Best Security Device For Fjr

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I have ridden a Wing for last few years. They are very low on theft list, so I wasnt too worried about them when parked at motels. Now, I have the FJR which is an attractive item to steal. Wondering what is the best method to secure when at motels or camping areas. I have contemplated a cable locking device but dont know squat about them. Does anyone know how they perform compared to a chain and lock. Traveling to Colorado soon. Thanks in advance for any input.

Have you tried one of these? They are a little hard to fit in the sidecases though.....


Kryptonite EV Disc Lock up front and DFS Disc Lock on rear. Had to file down the DFS a bit to get it to fit. Not as good as locking to a tree, but much easier to carry than cable or chain which have to be pretty substantial to be difficult to cut. With both discs locked, the bike cannot be rolled, but must be picked up or dragged.

I do carry a small Kryptonite cable with integral combination lock that I use for locking Nolan helmets (no D ring) and jackets to luggage rack. At night, I use this thru the centre stand to make dragging the bike really difficult.

Home Depot had the cable lock, and Chaparral Motorsports has the disc locks for less than 30 bucks each.

Theft risk also depends on the numbers sold.

Here in the uk relatively few are sold and therefore no point in stealing for selling off parts


01 fjr


Cables have advantages for traveling due to their lighter weight, and many have a built-in lock of some type; of course they won't 'collapse' as small as a chain; the 'boron' (or other exotic alloys) chains that are advertised specifically for motorcycles all purport to have a higher 'security rating' (according to all the manufacturers) :huh: . Also, the built-in locks on cables aren't rated as high as a separate padlock you can get with a chain; I use a cable & a disc lock on the road, (easier to carry); I'm hoping they'll go after an easier bike to steal. A decent 5 ft. chain weighs over 10 lbs. by itself :bigeyes: great at home, not on the road. But remember, now with all the cordless tools out there, with enough cut-off wheels/fresh battery/time, anybody can cut through about anything. SO, I always park close to my room, you know, where I have a clear shot!

I think the 357 mag security device is probably the best. making sure no shrubs or cars impede the line of bullet travel is always a consideration. LOL

I think the 357 mag security device is probably the best. making sure no shrubs or cars impede the line of bullet travel is always a consideration. LOL
I have alarm with immobilizer,factory (Yamaha OEM)made immobilizer, Xena alarm discbrake lock and Abus chain with big lock.I wrap that chain over to FJR´s right frame to the lamp etc. every night.Bike has been safe for 4 months now, even though at the beginning of this summer, those "might-be-thieves" checked if I have real alarm on it and might be that they noticed that big chain around my bike...I guess they noticed that there are plenty of bikes which are much easier to steal...

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I have... an... Abus chain with big lock.I wrap that chain over to FJR´s right frame to the lamp etc. every night.Bike has been safe for 4 months now
WOW! Did you lose the key to the lock or something?

Back to the question.

Coming from a Wing myself, I was sort of concerned about theft of the FJR. Who wants a Wing enough to steel it? :butcher:

After riding all over the country without even bothering to lock the bars, I've never had a problem. I park near the room when on the road. I park in a locked, windowless garage when at home. I carry full coverage insurance.

All you can try to do is slow down the amatures that is trying to steal you bike, if someone wants something bad enough, they will have it.

Have an alarm? The theft or robbers can set off you alarm and wait for you to come running out to only hold you at gun point and make you turn over the keys to him or her.

Got a dog, I know of a case where the guy got so tired of getting rip off that he got himself a German Sheppard to watch his tool box in the garage, guess what, the thief stole his tools and his dog.

Got a gun, better yet, when the guy comes up from behind you with his gun and takes your away, now you have to worry about your bike and gun being taken away.

Best way is to have a good lock on the wheel, a good alarm system and great full coverage insurance.

This way when the alarm goes off, you don't have to rush out to see who is trying to take your bike, wait a few minutes since he has to deal with taking the locks off the wheels.

They can also use a tow truck to haul you FJR away if they want to take it really fast, either way, with good insurance coverage, you will be ready to pick out your next FJR color if your FJR is stolen.

Glass is half full if you allow it to be. ;)

The best theft prevention device for your FJ or Harley is a "Goldwing" embossed bike cover.


I agree with the full coverage insurance. My buddy had a disc lock on his sv and four guys picked it up into the back of a pickup and drove off with it. Witness said it took about thiry seconds, and no she didn't get the license number.

Hmm, I hadn't thought my FJR was much of a risk. I'm usually parked next to much more exotic hardware.

Our "non USA" models come standard with an immobiliser. What this means is that there is no way a locksmith ::

Can cut you a new key.

Override the ignition as all [including fuel pump] is deactivated

The override is built into the key itself, spares only available from Yamaha [the new key has to learn the code from the master key.

A bright LED flashes from the dash after removing the ignition key.

Should a would be thief mess with your ignition we will have to replace the entire wiring harness [so I believe]


Yep same here Howardrg

Best thing around is the engine immobiliser and If I'm unsure I put an Oxford disc lock on just in case. :assasin:

Full coverage insurance and a disk lock for me as well. If they want it that bad, I guess they can have it. I'll just get another one with the insurance money.


For my over the road travels - alarm, Zena disc lock, 15' cable.... :assasin: and when all else fails pull the baby inside your ground floor hotel room. No worries about staining the carpet, no leaks :) Oh, full coverage insurance too.

