Am I the ONLY one riding these days?

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Yep, I've been riding the tractor trying to get my road safe for two wheels.

I admit that I have been riding very little lately. I rode my FJR once last year and my Honda 250 dual sport a dozen times. I still enjoy riding and my travels on my FJR are a major part of my memories, but I have other interests, mostly grandchildren. Also, I found myself starting to make small mistakes on the FJR a couple of years ago. Nothing major, but I recognized that I need to regain my focus if I am going to ride on the street.
Hey Greg. Just came down 17 a couple of weeks ago and got reminded how it's been awhile since I've ridden up there. Anytime you get the urge to refocus and would like some company just give a shout.

If only,

I musta caught him on a good day. I was following a line of 4 with a big rig leading at 65 (for those out of Kalifornia, all towing vehicles are 55 MPH) on 2 lane hwy 89 headed North. He was headed the other way and had his lights on before he passed me. I might have been catching up the pack but saw him up ahead and rolled off the throttle to what I though was a safe speed. He flipped a bitch and I was already slowing down and pulling over (not a whole lotta room to get off the road) and he said when I walked up that I was going kind of fast. Gave him my license and registration, he came back and said I had a clean record and to keep it closer to 55 please. I never even knew what he clocked me at (figured I was better not asking at this point) and off he goes. He made it about a 1/4 mile up the road and flipped another bitch and was after the next guy. I waved as he passed and proceeded in a calm orderly fashion on my merry way with a big grin on my face

Sorry 'bout your dilemma Abercrombie. We were 95 three days ago. Now we're back to a nice balmy 85. Riding is a plenty these days!

Some riders are a easy ticket. No license, registration , insurance etc. Easy ticket for them.

Kali needs more money.

I got out for a whopping 35 miles today! Lest you think that was candy assed, Don, just know I had the needle on my new Honda Monkey pinned to 45 mph on the valley roads near my house, and was struggling to keep 35 mph on the steeper grades.

None of it mattered as I had a dopey assed grin on my face the whole way.

Very nice DC. I was on the Naciamento Ferguson Road a couple of years ago. After the military base to the ocean it was one lane with few turnouts. Not a great place for a big bike. It didn't help I was there on a weekend.

I take it you are not a fan of the Roadtec Z6. Can't say I blame you.

Been down in Call since March 1st enjoying a few of the fun Buttler Map back roads. First up around Acton then Palm Springs and now San Diego.
