Another one Bites the Dust

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Ouch. Heal up.

As for riding with newbie pillions. I did this just yesterday. She was only ever on a bike once before, last year with her cousin on a VRod, who went and scared the living hell out of her. Obviously, she was a bit nervous about going for a ride.

Her instructions were simple, feet stay on the pegs unless your getting on or off, don't squirm around when I'm coming to a stop. Otherwise, just sit. Don't lean, just. Sit. If the bike leans. Sit. She was doing great, didn't even know she was back there. Its supposed to be another nice day today and I got an email from her this morning thanking me for the ride and the bbq after, and, asking when she can go again. Gotta like that.

The important thing is she could talk to me over the intercom, and, when I needed a little thrill, I'd let her know in advance.

Anyway, shit happens, glad to hear the injuries weren't anything extra-ordinary.

Wow... sorry to hear about that. Hopefully her leg will heal up completely and quickly. I'm sure you must feel some guilt regarding that but it sounds like the situation was the pillions fault. Apologize profusely and learn from the mistake. Thanks for sharing with us so we can learn as well. Good insight on unpredictable things inexperienced passengers can do. I would never think someone would dab mid corner but then we think like riders and inexperienced folks don't. I will log this in my memory bank if my wife ever decides to ride along. She's not much of a thrill seeker either and I could see her getting a little squirrely back there. Regarding the bike, I think it's toast. +1 on the time for a new scoot. Heal up and thanks for sharing.

well i feel she owes you unlimited friends with benefits for life.musta been one hell off a off road is sizzleaned.tally ho !

Dayum...I hope she's hot. I'm betting she is as going on a lunch ride is usually meant to lead to bigger (better) things. Sorry it turned out crappy. When I was in college, every Betty walking to class got a ride on my Hurricane...Until one almost crashed me. It was then I realized that not everyone makes a good pillion.

I greatly reduced the number of girls I let ride with me and I really slowed down too. So many women complain that someone scared the shit out of them on the back of a bike. I have been on the back enough to know that being scared is not hard to do.

Anyway...Hope you both heal up, hope she is not too pissed at you, and hope you get your bike replaced without too much hassle.

1) What a bummer!

2) She's an idiot!

3) Your FJR is going to be totaled.

Hope you heal quickly.

Worry about the bike some other time. Just concentrate on yourself and your pillion friend. Bikes can be replaced.. human parts are much more difficult to repair. Wishing you a speedy recovery and I've certainly learned from your post that I need to be much more cautious with pillions.

-People don't get scared if I don't scare them.

-New passengers enjoy the experience a great deal more if they're not afraid.

-The engine will provide all the thrill that 90 percent of my riders could want... without breaking 4k rpm

-It can take as long to learn to be a good passenger as it takes to be a good driver. I don't expect much.

-Most people love the experience of riding a bike, and beg for more, if it wasn't a "spirited' ride.


First time passengers on my bike, even if they say they have "experiance" get the get the "Kiddy Ride"...if after some time they seem to do well back there and ask for more, they get the "Magic Mountain" ride. Usually we work up to that.

Bad news about the bike but good news you are both alive and look to heal in time. Perhaps this will bring you closer... ;)

