PNW Fall Tech Meet

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Hi Bryan and Marissa,

I had SO looked forward to participating again since I missed the Spring session thanks to my bike not starting for the ride up to Auburn.

Well... I just re-fractured both right tibia/fibula again, exactly in the same spot as from my skiing accident in January. Doc said I should go buy some lottery tickets! The only good thing so far is that the bone ends are not dislocated, so at least this time it's only cast and no surgery...

I am seriously wondering about not keeping the FJR now though, this was the third time it tipped over on me. It did happen based on a really stupid and bad combination of circumstances though. My son's very first day of school, both son and daughter wanted to take the bus, my wife had gone first in the cage, I followed just a little behind on the bike. The school lot was horribly crowded of course, and when I got there my wife was impatiently waving me over to park in a narrow spot in front of the old church on the other side of the road. She was stressed out and worried we wouldn't get into the class room in time before the kids got off the bus. Well, that spot turned out to be VERY bad, in that it declined to the front AND sideways, something I would usually never consider for parking under other circumstances. Well she tried to help me push the bike out rear first once we got back out later, especially because now there was also a Minivan parked really close to it. Well, it fell over, and between my wife and the entry roofing pole next to her from the church entry there was no place for me or my leg to move out of the way of the bike, and the tank went down on the inside of my calf, popping both bones along the way. I guess riding season was a very short affair for me this year, and I have a while to think about keeping the FJR versus trading it in for something less bulky... Sniff.

Hi Bryan and Marissa,

I had SO looked forward to participating again since I missed the Spring session thanks to my bike not starting for the ride up to Auburn.

Well... I just re-fractured both right tibia/fibula again, exactly in the same spot as from my skiing accident in January. Doc said I should go buy some lottery tickets! The only good thing so far is that the bone ends are not dislocated, so at least this time it's only cast and no surgery...

Bummer Cris, sorry to hear! At least it wasn't the bike's fault.
That's bad news Chris, sorry for the misfortune and hope it heals up without problems.

Don't give up on the FJR, but if you do we'll still take you no matter what you ride! ;)

Heal up quick my friend.


Bryan, I'm pretty sure Hudson is planning on the valve check so you may want to add him.

Can I come over and get in the way? ;)

Breakfast @ the Cottage Inn?

You're dragging Wingshot along, too, aren't you?
Probably, right not he's somewhere between here and Santa Fe. And breakfast sounds good.
Yeah, I will be trying to keep my head up so I don't get too much gunk in my mouth from being dragged. Breakfast is a go... In Farmington, NM tonight. Had to stop early to deal with personal matters.

It was bound to happen. I've had a good run and really looked forward to these events, but I won't be able to make it.

Enjoy all, and stay safe! :)


I'm in!

No particular tasks to do on my bike. Will gladly lend a hand wherever needed.

I may bring a couple co-workers, one an FJR owner (not on forum) and another "FJR curious".
Awww crap!!!!!

I'm out....

Just realized I have a schedule conflict and have people counting on me to attned the other event. I'll be course working at Sovren's Maryhill Loops Vintage Sportscar Hillclimb near Goldendale.

Sorry to miss this great gathering of the faithful, I'll see ya next time.

I'm in!

No particular tasks to do on my bike. Will gladly lend a hand wherever needed.

I may bring a couple co-workers, one an FJR owner (not on forum) and another "FJR curious".
Awww crap!!!!!

I'm out....

Just realized I have a schedule conflict and have people counting on me to attned the other event. I'll be course working at Sovren's Maryhill Loops Vintage Sportscar Hillclimb near Goldendale.

Sorry to miss this great gathering of the faithful, I'll see ya next time.
Jim, you'll be having a ball down there! Don't worry we will say somthin about ya.

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