, but I love this bike too much to stay off for long.

Suggestions greatly appreciated;

Advil required………….

You may wish to look in a Suzuki V-Strom. Just a thought.

Some people can be SO damn helpful... :banghead:
Have you had a chance to try any of the changes/techniques/suggestions?
Yes. I have taken into practice many of the suggestions that I have received here among the sporadic, yet somewhat deserved abuse. It’s been raining here for two days, so I haven’t had a much seat time as I would like, but here are a few of the things that seem to work.

Stretching very well before riding has really helped. I don’t even get on the bike before a good five-minute stretch.

Relax. Relax. Relax. I think this is the most important, I was very tense the first few days and as I get more familiarized to the bike my riding technique is calmer and that translates to my thighs.

I’ve been working on my Master Yoda position.

I am having a Heli triple clamp installed Monday by a Forum member. I think more of an upright stance will help.

I ordered some EVS BMX pants with padding based on the suggestion of a member.

I am not giving up on this bike or changing out the seat until I have put a couple thousand miles on her and I am confident the more time I spend riding, the better off I’ll be. I have been looking for this bike for eight months and I intend to have it for many, many years.

Thanks again for all your kind suggestions.

Some people can be SO damn helpful... :banghead:
Have you had a chance to try any of the changes/techniques/suggestions?
Yes. I have taken into practice many of the suggestions that I have received here among the sporadic, yet somewhat deserved abuse. It’s been raining here for two days, so I haven’t had a much seat time as I would like, but here are a few of the things that seem to work.

Stretching very well before riding has really helped. I don’t even get on the bike before a good five-minute stretch.

Relax. Relax. Relax. I think this is the most important, I was very tense the first few days and as I get more familiarized to the bike my riding technique is calmer and that translates to my thighs.

I’ve been working on my Master Yoda position.

I am having a Heli triple clamp installed Monday by a Forum member. I think more of an upright stance will help.

I ordered some EVS BMX pants with padding based on the suggestion of a member.

I am not giving up on this bike or changing out the seat until I have put a couple thousand miles on her and I am confident the more time I spend riding, the better off I’ll be. I have been looking for this bike for eight months and I intend to have it for many, many years.

Thanks again for all your kind suggestions.

The More you ride the FJR the more you will like it and the more comfortable you will feel and soon you will notice no more pain.

Some people can be SO damn helpful... :banghead:
Have you had a chance to try any of the changes/techniques/suggestions?
Yes. I have taken into practice many of the suggestions that I have received here among the sporadic, yet somewhat deserved abuse. It’s been raining here for two days, so I haven’t had a much seat time as I would like, but here are a few of the things that seem to work.

Stretching very well before riding has really helped. I don’t even get on the bike before a good five-minute stretch.

Relax. Relax. Relax. I think this is the most important, I was very tense the first few days and as I get more familiarized to the bike my riding technique is calmer and that translates to my thighs.

I’ve been working on my Master Yoda position.

I am having a Heli triple clamp installed Monday by a Forum member. I think more of an upright stance will help.

I ordered some EVS BMX pants with padding based on the suggestion of a member.

I am not giving up on this bike or changing out the seat until I have put a couple thousand miles on her and I am confident the more time I spend riding, the better off I’ll be. I have been looking for this bike for eight months and I intend to have it for many, many years.

Thanks again for all your kind suggestions.
Many of us had a "learning curve" and have made modifications to adjust the ergos of the FJR to fit our physical dimensions and needs.

IIRC, it took a couple of thousand miles before my "elder", normal-size (6'2", 250 lbs) body conformed to my FJR, with the help of a Russell seat. That was over 60K miles ago so my memory of motivational issues isn't as clear as it might be.

