2017 FJR- Anyone heard anything?

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Iggy wrote:
Does Cota95 get a prize for being the first to ask this year?
Nope! No prize. Just documenting the first of what likely will is a string of people that are ADD and don't seem to learn anything new over the years..and/or like to semi-troll. I expect a series of other sloppy folks to start new threads and I'll go though slapping them down with a statement like "You're the x (where x is the incremental counter I put in the upper left) person to post this NEPRT thread. Go read the existing thread on this. Thread closed."

And I'm sure it will miff off a few during the process. This is my cross to bear...oh well.

The person that posts a link of the ACTUAL 2017 model first gets a prize. They get to have a pinned thread and bragging rights for a while.
Can't hurt my feelings IGGY...I've been around too long.

Iggy wrote:
Does Cota95 get a prize for being the first to ask this year?
Nope! No prize. Just documenting the first of what likely will is a string of people that are ADD and don't seem to learn anything new over the years..and/or like to semi-troll. I expect a series of other sloppy folks to start new threads and I'll go though slapping them down with a statement like "You're the x (where x is the incremental counter I put in the upper left) person to post this NEPRT thread. Go read the existing thread on this. Thread closed."

And I'm sure it will miff off a few during the process. This is my cross to bear...oh well.

The person that posts a link of the ACTUAL 2017 model first gets a prize. They get to have a pinned thread and bragging rights for a while.
Iggy is not kidding! I got my hand slapped! I am #2 on his incrementer. He was very nice about it, though. He said "Already a thread in NEPRT about the 2017. Closing duplicate." I wonder how far Iggy will increment before someone finally posts a link of the actual 2017 model? All I know is that I want a brand new FJR, but I do not like the blue color. Why brand new? I want six gears and the Slipper/Assist clutch. Come on, Yamaha... give me Black Cherry for 2017!!!

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6 gears? Don't need 'em.

Slipper Assist? Got it on my '14 and you can put one on any year FJR in an afternoon for $300 in parts.

I agree about that blue color. I liked my '05 blue better, but that's subjective and personal opinion.

The one thing that Yamaha could do that would be a true game changer for the FJR IMO would be to spend some R&D time and money on killing the 4K rpm vibes. Other than that, any 3rd Gen FJR is already a perfect ST bike.

I'm going to continue to hope the new year will bring burnt orange paint...but I suspect I'll continue to be disappointed.

The bumble bee would be awesome.

Fred - I'd add to your list:

1. Make The wheel paint finish more durable

2. Make the rear rack able to hold more load

3. Tell Bridgestone to go fly a kite and make the OEM tire the PR4-GT

Still - even if Yamaha can't see these things my way, it's still the best ST IMO b

The bumble bee would be awesome.
Fred - I'd add to your list:

1. Make The wheel paint finish more durable

2. Make the rear rack able to hold more load

3. Tell Bridgestone to go fly a kite and make the OEM tire the PR4-GT

Still - even if Yamaha can't see these things my way, it's still the best ST IMO b
Add one more change. A much tougher mirror bracket so it doesn't snap in two (for a $1K-plus repair job) with every zero-speed parking lot drop.

"I'm shooting for white..." How about black and white? With red and blue lights?

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Fred - I'd add to your list:
1. Make The wheel paint finish more durable

2. Make the rear rack able to hold more load

3. Tell Bridgestone to go fly a kite and make the OEM tire the PR4-GT

Still - even if Yamaha can't see these things my way, it's still the best ST IMO b
And let's not forget about adding a friggin' turn signal canceller for all of us with half-heimerz.

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I heard they are going to be primer gray...
They already tried that in 2013, but nobody ever came back to get their custom color sprayed on. Since George already has a 2013, he's all set for any color he wants it to be.

Have you SEEN the '15? VERY disappointing.

I'm still holding out hope for a retro themed FJR for my next one....'17 would be fine with me

I notice you've used the superior Gen I for your fantasy.

2. Make the rear rack able to hold more load
They have, and it'll only cost you $260.

3. Tell Bridgestone to go fly a kite and make the OEM tire the PR4-GT
And then you'll be complaining of their performance and tire life.

Add one more change. A much tougher mirror bracket so it doesn't snap in two (for a $1K-plus repair job) with every zero-speed parking lot drop.
+1. Knock on wood this isn't something that I end up suffering.

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Never fails...the yearly "anyone heard..." thread turns into a whine fest at what Yamaha could do to really "up their game".

...and I'm trying to figure out a way to ride the hell out of the bike I have. No complaints, none.

Okay, one complaint...my pinky hurts.

Don't know why I get sucked into this bullshit.

I mean - why waste the electrons to type this crap? Yamaha won't ever change. They never listen to customers. They would never consider feedback from riders and customers when designing next generation motorcycles. If that were true, the new FJR would have 6 gears now....

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Never fails...the yearly "anyone heard..." thread turns into a whine fest at what Yamaha could do to really "up their game".

...and I'm trying to figure out a way to ride the hell out of the bike I have. No complaints, none.

Okay, one complaint...my pinky hurts.
Switch pinkys....JSNS

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I hope they go back to a 5 speed when I am ready to buy. How about that nice Candadian black bike being available in the USA. Shit, I just saved a whole butload of money on next years model.



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^^^ I know I'm inspired by that pic; hopefully the Color Choosers of Yamaha Corp. will be as well.

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