Do you always wear a helmet?

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You have got to be kidding me! You are about this || close to saying helmets are dangerous. It is a well proven and documented FACT that helmets reduce injuries and save lives. That does not mean it will save your a$$ in every situation, but the chance of it saving your life and/or prevent serious injury is infinately better than without a helmet. If you get off at 80mph and you hit a tree, lamppost or an armco, no helmet is going to save your life, but neither is no helmet. But if you bounce and slide around without hitting solid objects at speed, a helmet will likely save you in 99.999% of the time and allow you to walk away from it relatively unmarked.
On the other hand, you say you wear your helmet regardless, so I am really preaching to the converted here. Makes me wonder though, why you would use such stupid arguments against it and know the sense of it all at the same time.
Oh and you mention my wearing one. Oh I live in Maryland I have no choice thank you very much...

No you have to be kidding me!
My point is Statistics have never proven that with helmets on they have reduced the burden on Society that toecutter was talking about. My point was that Helmets may very well let more people live as a veg that would have otherwise died and taken the burden off of society so to answer your smart ass comment no I am not kidding you. Helmets in certain conditions have been shown to kill. Full face helmets at slow speeds have been linked to snapping the spine that an open faced helmet would have probably just broken the jaw. I have read hours and hours of statistics on helmets for years on this topic. I have seen both sides. I would advise before making your comments you do the same and not just think they are the greatest thing since sliced bread.
No offense, but just broken the jaw? Any idea what's left of your face after scraping down the pavement for 10 feet? And you ain't going fast if you slide just 10 feet.

And I didn't give you no smartass comment, I was giving you arguments against yours. Get of yer high horse stop acting like you're opinion is superior to mine. You have no clue as to what research I have done or not. There are still scientists that claim smoking isn't bad for you, but that doesn't make em right.

Also will add that toecutter jumped down my throat because of his belief that not wearing a helmet places a greater burden on society.

If you make this comment and are not willing to look at the whole picture of averages of motorcycles on the road, cars on the road, how much of a burden those that drive cars against those that drive bikes and say that someone driving a car shouldn't wear a helmet, have a 4 point harness, roll cage, fire extinguishers everytime they drive to releave the burden the argument that making motorcyclist do it when our number are sinificantly smaller holds no water to the insurance industry or tax payers...

No you have to be kidding me!
My point is Statistics have never proven that with helmets on they have reduced the burden on Society that toecutter was talking about. My point was that Helmets may very well let more people live as a veg that would have otherwise died and taken the burden off of society so to answer your smart ass comment no I am not kidding you. Helmets in certain conditions have been shown to kill. Full face helmets at slow speeds have been linked to snapping the spine that an open faced helmet would have probably just broken the jaw. I have read hours and hours of statistics on helmets for years on this topic. I have seen both sides. I would advise before making your comments you do the same and not just think they are the greatest thing since sliced bread.
No offense, but just broken the jaw? Any idea what's left of your face after scraping down the pavement for 10 feet? And you ain't going fast if you slide just 10 feet.

And I didn't give you no smartass comment, I was giving you arguments against yours. Get of yer high horse stop acting like you're opinion is superior to mine. You have no clue as to what research I have done or not. There are still scientists that claim smoking isn't bad for you, but that doesn't make em right.
No high horse, realizing that yours is more heart felt than statistical proof.

Do you know how little pressure it takes to snap ones neck.

The helmet sends the force of the fall directly to the spine by way of the helmet.

If you hit your jaw it will take the pressure and break it is not as strong as the helmet thus the force is not directed to the base of the skull.

These statements are not saying that a helmet is good or bad. You have to first admit where the laws came from. See that the helmets are not reducing our heath liability because now fewer motorcyclists are now having to be taken care of long term. I still say those that are wearing helmets and get into bad accidents that end up as veg would have been killed without reducing our burden. The statistics do not proven that our AMERICAN society now has a lower burden since forcing helmets.

Helmets do NOT cause is the crash that causes the injury...and as Harry Hurt (remember the Hurt Report?) has discovered in his recent work, it is the brain twisting on the brainstem that causes most deaths in motorcycle head injury accidents. Helmets cannot prevent that, but they sure work good on other types of crashes that are less violent...

And since I always wear the gearwhile riding, I don't care what the law sez...

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Everyone is missing my point I feel.

Cars biggest killer of humans of just about anything.

Injuries that are caused by car crashes.

Amount of uninsured motorists (Cars)

All of these and their relayed burdon on society.

Amount of motorcyclists in the US.

Injuries of motorcyclists compared to cars not even a blip.

Amount of uninsured motorcyclists.

All of these injuries with or without helmets and their (burdon) on society.

Again motorcyces are not PC.

My brother died in a car crash. All that happened to him was his head hit the door window, blood clot, dead. Seat belts do prevent many injuries such as flying through the windshield but they also cause many injuries that place a (burdon since that is what started this) that if they weren't wearing it may have placed less of a burdon. Seat belts can either go right through you, cause ribs to punture your lungs or heart etc.

Helmets may have simply offset at what speed and how motorcyclists become a burdon not eliminate it. This is where statistics have failed to prove or even disprove this.

Helmet No Helmet

Speed type of fall

no injury, brain or nerve damage, vegatable, dead.

The middle 2 are the range of society burdon.

