Any Harley riders want to be in a commercial?

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Well-known member
Sep 19, 2008
Reaction score
Sacramento, CA
My cousin is shooting a Harley Davidson commercial in Pomona on December 13th and is looking for Harley riders between the ages of 18-27 and their bikes.

NO PAY, but this will be a nationally televised commercial.

If you meet the above and can make it to Pomona with your Harley on the 13th, send him an email: [email protected]

I was one.......but, I don't think they want to see a trailer full of my harley parts.

So basically your cousin wants to shoot a video of a bunch of 18-27 year old guys who borrowed their fathers' and uncles' Harleys? :huh: That's not gonna make a very good commercial. :) :)

I believe you gentlemen are figuring out the industry based more in social psychology than most want to admit!

Problem/opportunity: HD has made progress with their "brand" including the ability to charge more. One unfortunate result is that it is mostly the older guys who can afford these expensive toys. The unwanted side-effect of this is, well, let's call it the "Cadillac effect." Think about how much money Cadillac had to spend to contemporize their brand and make it start to appeal to a younger audience (truth be told, there was a bit of unexpected help when the hip-hop / rapper notables started picking Escalades). But in terms of the cool ad campaign and media spend, hundreds of millions of dollars.

Possible strategy: Persuade the younger crowd to come to HD dealerships with a good ad campaign when financing is at historic lows in order to get more of them out on the bikes, that effects word of mouth and 'visibility.' More see it, more do it. You start to expand that demographic piece of the pie which, in turn, effects your brand image. The downside, of course, is when they (you know, the ubiquitous "they") realize they actually can't afford the bike they financed and they start showing up in droves on Craigslist.

Just a theory, but I need more coffee.

Based on Harley-Davidson's© latest stated corporate campaign goals I would assume that if you were a minority female on said Harley-Davidson© you will be prominently featured in the upcoming commercial. The Motor Company© is fighting the same demons that Toyota is with the Camry and Buick went through with the LeSabre. The buyers of said products are getting old, as in last vehicle before you die old. When your median buyer is 54 the sales of the vehicle tend to begin to fade as the vehicle is now "out of style". Their cash cow products have reached that point in the lifecycle. Camry, 56 year old median buyer, the LeSabre was 63! Harley-Davidson's© buyer is now 50. Their marketing department sees the issue and is actively trying to address it. VRod. Rotax in Buells. The MV buy. The XR. Don't count them out yet. It's only a flesh would so far.

<snip>...The buyers of said products are getting old, as in last vehicle before you die old.
A rider friend (not FJR) told me a while back that he wanted a BMW motorcycle before he died. He hasn't done either, yet.

'FightOrFlight': "More see it, more do it." (Monkey see -- monkey do) :)
