2007 FJR Questions

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I have a 07 and the only thing that I can think besides what other have said is that the throttle and maping on the 08 and newer is better than the 07. I rode a friends 08 and it was smother than my 07, this can be fixed on the 07 with the G2 Throttle Tube and the PCIII.

[shaking head] $400 worth of aftermarket gimcracks to make a brand new bike ride like a brand new bike. [/shaking head]

Or you quit being a pussy and learn to ride the bike you got.

I have a 07 and the only thing that I can think besides what other have said is that the throttle and maping on the 08 and newer is better than the 07. I rode a friends 08 and it was smother than my 07, this can be fixed on the 07 with the G2 Throttle Tube and the PCIII.

[shaking head] $400 worth of aftermarket gimcracks to make a brand new bike ride like a brand new bike. [/shaking head]

Or you quit being a pussy and learn to ride the bike you got.
What's that? You don't even have a clutch!


Looks like you got all the right answers. I bought my 07" in 07" for $12,300. And it's a sweet ride just rode it today to work and added another 160 miles at 80 MPH+ and 40+MPG.

To give you some additional perspective, I bought my '07 this past December used, with 950 miles on it for $10300. I'd do it again in a heartbeat...I love it.

Also, as someone else mentioned, be prepared for a clunky clutch. Mine was horrible...until I did a clutch soak. Now it shifts like butter.

I appreciate everyone's comments and suggestions. I have a meeting with the dealer (owner) later this week and will try to get him to throw in some freebies to sweeten the deal.

Just watch the clutch. An '07 that's been sitting around that long will have dry plates and need a new one soon after you take delivery. Don't worry, they'll do it under warranty.
I have the exact same situation here. Got a brand new ´07 (paint called "red sky" here in eu) last month and I had some problems with the clutch not letting go when I squeezed the handle. Yesterday the dealer took the gearbox apart, cleaned, greased and re-assembled the whole thing and now it works like a charm! So, no new clutch needed, just some hugs and kisses and its ready to go.

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I have a 07 and the only thing that I can think besides what other have said is that the throttle and maping on the 08 and newer is better than the 07. I rode a friends 08 and it was smother than my 07, this can be fixed on the 07 with the G2 Throttle Tube and the PCIII.

[shaking head] $400 worth of aftermarket gimcracks to make a brand new bike ride like a brand new bike. [/shaking head]

Or you quit being a pussy and learn to ride the bike you got.
What's that? You don't even have a clutch!
Are you stupid or do you just play it on this site? No clutch huh?

YOU know what he meant. No need to get all

My, but its apparent that the proud owners of the Black Cherry '07 Fjr's

are a select few very enlightened individuals who are very proud of

their motorcycles, and for very good reason. The '07 is a fuggin

HOT looking bike! I even painted my skidlid to match! that outta

get your panties bunched!


I have a 07 and the only thing that I can think besides what other have said is that the throttle and maping on the 08 and newer is better than the 07. I rode a friends 08 and it was smother than my 07, this can be fixed on the 07 with the G2 Throttle Tube and the PCIII.

[shaking head] $400 worth of aftermarket gimcracks to make a brand new bike ride like a brand new bike. [/shaking head]

Or you quit being a pussy and learn to ride the bike you got.
THATS bullshit Spook...Yamaha can be rightly accused of bringing bikes off the assembly line and sold to their distributors with DEFECTS. These guys make a good point about having to spend good money to fix the poor throttle response of a bike that is considered to be a flagship.Your quip would normally be considered in a more humorous vein by this writer except, I`ve seen too many fjr buyers with far too many problems with their brand new machines over the years...including me. I`d say , quality control at the mother ship is non- existent.

I purchased a new still-in-the-crate '07 on Dec. 28th, 2007 for $11,999 OTD and I still think I got a good deal. I like black bikes but I can't warm up to black wheels so I would prefer an '08 over an '09. There are two recalls on '07 "A" models that should be done no later than at the 600 mile "break in" service. The ignition switch and ECU change out. The third lock is for the optional top box and the bag liners are standard equipment as are the caps for the holes where the side case attach.

The '07 FJR is my first Yamaha after a decade on BMW's and was a smart move on my part.


Sounds a touch "high" to me. I got my 07AE for 10,900 last October....

Be sure and have 'em do the ignition and ECU recall. Also, stand by to WAIT for the ECU... Mine came in this week ater being backordered for almost two months :angry2: The good news... the bike ran ok around here without the change, though it did seem a touch smoother on the ride back home yesterday after the ECU was changed out. Great bike, pick the one you like an go for it :rolleyes:

I have a 07 and the only thing that I can think besides what other have said is that the throttle and maping on the 08 and newer is better than the 07. I rode a friends 08 and it was smother than my 07, this can be fixed on the 07 with the G2 Throttle Tube and the PCIII.

[shaking head] $400 worth of aftermarket gimcracks to make a brand new bike ride like a brand new bike. [/shaking head]

Or you quit being a pussy and learn to ride the bike you got.
THATS bullshit Spook...Yamaha can be rightly accused of bringing bikes off the assembly line and sold to their distributors with DEFECTS. These guys make a good point about having to spend good money to fix the poor throttle response of a bike that is considered to be a flagship.Your quip would normally be considered in a more humorous vein by this writer except, I`ve seen too many fjr buyers with far too many problems with their brand new machines over the years...including me. I`d say , quality control at the mother ship is non- existent.
All i can say is the small amount of vibration that the bike puts out is very small as far as throttle response I have no problem with stock what so ever I would be glad to send you some cheese though.

PS I will give you ten bucks for that piece of shit FJR ya got.

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