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Holy bejeezus! Un-friggin-believable! So sorry that this happened for ALL of you guys, but so thankful that you guys were all together and everyone did their part! You guys deserve a big dinner with alot of booze to serve as your Critical Incident Stress Debriefing!

No doubt, BR might not be here if it weren't for your quick and unflinching actions!

Sending prayers for a speedy recovery, and will keep this in the back of my head as I head through deer country down south next week picking up the new bike.

Take care you guys, all of you!


I just got back after being called in to the ER. Just horrible. Kudos to all that helped so ably, and to BR for such skillful riding. My prayers go out to those hurt and I hope for a speedy recovery.

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AuburnFJR and Mrs, Panman, and Neihart, so glad you were the ones there and many thanks to the other courageous volunteers who showed up. Many prayers and well wishes to Dave and Colleen for a speedy and full recovery.

This is exactly why I enjoy riding and hanging out with the PNW group. There may be equivalent, but there is no better group to ride with or people to be around!!! Top notch all of them.

Please keep us informed on how we may assist in the future with recovery, etc.


aka Brian

That story scares the sh*t out of me. In over 30 years of riding, I've seen more deer than you can count, and many close calls. We ride at a "sporting" pace, and those f*cking deer scare me more than anything else out there.

Good mojo to all of you, and get well as soon as possible. What a job saving your friend in the water......God has a special place for people like you. Sorry for getting all mushy.

Prayers to the victims

I've been down from a deer strike and even with years to mentally recover it still haunts me. I consider them the biggest threat on the road when you're in their habitat. If you ever are lucky enough to spot them first, don't just slow down, engage that ABS like your life depends on it because it just might. You can't predict what them dumb ass animals will do.

Holly Cow!!!!

My prayers for Mr and Ms BR and a quick recovery. As to the rest of you: YOU GUYS ROCK!!!! Sounds like it was a great thing that if it had to happen, it was with all of you around to help.

I'm with the rest of you - I like deer a lot - i.e. while hiking in the forest, on a plate on the table, BUT NOT on the road.

Goose bumps while reading. Sounds like BR did everything he could to minimize impact consequences. But to land in a river, unconscious? That's a hard hit.

and for you to dive in after your buddy? Whoa.. I'd be worried about my boots filling with water, my pants getting heavy, and me n' my fat ass drowning - I'd jump in too, but will admit those thoughts would cross my mind.. That's what makes you special - you just dove in.

As much as I don't like 'group' riding, even in small groups, I have to admit that the outcome for Mr/Mrs BR would have been much worse if riding solo. Same for Old Michael earlier. And MadMike2. I may need to adjust my thinking.

Best wishes to the Beamer Reamer's, I'll be in contact when given the green light. In the meantime, my only advice is to keep on hitting the PCA button... :bigeyedsmiley:

...and for you to dive in after your buddy? Whoa.. I'd be worried about my boots filling with water, my pants getting heavy, and me n' my fat ass drowning - I'd jump in too, but will admit those thoughts would cross my mind...
DC, yeah that did cross my mind, but the leathers were fairly tight fitting (I put on a few pounds since I bought it :eek: ) and I had the armour that is built into the knees and his which has foam and probably made them somewhat boyant. They have small perferations in the thigh area and kelar panels in the backs of the knees and inside the thighs. There was plenty of area for the water to get out.

If I had been in my 'stich, it would have come off first as I am sure it would have been bad for me to have something that baggy fill up. Other immdeiate thoughts was there anything I could throw out to him, would he be able to even grab or hold on.

Final answer I had to swim to get him. It is amazing how much time seems to slow down when your mind is moving so fast and making so many decisions.

Yes he was conscious the whole time, how coherent at first is another story with all the pain he endured. I'm sure he was pretty happy when the medics gave him the morphine boost before the helicopter ride.

Thank you, Brian, for the report. Wow!

Brian, to analyze just a bit:

1. What was their speed at the time?

2. Were BR & the Misses injuries caused by the impact with the deer or rocks?

3. Do you know what ATGATT they were wearing?

4. Brian, was BR conscious in the river when you reached him? Still in shock?

Touring by myself in the hinterlands is scary, and I try not to think of too much when I'm running along in forest lands, etc. Recently, I put together a small kit (medical, mini flares, etc.) just in case of a get-off, and I'm alone off the road somewhere.

