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Feb 8, 2006
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Cleveland, OH
I would like some input on the FJR1300AE. How easy is it to get use to. I've been ridding for over 30 years. Now I'm thinking of getting one of these.

Thanks for your help


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It's NOT an "Auto".

Yes, you will get used to it. Lots of owners of the AE love them. Some owners of the AE haven't been all that enamored by the technology. Unfortunately, me thinks you have to get one yourself, put some miles on getting to know it and adjust to it, before you truly know if it's for you or not.

I have had both types.

I love my new AE and woukd

not go back. Had no problems

adjusting to it, and have had

none of the problems others

have had.

I have an '06 AE with 5,750 miles on it, all of it local. I sort of sit on the fence on this one (A vs AE). When started cold it moves off of a dead stop with all of the grace and dignity of a 1950 Buick Dynaflow. Any of you old boys remember those? After it has warmed up it does much better. I have the tool (jumper) required to fiddle with the clutch engage RMP, but haven't had time to fool with it - maybe a good thing. Basically I like the mindless clutchless upshifting and ability to execute a clutchless downshift. For getting away from a dead stop, I think I would prefer a conventional clutch. Bottom line - I would buy another AE.

Dick Frederick

I just went over 15,000 miles on my AE and I LOVE IT :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: !

As far as launching from first gear, it is just a matter of getting use to it and then it is smooth.

My 2003 HONDA GL1800's first gear still scares the hell out of me every now and then because of how "jittery" it is and I have NEVER felt that way with the AE.

Best Regards,


as I posted before

people fear change


change is good

AE is good.

Since it has been said by many that the AE can be smooth once you are comforatble with it (which took many of us about 45 minutes), the question to simply ask yourself is...

Do I want to pull in a clutch when I shift gears? For some clutching is an enjoyable part of riding a bike. For others it is a necessary nuisance that can now be eliminated.

9K on mine.

When asked about the clutch I always say,

"There are rare times when I wish I had the lever, but I've never missed it."

It works well.

I just can't "snag" 2nd gear the way I'd like to!

Quick to get used to. Approaching 4000 miles on mine and it gets better all the time. Once I did get used to it, I then started to feel a little spoiled in not having to pull that clutch lever all the time and in traffic, it is awesome. Getting on the freeway here in the Dallas area becomes a hoot with the finger shifting..............


Quick to get used to. Approaching 4000 miles on mine and it gets better all the time. Once I did get used to it, I then started to feel a little spoiled in not having to pull that clutch lever all the time and in traffic, it is awesome. Getting on the freeway here in the Dallas area becomes a hoot with the finger shifting..............
13 K on mine. I enjoy it a lot particulary in roads with lots to twisties, engine breaking vs. brakes is lots of fun. have an 05 and honestly I sure miss the clutch slipping feature. All in all, I am glad I have the AE.

14,000 miles in 9 awesome months. I would not know to compare one w/ a clutch as this is my first m/c. It's just too easy to shift and maneuver. I think the pedal shifter has been used twice at the beginning just to see if it worked. After that, it's all been flicking (Turbo Dave's word - not TWN's hand jester? :D ). The difference would be to compare it to your Dad's 58' Ford P/U with hand shifter on the column (fjr w/ clutch) to that of a Ferrari (fjrAE).


Let the beating begin. :black eye:

P.S. - it looks like that truck is the faster blue. :unsure:

+1 on what they said...

i have 6000km on mine now, and love it.

wouldnt change back.

took me all of about an hr to "get used to it"

i never foot shift. shifting with my foot now seems an alien concept to me.

i will agree that the ae is a love it or hate it thing though.


Had mine for two days. Its awesome. Takes very little time to get used to, although, like anything it has its moments when hand control would be nice, but the times when the autoclutch comes in handy far outweigh those. Overall, its a hoot. I find low speed maneuvering easier. The key is in the rear brake. Get it!

+1 on the rear brake - just got back from Deals gap 4/7 (ya, the cold, nasty, record breaking weekend with snow in NC when I woke up at the Deals Gap motel) and the the finger shifting is awesome. It can get a little lashy (drive line) so you have to pay more attention to throttle control. Other threads have recomended a PCIII becuase the factory mapping is a little cluncky but I have not got there yet. The finger shifting is a hoot - downshift by pushing the upshift trigger. The downshift button is awkward unless you are Michael Jordan.

I love mine. To get used to it all you need to do is "twitch" the throttle when you shift. I don't think I could go back to the arm cramps from commuting around the city.
