CFR 2010

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Can't read French. Izzat some sort of rally/bonus information for maintaining an average speed?
Mick, that sign works out to 85 mph; Jesu Cristo! If you drive that speed between Flagstaff and Tucson, you'll get run over!!

Chris,I believe you gave me quite a thorough tour through cabin country in 2007 at an enjoyable velocity. Don't remember the Rally Points though being part of the equation...did I win anything?
That was the run when at the end that I told you that I don't run a radar detector in Ontario either, no the guys who hand out the big prizes weren't around that day, it's a matter of population density, I am more concerned about moose than cops on those roads.

So, doing a little hot-stove bench touring, and looking at possible routes up to CFR from New England next spring.

It looks like the main impediment is some little city name Mount Royal sitting plumb dab in the way. I figure since I enjoy shitty traffic so much, my best bet may be to veer westward from the top of Lake Champlain and shoot over to cross the St Lawrence in Cornwall, Ontario then head due north from there to Mont Tremblant. That would run me up through the very east corner of Ontario, crossing into Quebec in Hawkesbury, and a run up 327 (looks nice and curvy).

Here's a map of the possible route: click for GoogleMap

Any of you local northerners see anything really wrong with that upper part of this approach? I can alter the lower part to either slab it up through NH and VT or take the back roads across NH and VT and up through the Adirondacks of upstate NY depending on how much time I've got and who will be riding along with.

So, doing a little hot-stove bench touring, and looking at possible routes up to CFR from New England next spring.
It looks like the main impediment is some little city name Mount Royal sitting plumb dab in the way. I figure since I enjoy shitty traffic so much, my best bet may be to veer westward from the top of Lake Champlain and shoot over to cross the St Lawrence in Cornwall, Ontario then head due north from there to Mont Tremblant. That would run me up through the very east corner of Ontario, crossing into Quebec in Hawkesbury, and a run up 327 (looks nice and curvy).

Here's a map of the possible route: click for GoogleMap

Any of you local northerners see anything really wrong with that upper part of this approach? I can alter the lower part to either slab it up through NH and VT or take the back roads across NH and VT and up through the Adirondacks of upstate NY depending on how much time I've got and who will be riding along with.
It depends on the time of day

Generally Montreal is to be avoided if at all possible.

It's a wonderful city to visit but to transit it can be a real pain since it's built on a bunch of islands at the junction of the Ottawa and St Lawrence rivers.

The freeways are old, tight, carry lots of trucks and can be very confusing

If I had to do a rapid transit then I would time it well outside of the 6 -10 am or 3 to 6 pm rush hours.

I would though choose it if I was doing a late run

327 is a ball of fun

Have a look at crossing the St Lawrence at Salaberry de Valley Field,

Cornwall had problems this summer with the Canadian custom post being blockaded by the Mohawk nation.

Hawkesbury is the last bridge upstream on the Ottawa but crossing on the Oka ferry and running along the 344 to pick up the 327 is very nice alternate.

There is a ferry also at Carillon, the ferries do charge $5 to $10 though.

I would not take the 327 or any of the secondary roads north of the Ottawa river in the late evening or at night, there is a very healthy deer\moose\bear population up here. If you are running late pick up the I-15 in Montreal and take it all the way to Mt Tremblant.

