2005 Rear Shock

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New member
Mar 17, 2017
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Sorry if this is a common topic I couldn't find any threads. My 2005 has 102xxx and is in need of new rear suspension, I'm going to rebuild front forks this winter. What is everyone doing for the rear?

If you don't want to lay out big bucks on your 05' rear suspension, you might consider a Gen III OEM shock. Haven't check prices lately but I think you can pick one up in the neighborhood of $400.00. You might even find a like new take-off on one of the forums. Good luck!
DUDE...You're back!! Great to see you.

I swapped out with a 2013 OEM at about 90K. Your history with the bike would be helpful but if you've been good with the OEM all these yrs then save your money and go with OEM. You can get lightly used ones very cheap if you shop around a little.

This is a great illustration of a reasonable comment somebody made in the "This forum is no damn fun anymore" thread--that sometimes it doesn't kill anybody if an old question gets asked again. It may be NEPRT, and that doesn't matter a damn bit, unless you think you get cash or prizes every time you hit another even hundred posts or something, but it's valuable information for a new member who may well have looked conscientiously for an answer. And with only 2 posts so far, he sure hasn't seen it here before himself. Let's face it, it's not easy or intuitive to search for things around here, whatever strategy you use. Those who already have an opinion can skip the thread, or even offer up their thoughts.

To jkalert: You now begin to see the variety of advice that comes your way when you ask questions. Good news: it's all good advice. Yep, you can buy an upgraded suspension and it'll be lots better than either your stock suspension was when it was brand new or how it is now that it's got 100K + miles on it. But for a LOT less money, you can get that new take-off, either Gen 2 or 3 (or 3-1/2 or 4, if you believe those are really a thing) and it will be better than your Gen 1 job ever was. Especially if you're so sophisticated a rider that you can really appreciate the difference. If you're more like me, those fine differences might not be worth as much to you. But after sitting on that last one for this long, bet you'll like any new one. Save some money, especially on a 12 or 13-year old bike with a pretty good stack of miles on it already. And post in the "Wanted" section here what you're looking for.

If you don't want to lay out big bucks on your 05' rear suspension, you might consider a Gen III OEM shock. Haven't check prices lately but I think you can pick one up in the neighborhood of $400.00. You might even find a like new take-off on one of the forums. Good luck!
DUDE...You're back!! Great to see you.
Rumors of my demise have been greatly exaggerated. Still kickin' !

Thanks everyone, I've been looking for a few months not real keen on ebay just because never know exactly what you are getting. As for my riding I ride 120 miles round trip to work on weekends my wife and I may go for a couple hundred mile every so often. I don't get real stupid with it.....I don't bounce like I use to.

My Gen 2 is getting sloppy @ 50 K and as much as I want a Penske, a Gen 3 OEM for half the price (or less) is hard to pass up, (especially now that I ride my DR650 80% of the time.

I have a new in box rear shock for an '04. The original failed at 16,000 and Yamaha replaced it, but I had already put the Wilburs on. Saved it to swap on the bike when I had the Wilburs serviced but never did. I'd take 400 and include shipping in the US.
