Audiovox CCS100 Poll - The First!! (but not final!!)

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Anybody else, anything else?

There really have to be more people who have tried to put these things on 06-07 bikes.

Does Smitty get more than one vote?

One Poll every 10 days, we'll have this sucker figured out about the same time the federal deficit is cleared up. :rolleyes:

Hey, y'all,

there's stuff going on in the background -

Smitty has input for me, I just have to get home early enough that I can call him without waking up his family. Hoping tomorrow for the call.

Ionbeam will soon be testing a known bad unit -

I'm gathering information.

So ifn' ya'all will just sit tight, we may have some info for you in a couple of weeks -

At this time, I don't see the need for another poll - everyone I've contacted has been great with their responses.

Oh yeah - I forgot to mention- I have a day job. And a daughter in Winterguard, and a wife that's due for spinal surgery next week - so I'm kinda shoving this research into the vacant spaces.

Smitty and Ionbeam ALSO have day jobs. I think. :blink:

Not really sure, but probably.

Chill. It's happinin.

Hey Bro, just pokin some fun at ya!! I thought maybe the writers strike was effecting everything in Cali? :p

I hope things go well with your wifes surgery!


I have one I installed myself last year using a Skyway mount and an auto-fuel filter with check valve for vacuum. THe source is the #3 throttle body balance port.

I voted yes but it does sometimes give me trouble. The vast majority of the time it works great but every now an then it engages, sort of. I mean that sometime it'll engage yet allow the speed to creep down at a rate of about 1mph every 1-2 sec. I've checked everything. There's no pattern in the occurrance. I jsut don't get it. It happens infrequestly enough that I just don't worry about it. That's why I voted that it works.

What you and Ionbeam are doing on this is great. This survey is kind of my last great hope getting my AVCC to work like it should. If I can do anything to help just post or PM me.


Hey, y'all,
there's stuff going on in the background -

Smitty has input for me, I just have to get home early enough that I can call him without waking up his family. Hoping tomorrow for the call.

Ionbeam will soon be testing a known bad unit -

I'm gathering information.

So ifn' ya'all will just sit tight, we may have some info for you in a couple of weeks -

At this time, I don't see the need for another poll - everyone I've contacted has been great with their responses.

Oh yeah - I forgot to mention- I have a day job. And a daughter in Winterguard, and a wife that's due for spinal surgery next week - so I'm kinda shoving this research into the vacant spaces.

Smitty and Ionbeam ALSO have day jobs. I think. :blink:

Not really sure, but probably.

Chill. It's happinin.
Mine kinda operates like Pappy's - it always engages, but the speed will just start to creep down, even on a level road. Have all four ports tapped with one-way valves, and with a vacuum reservoir - it will hold a vacuum overnight. Vacuum motor is underneath the seat. Doesn't matter if the ambient temp is hot or cold. The unit does not cut out - it will just not hold the set speed

When I first installed it, it worked great....always held the set speed. Just developed this problem after about 6-8 months of operation.

I recently finished an install on my 06A. Put the servo behind the tranny just in front of the shock and used a fuel filter under the front of the gas tank as a vac. res. Can't vote as to if it works or not yet due to sub-zero/snow/ice conditions here in the Great White North, but I'm a patient man... I'm still patient... Aw comon - when's this crap gonna clear up!! :angry:

Bump :rolleyes:

If nothing else, it can now be said that a working AVCC is not the sure thing it was once thought to be.

Prior to my failed install I had never heard of an AVCC install that did not eventually work. Two years ago I researched this a bunch on the Concours forum and every install eventually worked. My Concours AVCC was easy and worked 1st time everytime. Right now the raw data shows a fail rate of almost 8%. Since mine is one of the 8% this has a high suckage. It looks like the Gen2 fail rate is around 40%. All of the failures seem to be on Gen2 WTF?

Looking forward to the data analysis or more surveys.


Bump :rolleyes:
If nothing else, it can now be said that a working AVCC is not the sure thing it was once thought to be.

Prior to my failed install I had never heard of an AVCC install that did not eventually work. Two years ago I researched this a bunch on the Concours forum and every install eventually worked. My Concours AVCC was easy and worked 1st time everytime. Right now the raw data shows a fail rate of almost 8%. Since mine is one of the 8% this has a high suckage. It looks like the Gen2 fail rate is around 40%. All of the failures seem to be on Gen2 WTF?

Looking forward to the data analysis or more surveys.


Sent ya a PM.

And stuff is happening.

Slowly, but happening.

I'm gonna run an idea past the brainiacs here.

When I did the CC install on my '04, I was using an electronic servo CC unit. I was not using the vacuum powered CCS-100. Because the CC unit I was using allowed for some outrageously high VSS frequencies, I whipped out the scope and looked at the VSS signal directly.

It was 22K PPM. Yeah, 22 thousand pulses per mile. That's WAY over what the CCS-100 is capable of. I believe 8K is the highest VSS frequency the unit can be set for.

Theoretically, the additional pulses should be ignored by the CCS-100. HOWEVER, if the pulses are too short for the CCS-100 to sense, it would act as if no signals had ever been received.

Minor component changes in the ECU and/or the CCS-100 could make some units work and others not work. Anyone here who has ever been in electonics manufacturing knows that cheaply designed or mismatched circuits can be gravely affected by something as minor as a change in component batch numbers.

