2020-03-20 Corona Virus Ride

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Well-known member
Sep 5, 2005
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Creston, CA

dCarver's rides


Corona Virus Ride

Well, the times they are a-changing. CV-19 is everywhere. 
We're in need of basic food supplies, so must go shopping.

Decided to take KrZy8, get some basics, and enjoy the rest of the day on the bike.
Rode to Vons, Atascadero. Only one other person besides me had gloves on.
I donned the gloves before entering, getting a cart.
Wore them until after having paid then washed them in the mens room.
Back at the bike, loaded the groceries then removed gloves.

At the gas station, put gloves back on before pushing buttons.

I think it's camera angle.. but the right upper light looks out of alignment.

Heading west on 41, towards Atascadero.

Some people out and about, including this fisherman. Atascadero Lake.

Among all this serenity and beauty, CV-19 exists.

On towards Pozo, from Santa Margarita, CA.

Recent March rains have helped turn the weeds back to green.
They had started to 'brown out'.

I'm not a farmer, so can't tell you what the crop is... but it sure was vibrantly green!

Beautiful cloud formations. Rain expected approximately 1700.


So far, 2020 has been tough. Two surgeries, abdo and foot, scheduled for late 2019 got postponed to early 2020 due to insurance company and doctor having wage disputes.
So in January 2020 had surgeries. Idea being recover from both at almost same time, while the rains were here.

Well, that plan didn't work out.. It didn't really rain. And once healed enough to ride, the rains hit.

Then CV-19.

Near Pozo. This family is a hoot.

Intrigued by this old building. Was it a school? Hardware store? Brothel? 

Often wanted to explore, but the property is fenced. Some folks have been inside though, as evidenced by graffiti on lower right inside wall.

Long distance view. School on a hill maybe?

One last shot.

After Pozo saloon. Pozo means 'well' or 'hole' in Spanish.

Two old yellow school buses used to shelter here.

Rural paradise.

Old barns.

Still in use.

Pretty damn happy to be on the bike and riding again!

River road. 

The Wood family has lived here and had this sign for as long as I can remember.

Hey Mister, can you spare a Couple of million dollars?

Hiway 58 eastbound.

Alan and Theresa's old ranch..

2006 Yamaha FJR aka 'KrZy8' turned 180,000 miles on the second odometer..
Second engine has 105,869 miles now.
Bike chassis now has 239,530 miles.
10,470 miles to 250,00 miles!

BTW, this bike is still 'tight' and 'right'. Yamaha made a helluva good platform in the FJR.

Self portrait.

A different picture format. New attempt at better pic quality. Shot in RAW mode, edited/enhanced with Mac Photo, exported to TIFF, converted to JPEG via iFranView. Canyon G7X.

Well, that's it. I have a touch of a sore throat, which is, well, curious.

Todays Wall Street Journal contained article stating many have the virus but are asymptomatic.

...And apparently this virus has been out and spreading since January, so lots of peeps might be exposed, asymptomatic, and/or just now coming on.

Hoping it's not true.


2020-03-20 Huell Howser visits Pozo Saloon

1991, show 202.

