FJRF004: The 2006/7 Altitude Fix

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well just got back. I went over 6000 ft not a single problem looks like the new ecu did the trick.
co425, just curious if your gas milage has decreased since the new ECU was installed? Still waiting for a call from my dealer to bring the bike in for the install. Congratulations on the fix! PM. <>< :D
I was also curious about MPG changing with a new ECU. Just got my new ECU installed today... on the ride back did a quick test of MPG, with speeds varying from 30 to 70 mph. The average MPG came out as good as before the switch... 45 mpg. I'm happy with that, since my former touring bike with half the power only got just over 50.

Also, if you read any MPG results from people in other non-metric or semi-metric countries (like the UK), keep in mind that their MPG will always appear higher if their country uses imperial gallons (slightly larger than the US gallon). I converted from kilometers/liter to the miles/gallon(US) to calculate my MPG on the US scale.

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I think I'm going to leave the Barbarian changes and bring it in and see what happens.
My guess is that you will find the settings are returned to factory spec (whatever that was) unless you ask your service tech to reset them to your specs.

Capt. Bob
I'm under the impression that the dealer would have to reset the specs in the new ECUs to the post-break-in factory specs. My dealer said that Yamaha seems to have intentionally lean settings on brand new motorcycles (does that make it run hotter to facilitate better break-in?). The dealer then has different factory specs to set at the first 600mile service. I wonder if the new ECUs come set to the brand-new specs or 600 mile specs. Anybody know the answer to that one?

I've got an 06 with 23k on the clock and have not had the altitude issue, although the highest I've been is 5000+ on the blue ridge. Did the problem surface at this altitude or lower? Should I switch the ECU out per Yamaha or leave it alone? Note: I am riding cross country next spring.
It could happen at that altitude. If Yamaha advises to change it out, you might as well go and have it done. Just because yours hasn't exhibited the problem doesn't mean you're immune.

I got a very nicely worded letter from Yamaha today. Sez they'll change my ECU if I want. Cool. Not that I need it. Never noticed any altitude surging, up to and over 12,000 feet!

The Key factor for this altitude-related poor performance is a steady speed with a light throttle.
Oh, THAT's why I never had a problem! :clapping: :yahoo: :lol:

The ECU takes a reading of the current altitude whenever the main switch is turned on, as well as every time the throttle is increased above about 1/4 throttle,
So, those of you who are having surging problems obviously are just riding your FJRs like grandpas and grandmas. :lol:

Remember, if your bike surges, shut off the key and turn it back on, or JUST WHACK THE THROTTLE!!!!!!!! :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:

Seriously, it was nice to get the letter from Yamaha. Sorry some of you folks out there have been having legitimate problems and major headaches because of the ECU problem. But at the same time I'm glad I've really never seen any problem with my early serial number '06 (number 127, I think). Anyway, they'll replace mine if I want. Many of you will probably be getting your letters, too, if you haven't already.

I know there's one or two big threads on this. Just wanted to let you know that I got a letter and that I wasn't having any problems. I guess that low MPG I've been getting is substitition for ECU problems.

Open throttle=no problems! See!?! :clapping: :yahoo:

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Got my letter today. Never had a problem whacking the throttle.... Now do I trust the dealer to do the job ...

Gonna have to plow snow to get to my bike if I wait too long... Frost on the pumpkin this morning..

So, those of you who are having surging problems obviously are just riding your FJRs like grandpas and grandmas. :lol:
Remember, if your bike surges, shut off the key and turn it back on, or JUST WHACK THE THROTTLE!!!!!!!! :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:
Good advice. You go do that on a cold wet road when you're stuck following a slow RV over a mountain pass. Be sure to carry a GPS locator so we can find the remains. :blink:

On warm dry roads, no problem. Whack the throttle to 3/4 for 3 or 4 seconds, then let off. Problem returns, just as bad as before. Sometime a bit worse. If you had it happen, you'd truly understand. But you don't.

...It only gets annoying dangerous in the curves...
Fixed it for ya.

If you have to go through all that just to have a decent day's ride, why not just get the new ECU (on Yamaha's dime) and enjoy the ride instead of worrying about keeping one step ahead of the ECU..?
I was just describing a method of confirming the problem. When it get's bad, the surge scares hell out of me. My ECU is in and will be installed on Thursday.

Have to second TruWrecks post. I regularly make 5000 to 7000 feet elevation changes and that surge can get downright dangerous, particularly if you aren't expecting it.

For one reason, you don't want to risk your NAFO adventure on gambling it will continue to work properly in the Rockies.
Too, suppose there is a future owner someday? (I'm just saying...) Suppose this new owner takes the bike to the mountains routinely?

That having been said.....

I also think that since AS isn't a problem for you currently, it seems you have the option of waiting a few months before getting yours replaced. This would certainly help those mountain-dwellers who are badly affected get a shot at the pipeline first.

I got my letter today. I haven't called my dealer on this, and I doubt he's heard of this, but I know that with the letter they'll put their faith in "the system" and find it.

I rode in the Rocky Mountains in June and at a higher altitude than I usually sit through Custer, SD in September. I never experienced the issue, but I'm going to call my dealer tomorrow and schedule the service sometime soon. I'll have to trailer it over since it's in the 40s here and I'm not a polar rider.

I'm doing it mainly because if I don't keep this bike and decide to sell it, anyone who has done their research on an '07 will want to know if it's been replaced. Chances are they'll research here :)

Hey all,

I got my letter from Yamaha today about the ecu change. I must admit I am impressed with how quick they have addressed this issue.. Thanks to Yamaha and thanks to all of the forum members for the extra push! For those of you that had the new ecu done already... How long did it take and... I have a yellowbox installed (spliced) into my wires (speed sensor wire in the loom) on the left side below the seat.. Does any of you know if I will have to have this re-spliced in????


Hey all,
I got my letter from Yamaha today about the ecu change. I must admit I am impressed with how quick they have addressed this issue.. Thanks to Yamaha and thanks to all of the forum members for the extra push! For those of you that had the new ecu done already... How long did it take and... I have a yellowbox installed (spliced) into my wires (speed sensor wire in the loom) on the left side below the seat.. Does any of you know if I will have to have this re-spliced in????

It took the service tech all of 15 min to change the ECU. Since there is no wiring with the ECU (the wiring in use is what is used) I don't see why you would have to re-splice anything. The only parts removed on my bike were the seats, left side pannel, air intake horn, seat adjuster, tool tray, ECU wiring connector, and 2 screws holding the ECU in.

Went by one of the local Yamaha dealers today to look at some helmets and while I was there I talked to a salesman (this might be the problem) and asked about the ECU recall for the '07. He just chuckled at me and said don't believe everything you read. He also said that this was made up by a bunch of computer illiterate people with too much time on their hands (he actually said this). He did, however, know what I was talking about. He had heard of the alt. surging. So is there going to be an actual recall for the '07 ECU???

He did have a Kawi Concourse on the floor to look at. First time I've seen one in person. Not too bad, I wouldn't trade the FJR for it though....

Thanks Richard

ADMIN NOTE: Read this and moved reference posting along with others to this area. Seems like a few folks need to try and keep on-topic a bit better....

Richard yoiu are in a thread talking about the replacement ECU.

There are 3-4 other threads about the recall and peoples experience with it.

Look under any thread with ECU in the title and you'll find all the answers to your questions.

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Went by one of the local Yamaha dealers today to look at some helmets and while I was there I talked to a salesman (this might be the problem) and asked about the ECU recall for the '07. He just chuckled at me and said don't believe everything you read. He also said that this was made up by a bunch of computer illiterate people with too much time on their hands (he actually said this). He did, however, know what I was talking about. He had heard of the alt. surging. So is there going to be an actual recall for the '07 ECU???
He did have a Kawi Concourse on the floor to look at. First time I've seen one in person. Not too bad, I wouldn't trade the FJR for it though....

Thanks Richard

Sounds like that guys a retard (salesman)that cant seem to read the tech bulletins. Sounds like another dealer thats got their head firmly planted up their cinamon ring. :withstupidsmiley: :slow_en:

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I took my bike in and had the ECU replaced. It took about 30 minutes, mostly because the service dept wasn't ready for me - and I showed up 10 min. late. They didn't have a ticket started on me. The tech didn't have a copy of the bulletin and he was talking to another tech hovering over my bike trying to figure out how to go about the mod. The assitant at the desk is an FJR rider also with over 25,000 miles on his. I told him it looks like the techs are trying to figure out what to do and I would like them to stop guessing on how to do it. He needed to print off a copy of the bulletin and give it to the tech. ECU is installed and I'm back to the origninal CO settings. I think I'll try that for a while and see how it goes. Btw - the black cherry is much faster then the blue now! :p :D

I received the letter yesterday. I was a little surprised to get it, since I had not complained to Yamaha or the dealer about the issue. I called the dealer in Rapid City and I was surprised a second time when they were already aware of the ECU problem. They said it would take a couple of weeks to order in the new ECU.

I have ridden a lot at various altitudes on my 2006 but only once have I noticed any surging. The one time was after descending from a high, steep, mountain pass in Utah at WFO. Going downhill I used very little throttle. At the bottom, when I rolled on some throttle, there was nothing. No increase in RPM. After I blipped the throttle several times everything was fine. This happened in mid-July, before surging became a hot topic here. At the time I wrote it off to the plugs fouling while descending for several miles at low throttle. But.... I wonder if it was the ECU?

Anyway, I'll get the damn thing replaced... and will get a new Pilot Road 2 on the front at the same time... looking forward to trying the new tire.

Got mine installed yesterday. The dealer in San Luis Obispo CA has been great.

No problems on my 1700 ft. climb going home - I usually get a little bit of surging uphill.

Good job, Yamaha!

I had the ECU replacement on my bike performed. The tech and another employee searched though the paperwork a few times to figure out to mark the bike to indicate the recall was performed. They told me this is the first recall they performed that Yamaha did not indicate some method to mark the bike to indicate the recall was performed.


Did they miss the method to mark it the bike somewhere in the paperwork?

I watched from start to finnish, and they didn't mark my bike at all. I didn't even have to sign anything.