So, I'm curious if a simple 'divide by 4' circuit on the VSS tap would solve the problem.

One last question for future polls. Which trigger pulse are installers using? I used one of the coils because I wanted to avoid potential VSS incompatibility.

Just an idea to think about. Electo-nerds discuss.

Finished installing an Audivox 100 on my 07 over the weekend. Ask Hal a couple of questions and hooked it up like he said . It works perfect. was only able to ride for an hr. but it held all different speed on the highway , worked on the hills and stayed where I set it. Hope to try it on a longer ride this weekend. Have a great week. Harold

( PS Thanks Hal for the information you sent to me. )

Finished installing an Audivox 100 on my 07 over the weekend. Ask Hal a couple of questions and hooked it up like he said . It works perfect. was only able to ride for an hr. but it held all different speed on the highway , worked on the hills and stayed where I set it. Hope to try it on a longer ride this weekend. Have a great week. Harold( PS Thanks Hal for the information you sent to me. )
Don't assume you have a good unit until you have tested it in warm weather. Mine works great in cold weather but sucks when it gets warm.

Bump :rolleyes:
If nothing else, it can now be said that a working AVCC is not the sure thing it was once thought to be.

Prior to my failed install I had never heard of an AVCC install that did not eventually work. Two years ago I researched this a bunch on the Concours forum and every install eventually worked. My Concours AVCC was easy and worked 1st time everytime. Right now the raw data shows a fail rate of almost 8%. Since mine is one of the 8% this has a high suckage. It looks like the Gen2 fail rate is around 40%. All of the failures seem to be on Gen2 WTF?

Looking forward to the data analysis or more surveys.


Well, let's keep in mind that Smitty's stats are not reflected in those numbers. He only got one vote cause that's the way the software works. During our conversation, Smitty informed me that while he had not kept exact records, his Amazon account showed over 80 units purchased - just from Amazon !! And he bought them elsewhere from other providers , so he's installed somewhere's in the 100+ range. Man, that's a lot of units !!

Of those units, none installed on GenI bikes failed.

Of the units installed on GenII bikes, (we don't know the exact number) he was unable to resolve 5, four of which he refunded their money, the fifth waiting for a resolution. He no longer installs them on GenII bikes because of this.

The units he de-installed have since been installed on either GenI bikes or other bikes, such as his KTM. With no problems.

If we take the numbers in the poll, and then add perhaps half of Smitty's installs to them (many of the poll respondents were Smitty installs) I think the failure rate is something along the line of 4 in 120 - so the percentage is a bit lower in the overall numbers. However, take the GenII bikes out of the mix, and the failure rate is 0.00%.

For GenII installs - ithe poll shows 4 failures out of 14 - which is 28.5% - of the respondant base so the stats obviously point to a compatibility issue between the GenII bikes and the CCS100 - but why so few?? Why not all of them?

Keep in mind that while these stats point to a trend, they're incomplete, and always will be as I'm certain not everyone has read the poll and posted. But hey, its a start!

And the research continues - see my recent post on- RESISTORS

Finished installing an Audivox 100 on my 07 over the weekend. Ask Hal a couple of questions and hooked it up like he said . It works perfect. was only able to ride for an hr. but it held all different speed on the highway , worked on the hills and stayed where I set it. Hope to try it on a longer ride this weekend. Have a great week. Harold( PS Thanks Hal for the information you sent to me. )
Don't assume you have a good unit until you have tested it in warm weather. Mine works great in cold weather but sucks when it gets warm.

I'm really curious to see what Ionbeam uncovers with your failed unit.

Finished installing an Audivox 100 on my 07 over the weekend. Ask Hal a couple of questions and hooked it up like he said . It works perfect. was only able to ride for an hr. but it held all different speed on the highway , worked on the hills and stayed where I set it. Hope to try it on a longer ride this weekend. Have a great week. Harold( PS Thanks Hal for the information you sent to me. )
Don't assume you have a good unit until you have tested it in warm weather. Mine works great in cold weather but sucks when it gets warm.

I'm really curious to see what Ionbeam uncovers with your failed unit.
Since I have had the same problem with 2 servos I suspect some sort of variation in GenII bikes combined with the AVCC contributes to the problem. If Ionbeam figures it out I will be one happy camper. I would love to get a known good servo and put it in my bike and see what happens.


Finished installing an Audivox 100 on my 07 over the weekend. Ask Hal a couple of questions and hooked it up like he said . It works perfect. was only able to ride for an hr. but it held all different speed on the highway , worked on the hills and stayed where I set it. Hope to try it on a longer ride this weekend. Have a great week. Harold( PS Thanks Hal for the information you sent to me. )
Don't assume you have a good unit until you have tested it in warm weather. Mine works great in cold weather but sucks when it gets warm.
That's so odd. My CCS100 is installed within 1 inch of the header pipes. Talk about hot. Works on long hot trips on 103 degree days without fault. I know eventually that thing is going to probably fry an ugly death, but at that point it will most likely stay dead, toast. At any rate, ambient temps have no effect on my AE cruise at all.

Weird that yours is variably heat sensative. Perhaps that is a big part of the mystery? Since some of the failed installations that Smitty has had fail after several minutes, only work at the beginning of a ride. Hmmmmmm..... :hmmsmiley:
