Death Valley Dualsport Drama

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Well-known member
Nov 9, 2005
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The Woods of Peardale, CA
Last week CFO Rally Rally master Rick Corwine flew out from Minnesota to join a group of dualsport riders for two days of back road riding in some of the most remote but stunning desert riding in California.

The Stagecoach Motel in Beatty was our headquarters for the three nights were were in town.

Day 1 included a ride through Titus Canyon ( a must do if you are on a dirt bike or 4FWD ) before headed north to Ubehebe Crater where we had some Cannuck tourist's snap a group photo.


L to R- FJR formites FJRob, Uberkul, Bugnatr and in the famous faded red stich rcorwin. Other friends were John, Steve behind Eric, Rich (capt'n Picard we call him) and Wade. Now you know our motley crew so on to the report.

First the rocks..




A bit of a wave from the picture taker.

Now on to the drama and Helicopters. From the crater we headed south on Racetrack Road to Teakettle Junction where we planned to head up over Hunter Mt. (7,000' ) and work our way to Panamint Springs for fuel.


Here's Rick taking a standing nap next to Picard at the Junction were folks leave their own custom kettles, some leave notes inside for all to read.

Having ridden this route multiple times in the past I was on point and headed out for Hunter Mt. As we climbed up Hunter Mt. I stopped for a look back to check on our group-only 3 riders were behind me out of 9 total. After a 10 minute wait it was time to back track the 15 miles to find the rest of the group. We thought perhaps there was trouble at a deep powder section but no bikes were found at that location so we pressed on with concern for our fellow riders. Now we were almost all the way back to the Junction when we came through a pass to see the riders standing only a half mile from Teakettle. Thinking it was only a breakdown I felt relief until riding closer I saw a rider down. At this point my heart sank as I rode up to find out Steve (Rob's childhood friend)had been kicked off his KTM. No one saw him go down as we ride spaced out due to the heavy dust but he was found just lying in the middle of the road where he crashed.

OK this is bad- real bad. We are 25 miles from pavement but to my amazement we had cell signal at this remote location. I would have never believed it as there is no where else in the park where cell phones work. Our guys had already called for help and we were told an ambulance was on the way.


We kept Steve alert while waiting, at this point Rob and Rich left for Beatty to get 4 wheels to haul out Steve's KTM.


Soon we hear this beauty coming over the Mts. from the east. I don't think I've ever heard a better sound. We found out later Steve had 13 broken ribs and a punctured lung. I'm sure a ride out of 25 miles with a major washboard road would have caused more damage to to Steve's broken body.



Here's the mechanical wonder setting down.


A picture I hope never to see again-anywhere!

With Steve on his way to the Hospital in Vegas we loaded the bike into a park service truck - I must say at this time the park Rangers and staff were more than helpful through this difficult time. They hauled his bike out to the north ranger station where Rob and Rich picked it up.


While waiting for these guys we were treated to a beautiful sunset. We rode back to Beatty and consumed much firewater while toasting to our brave friend Steve and his successful rescue from the desert.

I talked to Steve's father on Thanksgiving day and he is back home from the Vegas hospital with his loving family. He has even been on his feet briefly but with 13 broken ribs he may not do any dancing soon. It makes me hurt to even think of 13 broken ribs.

I wasn't sure I even wanted to do this report but sometimes reality bites a bit hard and fortunately this had a relativity happy ending with all considered. Doug

Oh, as a PS.- this is my second group ride in as many months to have a rider go down. If you see me post up a group ride - run away!!!!

I was enjoying reading your report, right up until reading about Steve! Sorry to hear this, but glad he's on the mend. Can't wait to get back to Beatty again myself next January for White Stag!

Many Thanks Doug, Great Death Valley Ride Report! Very sorry to hear about Steve and his accident, we Stanley Boys will put Steve in our prayers for his rapid and full recovery!

Bummer! Glad that help was so easy to obtain, could have been worse getting someone out of there.

Reminder, bring this story in a teakettle to hang on the sign post for others to read. :eek:

Bummer. Any idea what happened? Looks fairly benign there.

This off-road shit looks too damned dangerous for old guys to be doing.

Bummer. Any idea what happened? Looks fairly benign there.

This off-road shit looks too damned dangerous for old guys to be doing.
Yeah Petey, SacMike and Niehart: You Old Farts should avoid off-road shit!
Off-roading?? :blink: Not for me.. :unsure: I got all to do staying upright on asphalt. :eek:

Glad Steve is relatively ok..Hope he heals up fast.

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You know what, it happens. The earth sucks and so does crashing. But Steve has Vodkadin, and time. I say let's find his email addie / phone number and tell him our bestest jokes! :lol:

Heal up quick Steve!

