CFR 2010

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Well I'm especially confused beemerdon, because I spoke with Mary Ellen at this past years' CFR and NOT ONCE did she speak with her hands? :huh:
Oh, I'm absolutely not complaining; I think that it is great and very expressive. It adds character to conversation, not dull!!!

Stef's good friend and riding companion Captain Hook - Luciano is a master with talking with his hands; I could understand every word when I rode the Pyrenees with him! My Italian is terrible and he speaks no English; body language and hands!

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No one has officially let the cat out of the bag yet, but I did hear scuttlebutt at CFR 2009 that Quebec was being considered!

It would work incredibly well if the destination was Quebec, Seth's family on his Mother's side are all from Upstate New York.

They keep their cabin cruisers at Plattsburgh on Lake Champlain, we Stanley Boys could see Seth's relatives and CFR 2010!

Seth (12) starts Chandler Junior High School next year; quarter system with a break from 6/3 to 7/27/2010. Here's hoping!

Maybe it is just me, but I took MEMs "speak with their hands" as a sexual reference... :huh:

My bad! :D

As long as the ball is rolling, why doesn't everyone post up their desired location and dates...

Then when the time is right, our exalted RallyMaster will release the actual location and dates. ;)

Maybe it is just me, but I took MEMs "speak with their hands" as a sexual reference... :huh: My bad! :D ...
Oh... :rolleyes:

So MEM wants some man to give her the "full body hands treatment"?

ohhhh...NOW it all makes sense.

:lol: <snerk>

I see it's gonna be a looooonnnng winter in NB. :)

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Maybe it is just me, but I took MEMs "speak with their hands" as a sexual reference... :huh: My bad! :D ...
Oh... :rolleyes:

So MEM wants some man to give her the "full body hands treatment"?

ohhhh...NOW it all makes sense.

:lol: <snerk>

I see it's gonna be a looooonnnng winter in NB. :)

Mark ol' buddy it's gonna be a long cold winter all over Canada and the Northern US. We may have to sneak south at some point!

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Maybe it is just me, but I took MEMs "speak with their hands" as a sexual reference... :huh: My bad! :D

As long as the ball is rolling, why doesn't everyone post up their desired location and dates...

Then when the time is right, our exalted RallyMaster will release the actual location and dates. ;)
Jeff, as long as you are asking, I am not shy about saying! We Stanley Boys would love to see CFR in June and in Quebec!!!

When I attended the BMW MOA International Rally 2006 in Essex Junction, Vermont: I returned to Arizona by crossing into Quebec, Canada at Pike River, then west onto 202 to Highway 2 and I hauled balls to Windsor, Ontario crossing into Estados Unidos at Detroit. I had been away from my son Seth for a week and I was dying to get back home to Phoenix to see him.

Now I'm retired and he has 2 months out of school, we Stanley Boys would plan on at least 2 weeks in Quebec and Ontario!

July has BMW MOA International Rally in Redmond, Oregon. I'd pass it by to go to CFR, but our going to both rallies: Bueno!

Maybe it is just me, but I took MEMs "speak with their hands" as a sexual reference... :huh: My bad! :D

As long as the ball is rolling, why doesn't everyone post up their desired location and dates...

Then when the time is right, our exalted RallyMaster will release the actual location and dates. ;)
Jeff, as long as you are asking, I am not shy about saying! We Stanley Boys would love to see CFR in June and in Quebec!!!

When I attended the BMW MOA International Rally 2006 in Essex Junction, Vermont: I returned to Arizona by crossing into Quebec, Canada at Pike River, then west onto 202 to Highway 2 and I hauled balls to Windsor, Ontario crossing into Estados Unidos at Detroit. I had been away from my son Seth for a week and I was dying to get back home to Phoenix to see him.

Now I'm retired and he has 2 months out of school, we Stanley Boys would plan on at least 2 weeks in Quebec and Ontario!

July has BMW MOA International Rally in Redmond, Oregon. I'd pass it by to go to CFR, but our going to both rallies: Bueno!
I look forward to seeing both you and Seth again! ;-)

thankfully this is a motorcycle forum, not a fellowship for rocket scientists

mind you, would explain the trouble NASA and JPL are in these days...*L*

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Maybe it is just me, but I took MEMs "speak with their hands" as a sexual reference... :huh: My bad! :D

As long as the ball is rolling, why doesn't everyone post up their desired location and dates...

Then when the time is right, our exalted RallyMaster will release the actual location and dates. ;)

No............ If you have a preferred date and locations put your hand up at CFR 2010 and volunteer to run 2011.

On the dates we had a very small window to work in, Warm enough \ cool enough so the folks out west will travel but well out of the way of some other meets (NAFO in particular).

The cat was let out of the bag a little at CFR 2009, Yes it's going to be Quebec, around the same time as last year.

Since then we caught the cat and he is bagged until we get a few minor details sorted.

Scouts have been and continue to be out and about, I'll have more when the snow starts to settle.


Don't worry for the french language, we speak English almost everywhere, maybe not a 100%, but enough to understand.

Money talks, bullshit walks ! :) :) :)

I'll be glad to help !

A Quebec CFR? I'd be in.........
Well I would put it this way.... It will be another great CFR which just happens to be in Quebec 2010 :clapping:

1st year Ontario

2nd year Nova Scotia

3rd year British Columbia

4th year will be in Quebec

And yes we will be north of the St Lawerence River :yahoo:

Are Les Chats still sleeping in their bags up in Quebec? Or are Les Chats stirring by the fireside? Went to World of Maps in Mesa, AZ and picked up a highly detailed map of Quebec and new yellow Hi-Liter, just waiting to mark up our riding routes!!!

Maybe it is just me, but I took MEMs "speak with their hands" as a sexual reference... :huh: My bad! :D

As long as the ball is rolling, why doesn't everyone post up their desired location and dates...

Then when the time is right, our exalted RallyMaster will release the actual location and dates. ;)

No............ If you have a preferred date and locations put your hand up at CFR 2010 and volunteer to run 2011.

On the dates we had a very small window to work in, Warm enough \ cool enough so the folks out west will travel but well out of the way of some other meets (NAFO in particular).

The cat was let out of the bag a little at CFR 2009, Yes it's going to be Quebec, around the same time as last year.

Since then we caught the cat and he is bagged until we get a few minor details sorted.

Scouts have been and continue to be out and about, I'll have more when the snow starts to settle.

Chris, note the wink in my post. It's just fun getting peeps talking about it even though the general location and dates are basically set. No intent to muddy the waters! :)

Are Les Chats still sleeping in their bags up in Quebec? Or are Les Chats stirring by the fireside? Went to World of Maps in Mesa, AZ and picked up a highly detailed map of Quebec and new yellow Hi-Liter, just waiting to mark up our riding routes!!!
Patience Don, the announcement is forthcoming!
