If You Post Pics of FJR Gatherings. . .

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Not Safe For Work
Nov 5, 2007
Reaction score
Sacramento, CA (honest)
With summer here, there are lots of ride reports pictured from all over. I've met a lot of the western folks, but not so many from the other parts of the country. And even if I've met them, I don't always remember the names or put them with the right face. Also I don't always put the real names and the forum names together right. So if you post a picture where the forum member's face is shown enough to recognize, I appreciate when the pic is captioned like "Florida Fred talking to Georgia George at a rest stop." I like to know who I'm looking at. And it's frustrating to see faces and not know who it is, when I might recognize the name just from reading their posts. Not as important to me if it's just a pic of a rider going around a corner with the face covered--that could be anybody, and those shots are pretty much good for showing a scene you want to include, not about the rider personally usually.

So this is a request to add just a short line before or after a pic is posted with some identifying information. Hope you folks will do that so we can get to know who we're looking at pictures of. Thanks for doing that--if you do. If you agree, appreciate a "+1" or something as a response on this thread. I'd like to know what some of you out-of-my-area folks look like.

Edit: BTW, if you've posted a report WITHOUT doing this recently, appreciate you going back and editing your report to add names to the faces shown.

And whoever "Plussed" me on this, appreciate it, but what I meant was to add a reply just to say "+1" or "I agree" to show support for the idea. :lol:

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+1 on the captions, however if you really want to get to know people, how about asking them to use a picture of themselves for their profile instead of a photo of...well, you get the picture. :unsure:

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+1 on the captions, however if you really want to get to know people, how about asking them to use a picture of themselves for their profile instead of a photo of...well, you get the picture. :unsure:
But SacMikes avatar IS SacMike!
Agree with yah sacman!

+1 on the captions, however if you really want to get to know people, how about asking them to use a picture of themselves for their profile instead of a photo of...well, you get the picture. :unsure:
Sorry, Dave. Yours may be a picture of you, but I wouldn't accept it as a "picture ID." Ditto Mr. Carver's, and even Tyler's (kind of, but too small of you). I know MadMike2's is a pic of him, but I think I like my dog piccie better. OM's pic here is very flattering, though, and true to life. Not that hard to type a name on a picture you post though, is it?

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It might be that some of the folks are like me and don't want to be identified :unsure:

I rather enjoy my anonymity and feel safer from the authority's if they can't put a name on my face. ;)

Now Walt..I only provide the photo opp. The loonies here do the publishing :lol:

I'm not sure if MEM should be dismayed or ecstatic to have her butt compared to mine :eek:

Now Walt..I only provide the photo opp. The loonies here do the publishing :lol:

I'm not sure if MEM should be dismayed or ecstatic to have her butt compared to mine :eek:
I'm HOPING that's not the comparison Wheatie was making (yours and mine, ie) :blink:

'Dismayed' or 'ecstatic'? REALLY, Bust ?!?? :lol:
