Give Marty 'Oface' a Get-outta-jail Card? (Poll)

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Is it time to set 'Oface' free? (to post on this Forum again)

  • YES! ...It's time to let this shit go!

    Votes: 58 96.7%
  • NO! ...He deserves more Jail-time!

    Votes: 2 3.3%
  • Hmmm?... I'm waffling!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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Even if he fatally gores the toreador, he still never "wins" in the end. I often feel that way at work.

Time to retire.
Don't I know it, brudder! All in due time. Just hope I make it to the finish line.

There's nothing noble about being hard headed just for the sake of being hard headed.
Oh crap, there goes my aspirations toward nobility.


I just hope this get's sorted out soon. I think that it is time for everyone to put their differences aside.
Yeah me too, but you're still gonna have to do something about that haircut, Larry.

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This sheds some more light on the circumstances and how you are defining the status.

Time out = user access disabled

Ban = user ID disabled or deleted permanently (via IP, email address, etc.)

Where does "moderator cue" fall? Seems like a level of "time out" to me, but that's my opinion - he's not free to come and post as a normal member - his account is under a special scrutiny. If I'm put in the "mod cue" category, then I'd view that as a time out - no matter what words you use, it's a disciplinary step.

Call it what ever you want, bottom line is - he's will not be allowed to post as will until the admin and / or mod staff here gets what they want out of him - whether or not that's a public or private apology of sorts for what ever has been said behind the scenes.

It seems where this is at is that some specific conditions have been set and until those conditions have been met, he will not be back as a normal member. It's Marty's choice whether or not he chooses to meet those conditions, whatever they may be (and I believe there are some - again, my opinion).


Thanks RFH - it sheds more light. So it brings into question the statement by Bounce below "He's not in time out or ban status" - what do you call "moderator que" - is that not "time out"??
a TIME OUT means you can't even log in, view or anything. It's of short duration compared to a BAN which is permanent. After other measures were exhausted his access was restored; short of needing public posts approved before they go live. The details about why are either there for searching or PM and not kosher to share without the approval of all participants. It appeared to be the only way to short circuit the cycle and avoid a BAN.
Some clarification from a Admin/Moderator will surely help us all to understand what is trying to be accomplished here.

Has Oface been the only recipient of the dreaded "Moderator Cue"?

Some clarification from a Admin/Moderator will surely help us all to understand what is trying to be accomplished here.
I am not sure that is any of our business. I have to respect our Admins for keeping private matters private. A quick re-reading of that overly long thread concerning forum speed will surely shed some light on how we got here.

Please keep in mind that our Admins are being unusually tolerant of this thread so far. I appreciate that and don't want to push my luck any farther than I already have. Let us not erase any good will on their part by requesting that they explain... Painful as it may be.

I can see where this tool could be useful. If I had a spammer that kept getting in and posting cheap watches for sale, it's a way to control that. It's also a tool to use for "time out" - like when Bustanut is drinking and finds the computer.

Some clarification from a Admin/Moderator will surely help us all to understand what is trying to be accomplished here.Has Oface been the only recipient of the dreaded "Moderator Cue"?
I can't help thinking the moderator queue is funny. Why would a moderator/admin. want to spend the time scrutinizing someone's posts before letting them through. Either ban the guy or leave him alone. In this case, leave him alone.

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As much as I think know the admin here tend to be overzealous in their treatment of minor offenders, this case is different. He practically begged them to ban him and all they did was give him a time out and reduced posting rights. Sometimes you get what you ask for.

I say, give him one more chance, and if he continues to push the limit, adios. Just my 2 Cents.

I can see where this tool could be useful. If I had a spammer that kept getting in and posting cheap watches for sale, it's a way to control that. It's also a tool to use for "time out" - like when Bustanut is drinking and finds the computer.

Some clarification from a Admin/Moderator will surely help us all to understand what is trying to be accomplished here.Has Oface been the only recipient of the dreaded "Moderator Cue"?
Well.. AS you know today is the first day of tech weekend and I'm well past drunk.

So I ain't gonna say nuffin u fuker. :blum:

It's not a matter of paying attention, it's a matter of giving a flying :fuck:

I got no dog in this hunt.

---------- deleted ----------

Skooter's post above mine explained why I got a notify that 0Face had posted to this thread but I couldn't see it.

After Skoot's "Admin Approval" the post was placed where it would have gone in the timeline the post was made, i.e., on Page 2 of this thread.

Ain't this software the beezkneez???

BTW, Greg....Mom's mad at you -- you never call anymore!!! Don't forget what Sunday is!!!

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I hope you allow this to be posted.

I’m very grateful for all the friends I have made through riding an FJR and participating in this and other forums. To see a thread like this is very nice and I really, really appreciate the effort. For the record, I did not put KJ up to it. He is fully capable of generating buzz on his own. However, I will say, I didn't discourage it either and have really enjoyed it. I would certainly like to be allowed to post without having my posts approved by Ignacio. That being said, without rehashing the past, it is clearly his sandbox to run, not mine.

I would like to address one thing in particular. I have never and will never “cower behind the anonymity of the internet”. I welcome anybody to stop by my house, or meet me, and discuss anything they’d like, anytime. I would never talk smack behind somebody’s back or behind a monitor when a perfectly good opportunity arises to say it their face. I’m not a “nice guy once you get to know me” and I have been far from a Jerk on the forum. I am who I am, all the time.

However, RedfishHunter raises a very good point. People on this forum and elsewhere tend to treat those they don’t know personally with a lack of respect. How many times has the anonymity of your helmet given some safely protected cager the courage to do something on the road they would never do in person. In other places, news sites in particular, they are cracking down on the “comment trolls” by making people provide proof of who they are before allowing commentary. I think that’s a great idea. Perhaps we should write more about ourselves in our profiles. This forum is about way more than just FJR’s, that’s why people come here. It’s why I still occasionally read the posts.

So here I go; My “real name” is Marty Walsh and I live in Evanston, IL. The few of you who have spent more than a couple hours with me know there is more depth than motorcycles, guns, and porn. Not much, but a little. For instance, I’m currently president of a charity that helps alcoholics & addicts regain their lives. Before I became president they were losing money, in the last six years, with the help of many others, we have turned it around to the point where we have to give away more money and services in order to keep our non-profit status. I get paid nothing. I have raised enormous sums of money for charities such as, Susan G. Koman, Ronald McDonald House, Wounded Warrior Foundation, and PAWS Chicago. I foster homeless dogs that would otherwise be euthanized. Out of all the charity work I do, I like the dogs the most, they are so happy. Oh, and I try and get as much swag as possible for CFO. I do all this while running a semi-successful Real Estate Business, served as Chairman of our trade association and a director on the state's board, travel to Washington to lobby on your behalf to keep your mortgage interest deductions and flood insurance, among other things. I’m major donor to our PAC, and constantly am in contact with local politicians to prevent bad legislation, that would adversely affect property values and the economy. Speaking of the economy, in a prior life, I was in finance, twenty plus years as a commodity trader at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. I’m married to an absolute saint of a woman who lets me do pretty much whatever I want; we have no kids by choice, and a couple of dogs. Why am I writing all this? I’d like to think I’m respected, both professionally and privately, that I’m a doer not a talker. I solve problems both for a living and in my “free” time. So, naturally that will clash with other people who have different agendas. Sometimes they work out, sometimes they don’t. I don’t lose sleep over it and I’m sure they don’t either.

I have never really discussed most of this with any of you, I probably shared more than I should, and I'm sure somebody will find fault with it, but what the hell, right?

There is such an enormous amount of talent and knowledge in the collective experience of this forum, it’s astounding. Each and every one of you is more than a douchebag on the internet (at least I keep telling myself this). No matter what the question, FJR related or not, somebody knows the answer. That’s just cool.

Now, back to the topic at hand.

Have some of my comments been crass, off topic, and harsh? Absolutely, I don’t deny that, however, the contributions I've made far outweigh a couple of sharp-tongued remarks.

Believe it or not, I would like the ability to contribute restored so I can help with NAFO. There’s a lot swag needed and I need to work on it. I really do enjoy it when people get to leave an event with stuff. It’s fun.

Is an apology needed? If so, I apologize to those I offended, but never to Bust. Barry deserves a kick in the nuts.

Thanks again for the friendship and support.

Now can we please close this thread and move on?
Marty, thank you for one of the best post I have ever read on here. I wish the cirmcumstances were different that lead to the post. If we ever cross paths I want to buy you a drink. If you are ever in Washington, you have an open invitation to stay the night, work on your bike if you need to.

The reason I keep doing the tech meets is because of people like you. I have met some of my best friends on this forum. I have gone on life changing rides with some of the people I have met here and even fished some out of a lake when they crashed into it. You are correct, the FJR is the reason we all came here in the first place, but as you said, we have discovered there is a much larger family here that becomes a significant portion of our lives for many of us.

The tech meets are an excuse to get people together and meet others on here face to face and see that human behind the keyboard.

I too have written some harsh and sharp words that I have regretted and like you, I strive to do better.

I hope that with your explanation that the need to review will be lifted. We have lost too many good people who no longer frequent this site, which is a loss to all of us.


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Some clarification from a Admin/Moderator will surely help us all to understand what is trying to be accomplished here.Has Oface been the only recipient of the dreaded "Moderator Cue"?
There was clarification. Post #56.

The setting where posts need approval is only used after someone has gone through the process, seemed to resolve whatever issues were pending, then goes and jumps right back into whatever lead to the issue in the first place. Even the first time this happens usually doesn't lead to that. Go to the referenced thread and read it if you really want to know. It's locked because of how it devolved but it's still there.

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I hope you allow this to be posted.

So here I go; My real name is Marty Walsh and ....

......Now can we please close this thread and move on?
I need something more than "Like this"
I almost bailed on this thread. Self-appointed arbiters annoy me. (Ever hear the expression: "Not my circus. Not my monkeys" ? )

I'm glad I stuck with it

Marty: keep on keepin'' on, baby :thumbsup:

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Some clarification from a Admin/Moderator will surely help us all to understand what is trying to be accomplished here.Has Oface been the only recipient of the dreaded "Moderator Cue"?
There was clarification. Post #56.

The setting where posts need approval is only used after someone has gone through the process, seemed to resolve whatever issues were pending, then goes and jumps right back into whatever lead to the issue in the first place. Even the first time this happens usually doesn't lead to that. Go to the referenced thread and read it if you really want to know. It's locked because of how it devolved but it's still there.
I reread it. What you guys did to Marty still sucks. Actually, it wasn't was you Bounce that "flipped the switch".Marty was fine until you jumped in attack mode.

I hope you allow this to be posted.

So here I go; My real name is Marty Walsh and ....

......Now can we please close this thread and move on?
I need something more than "Like this"
I almost bailed on this thread. Self-appointed arbiters annoy me. (Ever hear the expression: "Not my circus. Not my monkeys" ? )

I'm glad I stuck with it

Marty: keep on keepin'' on, baby

I started all this after I had a talk with him (about this) in Ohio. I came away with the thought sMarty (lol) should have a parole hearing. Yepper, he should be part of the circus here, monkeys and all.

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