No helmet may have placed you either damaged/veg or dead (no burdon)

Helmet may have placed you either no injury or veg which then you become a burdon.

Statistics have not proven (society burdon has become less with helmets)

Point is not conclusive data has been gaithered to show that helmets have lessen our societies burdon only possibly moved it around in that people who may have died in the past now live to have huge doctors bill's that need to be paid and this is where it really pisses me off that lawmakers make it seem that we as motorcyclists don't pay our bills while car owners do hince societies burdon...

I would probably still choose to wear a helmet even if it weren't a law in Maryland but the reasons for the law I don't agree with and the fact that our Gov't should be able to force this I also don't agree with.

Always...well, at least, always when I ride.
Dress for the crash...not the ride.
I have ridden the bike a total of 300 yards without a full face helmet.

(Almost equals BrunDog's miles this Month) :D

I have, bikes ago, ridden without my helmet. Utah is an helmet optional state.

However, on my last two, no way. It's not the law I fear, but my wife. She catches me without one, I might as well not come home.

I actually prefer to ride with my helmet. Less crap flying into my eyes, mouth.

Also will add that toecutter jumped down my throat because of his belief that not wearing a helmet places a greater burden on society.
I think I didn't convey the point clearly enough. What I said was:

+1, as long as you don't become a burden to the other taxpayers when you become a veg while exercising your freedoms.
"+1", as in I agree with you.

"as long as you don't become a burden to the other taxpayers when you become a veg while exercising your freedoms", as in be responsible enough to carry an adequate amount of health insurance to cover long-term vegetative care. I'm sorry I used the word "you". I was referring to people in general, as in the 20-something squids who work at the board shop and practice extreme street riding without safety gear or regard for others that may get hurt/killed in the process (like in the videos we've all seen). I certainly didn't intend to "jump down your throat". Sorry. :)

Without getting into the politics of it... I say, if you play, you pay.

No medical? No problem. We have a special ward, just for you...

"Paging Dr. Kevorkian"

I tell my wife that if I am ever injured she should pull the plug. I don't want to be an incapacitated person.

Of course, it will probably happen like this..

I get a major cut on my toe, I go into the hospital. She says, "Pull the plug!", the doctor responds, "It only requires 2 stitches".. She says, "I don't care, pull the plug".

I carry life insurance. I had to find the fine line between supporting my family and giving them a reason to kill me.. :unsure:

I don't mind people not wearing helmets. I was reading on the AMA website about their positions. Interesting. If you haven't read it, I suggest you do, whether you support them or not.

Sorry toecutter.

Let me say I agree with helmets I don't need to read AMA's site for that.

I don't agree our gov't has the right to make us do it. If we "choose" not to we deal with the consequences.

If you feel the gov't has the right to make us that is where we disagree.

This is really where my issue is ok.


I always wear a helmet while riding. I have ridden from the driveway just in front of the garage door into the garage without the helmet on and felt strangely unprotected so now I even put the helmet on for this maneuver.

I had a serious head injury when I was 11 years old, my bicycle lost an argument with a car. I still wear some visible scars on my head. I don't know if a helmet would have helped but I don't take any chances.

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Why is it that we require more of someone riding a motorcycle than we do of someone that has 4 kids, no job, 4 different fathers, collects all kinds of government help but they can continue to have as many kids as they want.
Fair is fair and I think they expect more of me as a motorcyclist that has a job, insurance, etc. than they do of many others.

Homeless people have nothing imposed on them and they get help and pay nothing towards society.

My point is people seem to think that society has the right to subject all of these laws on motorcyclist yet they impose almost nothing on many other members of our society....
It's because all those people depend on you to pay their way.

Sell everything you have.

Leave your family.

Live on the street.

THEN you can have your rent paid for by someone else.

Until then, either vote against ALL entitlement type legislation and those who perpetuate them (regardless of political party affiliation), or suck it up and don't whine.

Oh and you mention my wearing one. Oh I live in Maryland I have no choice thank you very much...
So move or vote out that plethora of pork barrell-loving legislators that the residents seem to always embrace.

You can't have access to the governmental teet without also having to deal with the feces.

I don't agree our gov't has the right to make us do it. If we "choose" not to we deal with the consequences.
If you feel the gov't has the right to make us that is where we disagree.
Well, I guess I agree that the government has the right to (enforce laws) make us wear helmets. Try riding around without one in a helmet law state and see what happens. A person could go to court and fight it but probably would lose. A person could always move to Montana, stay on private property, ride without helmets, stop paying taxes, live in a cave and call themselves 'free'. I choose the oppression that I currently endure. It makes my life less stressful.

Everytime,Like many other things

I don't understand others not wearing one, BUT

Far be it from me to tell someone else how to

run ( or ruin ) their life.

When I bought my first bike years ago there was a sign on

the wall of the dealer that said

"If you have a ten dollar head wear a 10 dollar helmet"

I've never forgot that
That $10 head quote was what the folks at Bell used in their ads when they came out with their innovative and for the time really expensive full face helmet back in the early 70's.

Suck this up.


And your gov't.

I guess you guys like being told what you have to do so being told this shouldn't hurt. :lol:

Colorado doesn't have a helmet law.

Why because the people feel people should have the ability to make their own choices not because they don't think a helmet works.

Government lovers...