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It depends on what bike you are comming from the first FJR I road I felt what you felt about the petrol tank . Compared to A Suzuki Vstrom they are wide . You will adapt with some effort but walking on a treadmill helps strenghten your legs to be close together not spaced apart . I would go and see a good Ostipath money well spent IMO and more important than any farkle ,you will be surprised at how they can help get muscle to relax a bit and how much better you can move . Remember when riding any long distance to stand on the pegs every half hour for a minute or so that way you get better blood flow flex your toes every half hour stretch your legs a little from time to time . These and many more ideas may help you

Had my 05 for 18 months now--32000+ miles and only shoulers burned for a little while and I only have a 28 inseam. Check your seat.

P.S.--I have stock seat and find it comforable

If that's you in your avatar, then I'm afraid you and your groin are doomed to be uncomfortable on the FJR! :haha:

Damn, you figured it out!!!

Thanks Guys for all your advice,

The seat is stock.

I’m 5’ 10” with a 32” inseam. 50ish. I can’t quite flat-foot the bike, but I feel comfortable at rest.

I’m thinking it’s the tenseness of my legs as I get used to this bike. My upper body is very relaxed, but I’m coming from a Burgman, so this is one completely different animal. I’m getting used to the weight (although at speed, it seems more nimble and lighter than the Burgman), COG, fear of f*cking up my dream bike and just a steep learning curve.

It’s supposed to be in the upper 70’s here in ATL this weekend and I intend to spend a lot of time in the saddle. So, hopefully my thighs and I adjust. If not, I'll have an Flexeril IV strapped to the bike.

I also think I might want to invest in a pair of “tighty-whities”, the Boys are also feeling the pinch. Commando is not working.
ttlRiding Commando can be hard on the gonads so be careful. You probably need to relax a little bit and maybe try the Yoda riding position to keep the pressure off of the inner thighs. You can look up the Yoda riding postion on our site. Good luck. Later. Snowman13

After riding a Honda VTX 1300C, I thought my FJR is the most comfortable bike I ever rode, with the stock seat. It is very soft and easy on the tail bone. The VTX hurt me so much I'd have to stop and rest my butt every 20 minutes.

I did feel some discomfort because my package would squeeze up next to the tank, but lately, that hasn't been a problem. I make sure everything is arranged before I start out and try to wear lose fitting jeans. I have a great pair of riding jeans that have kevlar panels in the knees, butt and hips that are very comfortable. I'm tall, but long waisted with about a 31" inseam. I guess I get a little on my toes when stopped, but riding is very natural and comfortable.

My main discomfort on longish rides (3+ hours) are my hands. My right hand gets numb around the thumb from holding the throttle. I got one of those velcro paddles and that helps a lot. I've yet to see a cruise control that appeals to me, except the very very expensive electronic one.

My only real complaint is pushing it backwards out of a down slope head-in parking place. The thing needs a reverse. I am starting to learn to back in those spaces.

Stretching exercises before running an errand?

From the world of Physical Therapy it is obvious not having a clutch on a motorcycle has thrown the kinetic connections completely out of sync with the rest of the motorcycling psyche. There is a definite correlation between right hand/left hand responsibilities in regards to the operation of a motorcycle and not having a clutch is blocking the brain wave patterns and that blockage is sending signals to the rest of the body of total confusion, panic, pain, and a reluctance to ride the motorcycle as it should be ridden. The brain replaces common motorcycle logic needed with, my legs hurt, my hands hurt, my nuts are being crushed, my wheels are the wrong color, should I trailer the bike for the errands?

One possible fix might be to remove the right saddle bag to try and offset the imbalance caused by the clutchless machine. There is no data yet to support whether it will help you be a man and ride the bike, but hell, as long as all this whinin' is taking place, might as well look the part. Ride it over to Denver and back and then start to sort out what you don't like versus 100 miles for trips to the bread store.

Also, stretching muscles before exercising is not a good idea. Often done but not recommended. Stretch after exercising, after muscles have been warmed up. Not saying you have to now exercise then stretch before getting on the bike, just that stretching is probably not necessary and could tweak something before you even get on the bike.


Do you have the same response without traffic? Try a ride for some extended time out of traffic and see how you feel.

I think you are tensing up while in traffic and will probably have a different response out of it.

This is a great bike to get accustomed to and very enjoyable.