...and Bugnatr, jeesh doode, impressive track record you have going there! :p ;)

Holy crap. Good outcome though.

Now you making me think 3x about going to look at a 09 450EXC next week. I'm to old for that kinna shite.

Bummer. Any idea what happened? Looks fairly benign there.

This off-road shit looks too damned dangerous for old guys to be doing.
No one saw him go down but I would suspect he was on the pipe having fun when thew KTM spit him off, I doubt we will ever really know exactly what happened. Bad things can happen both on the street and the dirt when riding.

Accidents are bad, but amazing you had phone service (Verizon?). Thanks for the trip report.
Yes Verizon, the really bad part was the next day we talked to Ranger hard ass (he was not at the scene) and he said they should remove the repeater that the signal bounces off of so people can't bother the Ranger service-what a dick!

...and Bugnatr, jeesh doode, impressive track record you have going there! :p ;)
No Shit Sherlock, you ride with Doug and you Die! We need to start calling Bugnatr either "El Muerte del Moticletas" or "El Diablo de Motos"! Bug es muy peligro, ese!
Easy Don, he did live but this is one time I'm glad I could not understand a word you said ;)

When you ride on adventure rides like that in the mountains stuff always seem to happen and ususlly not good.

Ouch for the rib injury.... heal with out pain go pain meds....

I can add little to this ride report other than pictures. A big thanks to Doug and Rob for letting this FNG tag along on this ride.

The entire gallery can be found here.

BTW, it was AT&T phone service that got at Teakettle junction.


Loaded up and ready to roll.


Clear sailing over the Sierras.


A hearty breakfast in Minden at my go-to joint Danny's Ironwood Grill.


The desert is an amazing place.


Walker Lake off Hwy 95.


First day out with a chilly start we hit Ryolite.


The views did not suck.


Titus Canyon is one of the best runs of all time! Narrow packed wash bottom with canyon walls that go strait up... a dream ride. :yahoo:


Yes, Ubehebe Crater is a big hole in the ground.


Teakettle Junction is out in the middle of no where. A little loose sand and fixed rock kept the ride out interesting.


It was about then that Steve decided we didn't have enough drama in our lives and spiced it up a bit.


No way to end a ride.


The KTM gets a ride out from nicest park employee you could ever meet.


The sun set on us at our fall back position, Grapevine Ranger Station. Here we waited for the recovery truck and some gas to get back Beatty.


Beers were hoisted in honor of our fallen comrade that evening.


The next day we rode out to Chloride Cliff via a cool canyon with a big spider.


Again...the views did not suck.


Just one of the bazillion mines in the area.



A little lunch, gas and warmth at Stovepipe Wells.


Doug at Aguereberry Point.


The photo ops were plentiful.


A fantastic ride with a good group of guys. Sure dual sports can be a little dangerous but most things in life worth doing usually are.

Nice post Brad and I'm so glad that this ride didn't end worse than it did. I was thinking you'd be on your KTM for this jaunt. Is that a DR650 that I see in the back of your truck - same year as as Rob's?

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nice report & great pics

so glad Steve is gonna be OK

last thing I want is to be insensitive, but I hope to tour the backlands some day

is there some kind of top chest armor appropriate to this kind of riding

pic is Hurricane Hannah protection from the 70's for hot weather


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Nice post Brad and I'm so glad that this ride didn't end worse than it did. I was thinking you'd be on your KTM for this jaunt. Is that a DR650 that I see in the back of your truck - same year as as Rob's?
All things considered Steve made out fairly well. With the response time of about two hours had there been more internal injuries it could have been far worse.

The Husky 450 stayed in the barn for this trip. No single track on this ride for it to gnaw on but lots of fire road and two lane highway. The 2002 DR650 you see was the perfect tool for the job out there. I'm not sure what year Rob's is but he cheated and put a go-fast carb on his so it is more responsive on the bottom end. We switched bikes for a while out there and were both surprised how quickly you forget you are not on your bike.

I was glad to go on this trip since it gave me some route and destination ideas for FODS.


I have two comments, first off, how did you manage to ride after putting that humungous breakfast down your pie hole. Secondly, you didn't call me! Are we even? :rolleyes:


Titus Canyon looks awesome and appears except for Steve's get off, all had a pretty good ride. I trust you gave a gps route to Brad for the upcoming FODS next spring.

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Brad was gps'n all over the place. Actually all you need is a Death Valley Backroads Map ( rangers have them ) as the only travel is on the backroads- no off road juants. What is really important is large fuel capacity (4+ gal) for the long distance between fuel stops.
