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Sep 1, 2005
Reaction score
Melbourne Australia
The FJR is a great bike to ride - even in an accident. Last week on the way home from work, I was involved in my first Hit and Run collision. :angry: The arrogant driver did a right hand turn into the back of the bike after I attempted to swerve to avoid the turning vehicle. The rear pannier suffered scratches after wiping out the front lights on the guys Honda sedan. After stopping at traffic lights 100m just before the collision I wasnt going that fast when we made contact. When I corrected from the force of the side impact I turned around to find that the vehicle was no where to be seen. I returned to the scene of the collision and found that the driver had turned into a Bowling Club car park and then dissapeared under an underground car park. I followed what I thought would be the likely path of travel for the vehicle and found the vehicle with two heads getting out of the car. I latter found out that he had turned 5 times and travelled 104 metres to get there. I said to him Why didn't he stop after the accident? which he replied No Comment. His passenger was a barrister so No Comment was the theme. When I suggested that he give me his Name - address he reluctantly gave me a Business Card with a Post Office Box number on it. I said Did he Live in a 6 inch square post box at the local Post Office to which he replied No. I said that If he couldn't give me his correct Name & address the Police will be notified of:-




8 minutes later i contacted the local police who were able to confirm that the name and address he eventually gave was correct and because of the minor damage and no injuries suffered by me that they would not charge him. He was cautioned by the police for the accident and let the insurance companies look after the damage. The drivers front light system was destroyed completly by the pannier so it appears that the total costs are about:

HIS CAR = $1500+ FJR1300 = $150

And lets see what happens soon about the insurance claims BUT what a sturdy bike coming off best with this collision. WHAT A BIKE.....I AM STOKED - NO INJURIES - MINIMAL DAMAGE TO BIKE - DIDN'T FALL OFF AND MAXIMUM DAMAGE TO THE OFFENDING DRIVERS VEHICLE :ph34r:

just another ass&*&^** that could care less . dont worry in the long run he will be very sorry . Glad to hear your O.K thats all that really matters .

feejer2004, your obviously a better person than I, as my prior post would prove. Certainly glad you were able to keep your composure, no injuries and very minor damage. I guess I tend to take it a bit to personal when incompetance strikes so close

I guess I tend to take it a bit to personal when incompetance strikes so close
To put it mildly...I thought, Man it's a good thing that didn't happen to DB. He'd probably wind up in prison over the deal.

But hey, I have to admire you for having the courage to pull off what most of us only think about doing many times each week.

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Congrats on tracking down the driver AND keeping your cool. The driver sounds like an (_o_) to me...especially since he turned tail and ran. Glad you weren't hurt and your bike only has minimal damage.

I guess I tend to take it a bit to personal when incompetance strikes so close
To put it mildly...I thought, Man it's agood thing that didn't happen to DB. He'd probably wind up in prison over the deal.

Yea, your probably right!!

I had the usual-- cager pull over into my lane manuver yesterday morning on my way to work. I admit, I was in the guys blind spot and I was far enough behind him that he had barely enough room to merge into my lane--but it was still a bit close---anyway he had no idea I was there--until he heard my Nautilus 138db air horn :eek: That was the first opportunity I've had to use it--I just could'nt resist :D That guy jerked his steering wheel back right so fast I thought he had a stroke. The look on his face (in his side door mirror) was priceless, that confused what the f*ck was that look :eh: Then he saw me and waived. See I can be nice when I want to--I did not so much as even give him the :fuck: I just waived back! I think if anything he'll ck his mirrors a little closer next time.

Wasn't there another guy here who almost got hit and went into a rage, and you my friend kept your cool? Wow, thats a FJR Gentleman!
Ummm, yea, that'll prolly be me <_<

See I can be nice when I want to--I did not so much as even give him the  :fuck: I just waived back! I think if anything he'll ck his mirrors a little closer next time.
My wife criticizes me plenty for my habit of "teaching" other drivers what can go wrong when they're innattentive or discourteous with my "specially arranged close calls". I, on the other hand, find it rather entertaining and constructive. :D

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Good job on staying upright, avoiding injury, and have the presence of mind to track him down AND act in a civil manner. Kudos to you!

Last fall I had somebody on a side road in rural Indiana take a left turn DIRECTLY in front of me while I was going highway speed+/-. To avoid going over the hood of his vehicle, somehow I was able to veer behind the car but ended up shiny side down in a grassy ditch.

This guy sped away leaving me sliding around in the ditch. The State Patrol was unable to catch him although there were many witnesses who dialed 911 right away. :angry:

I was unhurt but EXTREMELY p*ssed! :angry: :fuk:

I salute you for your calm demeanor.

Okay, it's not a totally good story, this one, but thank the gods you are okay and you found the basretard so he has to pay.

I guess they got the same kinda a-holes and idiots in your country, as they do in ours!

Stay safe! ;)

WTF! He should have been cited for leaving the scene of the accident. Barristers Buddy

Man that is keeping Cool! What's it take for you to register a pulse? :p

My wife criticizes me plenty for my habit of "teaching" other drivers.........
Would you please remind Eve that some of us have witnessed her "mode of communication" towards inattentive and discourteous cage drivers. :D

Duplicate post. Looking for the delete.

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I guess I tend to take it a bit to personal when incompetance strikes so close
To put it mildly...I thought, Man it's agood thing that didn't happen to DB. He'd probably wind up in prison over the deal.

Yea, your probably right!!

I had the usual-- cager pull over into my lane manuver yesterday morning on my way to work. I admit, I was in the guys blind spot and I was far enough behind him that he had barely enough room to merge into my lane--but it was still a bit close---anyway he had no idea I was there--until he heard my Nautilus 138db air horn :eek: That was the first opportunity I've had to use it--I just could'nt resist :D That guy jerked his steering wheel back right so fast I thought he had a stroke. The look on his face (in his side door mirror) was priceless, that confused what the f*ck was that look :eh: Then he saw me and waived. See I can be nice when I want to--I did not so much as even give him the :fuck: I just waived back! I think if anything he'll ck his mirrors a little closer next time.
Brown staining a Cager.

I've had my Magnum's over a year now. Used them twice.

Same effect.