Wow! This really hits home because that is a road I travel quite frequently when on vacation.

I know it's probably not popular to say so, but I can't help feel just a 'little bit sad' for the doe. Stupid animal, anyway................

Wow! The presence of mind, the clear & decisive actions taken by all... Amazing.

My thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery!

Thank you, Brian, for the report. Wow!
Brian, to analyze just a bit:

1. What was their speed at the time?

2. Were BR & the Misses injuries caused by the impact with the deer or rocks?

3. Do you know what ATGATT they were wearing?

4. Brian, was BR conscious in the river when you reached him? Still in shock?

Touring by myself in the hinterlands is scary, and I try not to think of too much when I'm running along in forest lands, etc. Recently, I put together a small kit (medical, mini flares, etc.) just in case of a get-off, and I'm alone off the road somewhere.

Wow! This really hits home because that is a road I travel quite frequently when on vacation.

I know it's probably not popular to say so, but I can't help feel just a 'little bit sad' for the doe. Stupid animal, anyway................

1. We were doing about 40-45 mph

2. I beleive the injuries were caused by both, but it is speculation on my part

3. I don't know the brands, from what I saw there were no failures, all gear was intact.

4. He was conscious the whole time, in shock yes, how much I don't know.

Once BR is feeling better I think it would be a good discussion to review the effectivness of the AGATT worn and how it performed. Until, then let's try not to do too much analyzing.

The ER nurse at Colville said the the section of US 395 north of Spokane to the border is the highest deer kill area in the United States. Don't know if it true or not, but they said they have a deer hit accident almost every night.

Prayers sent from Minnesota...Forest Rat central.

Well done to all involved. Been on scene for a few get-offs myself and not everyone reacts well...or even responsibly in these situations....When your worry is diminished, let yourselves walk alittle taller....and "No" not everybody else would've done the same thing.

Sitting here in total shock....

Praying for a speedy recovery for Dave and Colleen.

Ordering Gold Medals for Bryan, Marissa, and everyone else who was there and helped out.

It is always fun riding with this crew, now we know they aren't all about the fun, they can save your life too.

Let me know if I can help in anyway.


I was up in that area the weekend before memorial day. By myself, and now sitting here where I would have been if something like that had happened. Really Scarry.

You guys rock. Best wishes to BR and Mrs.

Very glad that BR and Mrs. are on their way to recovery, though I understand that recovery will be long and often painful. Please rely on your PNW Crew brothers and sisters to help you however we can, and don't worry about turning us down as we will pretty much invite ourselves over and get the business taken care of regardless of your protests.

Assembling all my car and motorcycle magazines when you return home, to help out during the boring times. Good thing I read the good magazines, otherwise you'd have a stack of Lowrider or Better Guns and Ammo magazines to sift through.

It's easier to read about people you don't really know or haven't met, then it is to read about people you ride with and care about. I was traveling when I heard this, and but for being out this weekend, it could have been me or anyone of the other crew. Glad you both were not even more seriously injured (though this sounds pretty bad), and SUPER glad you were not out by yourselves but were riding with the best crew you could in such cases.

Auburn, Niehart, and Panman, good on you for your thoughtful reactions and quick thinking. I hope I never have to take advantage of your excellent judgment.

The past 18 months has been tough on PNW riders. Achiu, Carl, and several others have gone down, without fault, and with injuries ranging from low leval strains to lost limbs and severe concussions requiring months of rehab. Only easy lesson here for the forum is that this can happen to the best and most careful of riders, without any fault.

If you ride in groups, take an afternoon and run through the various scenarious to make sure you are each able to respond as quickly and carefully as this crew did. Before you spend another few hundred dollars on another farkle, inspect your gear to make sure you are really wearing the best and most protective gear you can afford. Spend another few hundred and take an advanced riders course, so you can hope to have the same reactions/skills as BR evidentally did in being able to avoid even more serious injury despite hitting a several hundred pound object.

And when you've done all of that, be prepared to help out our fellow riders when they have a run of bad luck.

Prayers and well wishes sent to BR and Mrs. Eager to see you back home, recovering, so I can start wisecracking in a lame attempt to bring you cheer.

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Thanks, Niehart.

I'm still in a little shock about the whole thing. But then again, I'm easily boggled.

Good juju in the wind...............


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