I had such a nice ride today ...

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Thanks all, for the well wishes. Really appreciated to know all you'se guys care.

One of the more curiously inexplicable circumstances about this little doe strike was that;

when it was over, and there were no deer entrails decorating the remainder of my bike's front end,

and there was only (relatively) minor damage to the venerable bass boat blue beast,

and as I was riding it home with the headlight bucket aiming for Ursula Major,

I felt a certain eerie calm elation at having cheated the reaper just a while today.

Weird... I know. And maybe just a touch melodramatic.

But hey, that's how I roll. :rolleyes:

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Fred - Glad you're OK.

For Fred and all those others with Forest Rat problems, I believe I have a solution. Paint the bike to look like a buck. Then mount massive antlers on it. Doe's won't get near ya, you know why, and bucks (and maybe even Buicks) will see how big you are and run. ;)

You know with all the deer stories this year with accidents, I am just glad that you kept that rig up!

Great piece of riding and not going into panic.

No matter what you have to shell out for the bike, it's just a fraction of what P&S and Med bills you would have racked up over that bambi.

Good luck with the fixings.

Good thing you were able to stay upright. Glad to here you no injuries were involved. The deer are roaming around more this time of year.


Glad you are OK and stayed. Hitting a deer is like having a surreal experience.

Best wishes on your quick and inexpensive repairs.


Sorry to hear about the bike, but with insurance it won't hirt as bad, as long as frame is OK.

The main thing is that you are OK. :clapping: Good to hear you are OK.


I am glad your O.K. the bike can be fixed.

I lived on black brook road for 8 years across from the dam. My brother still lives on it further up. I hope you get some venison out of it at least. Now that i think of it, maybe I should carry my buck knife on the bike this fall. Truth is, it could happen anytime or season. The bucks are more prone to running across roads in the fall during mating season. I use to have an LTC when I lived in NH. I haven't bothered in this state. Well you have been wanting a new bike anyway. This may be the time. I wish i could have seen the guys face when you asked for a gun. It wouldn't have bothered me.

The ride leader cheats the reaper!


Jeezus, Fred!! Saw that note about the Triumph on the other thread, and hadn't quite gotten it.

No melodrama about it... could've been far more serious, and just really glad you're okay!

Fred,,, Sorry about the bike,,, Glad you are OK ...

I once popped up over a hill ,, and a deer was standing in the road..

At 60 mph on a bike ,, it was the biggest damn deer I ever saw ,, I swear it took up both lanes

of a two lane highway.. :dribble:

The deer moved ,, I slowed down enough ,, all was well ,,, except it took a couple days to

get the brown spot off the seat...

Glad you are OK .... :clapping: :yahoo:

Thanks again for the well wishes everyone.

And Dave, no I haven't been wanting a new bike at all. I really, really like the one that I have now.

It will be fixed I'm sure. I don't believe that the damage is nearly severe enough for a total.

Just got a call back from my Insurance Co. (Progressive) They gave me the excellent news that a deer strike is not considered a "collision" but rather is covered under the "Comprehensive" section of my policy. So the deductible will only be $250 instead of $500!! That helps...

So I just set up the repairs to be done at the same local dealership that took care of ionbeam's engine explosion last year. I'll be dropping the bike off there this afternoon and will know what's happening before the end of the week.

Holy shit Fred! Really sorry to hear that you kissed your deer friend. If it had to happen it sounds like you made out as good as possible. That's one heck of a way to find a winter project. If there is anything you need help with or if there is something I can do, LMK. You are a lucky guy to have an alternate ride waiting in the wings.

This fall I've seen lots of deer and turkeys in the local roads. Right after the deer archery season opened on 9/15 the hunters in the woods got the deer stirred up and on the move. There is a herd of deer in Chester that worries me on my way to work at 5:45 in the dark. Ironically, they feed in a field directly across the street from an archery shop.

Edited: I see Fred is going to have Brian and Jacques fix 'er up, his bike is in good hands.

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Glad to hear you survived the impact. Everyone has heard of or knows someone who's outcome was'nt so great. My kill was a few years ago on a Yamaha V-Star. 60 mph impact knocked me and my bike off the highway . Rode the bike home covered in blood and fur, some of it mine some the deer's.


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